>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump impromptu presser NYE @Mar-A-Lago 12/31/16
>Trump w/Don King @ Mar-A-Lago 12/28/16
>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>Election 2016
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
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Jesus fuck me. Kerry, Obama, Clinton, et al have to go to jail. This is fucking nuts.
wtf I hate Portuguese-Americans now
I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee
A place where there's no blue counties at all
We still wave Old Glory down at the courthourse
And White Lightning's still the biggest thrill of all
>use Akinator to find the 2D female version of myself
>get this
I don't know who this is.
Obongo really is the founder of isis:
>If you are a nazi and a racist vote for Trump!
>oh shit- he actually won? w-well he won't start up a new holocaust so i guess its t-time for the alt-right to disavow Trump
Makes sense, a lot of them live in Massachusetts.
>Mfw I found out the guy who made the Can't Stump the Trump videos is an Alt Right guy
I like him, but I disagree with what he's doing here.
I want a Trump supporting mummy gf.
How they expected him work, especially after Milo, (who was honestly mostly genuine, just an attention-whore tryhard faggot) boggles the mind.
how many protesters will be at trumps inauguration
george bush had eggs thrown at his limo on his inauguration and he couldnt walk down the street past a certain point because of protest
how do we protect trumps
I hope and pray to God Trump holds Obama accountable. Please.
Do not let this evil son of a bitch off the hook.
Will you fags stop paying attention to the Spencer shills? Christ
Stop bringing this faggot up if you hate him so much.
Daily reminder capitol does not produce jobs....Jobs produce capital.
Currency is not fake it represents wealth..Labor is what produces wealth. Only a currency back by labor is legitimate
re-posting because its important.
Lawrence is basically one big Dominican shithole, sounds about right
>Spent the past 7 hours going through my facebook deleting old high school posts
It was neverending oh my god I want to die
Milo DID work. Protesters made the argument for us. Now run along, little shill.
fuck off
Real Trump hours now with 20% more Spencer debates.
why not just delet your jewbook account
Why...Being young = being a moron
Good to expose this I guess, but it seems like she we already knew
US uses NGO's to spread civil war/subversion
US backed rebel groups to remove Assad
Obviously Trump knew this a while ago, him saying Obama & Hillary were founders of ISIS wasn't just a joke.
He should be outting all the evil shit that these people have done and put them all in prison
I'd love to see them try and pull anything. I imagine the SS and DC police are going to have that shit locked down tight. Especially considering the lefts past and the constant stream of people saying they're going to assassinate him.
I didn't realize Trump had built such a diverse coalition. What a heartwarming testament to unity through multiculturalism :)
i would plow that chubby hijabi
the best and surest way to create racists is to talk about race all the time and constantly accuse a group of people of being and racist and giving a blank check to the rest. Humans are very sensitive to perceived unfairness.
desperation m8, they'll try anything now
not until every pro-Spencer fag gets the fuck out of Trumpgen
>I like him, but I disagree with what he's doing here.
That's exactly what Rommel, Brauchitsch, Guderian and Manstein thought when Hitler let the British evacuate at Dunkirk, and it lost them the war.
These things have a tendency of creeping up on you if you don't stop them. Ask Yuri.
>Good to expose this I guess, but it seems like she we already knew
Normies didn't.
>He should be outting all the evil shit that these people have done and put them all in prison
Hope so.
Portuguese user makes up for it all
lel it fucking worked, /r/SandersForPresident was getting wooed by trump by the end, probably why they shut down the sub
relax dude
did spencer fuck your gf or something?
you post this shit in every thread
I think he does more harm than good, after watching one of his college Q&As. I also defend Milo so I guess I am a double faggot here.
portugese are the brownest of Europeans, make sense they would favor clinton
Wait. This is bad for Trump in what way? Doesn't this mean he can't be labeled Hitler anymore considering this guy is trying to disavow him? Isn't that a good thing for Trump's image and potentially another way to make MSM seem like they have no clue what they are doing?
he's a shill
don't punch right m8's
thats the moral of the day
If spencer wants to be autistic and larpy, thats his business. The LAST thing he does is fucking harm us, as long as he doesn't go shoot up a school.
