>*teleports behind him*
>"not so fast Donald".
*teleports behind him*
Maybe vets won't die as often waiting to be seen by a doctor if it were privatized.
Literally who?
It's already an absolute embarrassment to the country, I don't think privatization would make it any worse.
>Bernie "bread lines are a good thing" Sanders also thinks waiting lines for the VA are a good thing
I've never worked with a single American soldier who didn't loathe the VA. It seems to be closer to a federal garbage disposal site than a social organization.
why doesnt bernie shut up and stop trying to dictate to the president on what to do?
Wanna know the truth about the VA?
Go ask a few veterans.
I don't even want to hint the typical response, otherwise you won't go do it.
Only problem is your in upsidedowntown and you'd have to call 'em on the phone, but it would still do the trick
The best doctors don't even want to work in the VA.
Can someone explain why VA care isn't just something like a card that works any place Medicare/Medicaid does so you can just pick your hospital and doctor, because that just seems so much simpler. You wouldn't even need the VA medical branch anymore. Vets get their medical care instead of hanging themselves with extension cords, and the government saves money because they don't have to employ those people. Seems like an easy win-win.
the current VA is an insult
bernie should fuck off
cause a whole shitload of money are going into a few key bureaucrats pockets, and they dont want that to stop
why is the VA bad?
Assuming they can afford it and the program that subsidizes it isn't given a bumfuck budget.
has this guy not yet passed the cuckold event horizon?
He's literally a cartoon supervillain wailing about "NEXT TIME!" as he gets sucked into the negaverse.
Defend country from what?
Some assholes travel around globe to hunt some 4th world shitskins and get shot in burger ass.
Such victory.
Americans vet is a fucking meme.
As much as an insult as the VA performing sex change operations while Purple Heart vets die on death lists?
You aren't lying about that, I have VA benefits and if I wanted to see a doctor it would take me months to finally get an appointment . Also the VA doctors are about the worst you can get, the VA only gets doctors that couldn't practice medicine anywhere else
Do you guys actually like mayonnaise or is it just a meme
>Trump just walks out of the way
>a bit too slow bernie
Pres Trump said that if they cant get help they can just go to any doctor
doesnt sound like much of an insult to the veterans if they get the help they need. just more commie reversal mindgames where they tell you the good move is the bad one
>anything Military getting a bumfuck budget
Most people could never understand the train wreak the VA is, unless you are a disabled vet. I am so glad I have my own insurance and don't have to rely on my VA benefits anymore
You don't understand how military funding works. The majority of our massive spending either goes to R&D (which by the way includes projects that get scrapped) or gets pissed away by bureaucrats at the DoD. There was a time when they military couldn't afford to even send life-saving bulletproof armor to the troops in the ME yet spending had gone up. Our spending is so grossly inefficient it's sad.
so basically the VA is a nation wide version of rural australian healthcare?
jesus christ.
>OK, now, how many of you have hacked computers before?
>raises hand
>Is Mayonnaise a hack?
>No, Hillary, Mayonnaise is not a hack.
>raises hand
>Horseradish is not a hack either.
Privatize VA nigger lose their jobs
the main thing wrong with the VA = nigger government workers.
You would know, but I suspect the VA couldn't be much better or worse
Wait fo Trump to take office.
well in the bush if you have a medical problem you'll be waiting multiple days to get to the doctor, he'll look you over, prescribe some painkillers/antibiotics then tell you to fuck off.
the doctors are shit too, they don't get paid much so unless they have a near pathological love of the bush they'd probably rather be practicing in the city. so they're rejects, same with the cops.
anything above a broken bone is "chew on this aspirin and wait for a medical evac helicopter or plane to arrive".
>Policy is if you're in line for too long, you get to see whichever doc you want, covered by the gubbermint
>it would be an insult to the more than 22 million veterans who risked their lives to defend our country
Who jewish can one man be?
good thing bernie's just some old irrelevant loser no one cares about. he was the goy all along
VA doctors tend to be second and third chance malpractice doctors , that were an inch away from losing their license. The VA not only accepts these doctors, it recruits them by allowing them to keep their license after the state threatened to revoke it. I am not making this shit up
yep, exact same here. nobody who is an actual decent doctor will want to spend 10 years in the middle of nowhere after getting into massive debt and spending all of their 20s pursuing a medical license.
as i said, cops are the same here. they get posted in the city, they fuck up, but they just manage to skirt around getting fired and get placed in the middle of nowhere. in the bush you either have 10/10 based bush cops or absolute dogshit city cops.
What the fuck happened to the world, how did it end up like this?
imo it comes down to the centralization of political power in the cities. here the state government will gladly build a fucking skyscraper in the CBD for politicians, and only politicians, to stay in while they're in the state capital, but it won't spend any more than it has to on anything outside of the state capital.
the only solution is to turn major population centers into their own territories/states. think washington DC or canberra.
Don't you yanks already do this with cities, countys and states?
long wait times and poor service. i believe 22 vets kill themselves a day.