Yuri will I ever get GUAC?
Read that as "double faggot sword"
Kek, I remember when Sanders was giving his speech with Hillary, both we and CTR were basically sitting with our fingers hovering over the keyboards, just WAITING for him to drop out so we could start shilling.
Those numbers say you will
Name me ONE bad Jew or Muslim
>don't punch right
I'll stop when he stops. Sup Forums is the counter-puncher here, like Trump.
>quad fours
CTR were always a group of dimwitted losers. Cruz's folks, Applied Memetics, had some skill. I respected those shills.
yeah he was 100% correct
>Milo DID work.
In what, flooding Sup Forums with redditards that will latch on to anything that isn't blatantly sjw?
You looked at Sup Forums in the last 6 months? You go to any board except Sup Forums and it's all either product promotion or stage-1 redpill faggots bitching about muh Jews.
This isn't bad by itself, but these fucks clearly don't know jack shit, don't know how to argue, and essentially just parrot Sup Forums talking points. They don't even have even infographs to back their shit up.
It boils down to
>dude womyn like it, it's awful lmao
>dude there's a womyn protagonist lmao
>dude it doesn't explicitly gas the kikes lmao
They even say they are the jews of Europe.
Fuck them.
i like spencer and agree with the things he says.
i dont think we should be attacking people with the balls to go public with our taboo ideas
You have 5 seconds to tell me how you are spending Inauguration Day
then you may want to find a better messenger
he sucks
Milo was an attention-whore faggot who unironically coined the term alt-right in an effort to make himself relevant, but at least he had the decency to give redpills in digestible doses as to redpill normie beta fucks, women, and even the occasional Chad.
He collapsed under his own ego, but he was never a bought and paid for shill (except in regards to Israel.)
They're actually talking more about trump than they are about sanders.
This moment was one of the best in the whole DNC. Like 1 minute of booing.
Trump is a silver spooned faggot pussy.
Who doesn't?
Where is your infographic?
Working. After that? God only knows.
>Milo was an attention-whore faggot who unironically coined the term alt-right
Spencer coined it.
I like what milo did cause of the massive butthurt he caused. Protesters are highly effective cause nobody wants to associate with him. Never actually listened to milo for more than 5 seconds cause he's so flaming.
You will be lost in time like a sand grain in the desert while his statues glisten in the moonlight.
>Driving around running errands
>Remember Donald Trump is going to be president
>Start giggling uncontrollably
>Go to a New Year's party where everyone is bummed out about le 2016 meme and praying for Trump's impeachment
>Stifled laughter all evening
>unironically coined the term alt-right
No he didn't, are you retarded?
The French Canadians voted Trump? Haha Hillary.
>Et tu, Quebec?
source on top right image?
Enjoy :3
>the last thing he wants to do is harm us
>is actively turning his small autistic base against Trump
Its you faggots who came here pushing Spencer, who is actively attacking Trump
this is the counterpunch, the same thing i did with that randlets and cruzmissles when you were still browsing plebbit and TRS
Gerxit soon edition
I got nothing.
watching it on livestream, what else.
literally noone has come here pushing spencer, just you autists talking shit about him
By coined I meant made mainstream (no-one had ever heard of it, or (((spencer))) before 2014.)
Yes, that includes Sup Forums, prove me wrong.
>by coined it I mean something other than coined it
This infographic would be better if you are trying to use it to back up your point.
He is taking our ideas and presenting them in such a manner that it would be impossible for any normal person to take him seriously
He is actively trying to destroy any type of white nationalist movement, or is just a retard who is being used by the media to discredit the movement
anyone can see this
For anons NOT interested in the Spencer debate, Asuka or Rei?
>You looked at Sup Forums in the last 6 months?
No actually, I was on 8gag for the past couple years. On one hand they're annoying newfags, but on the other it's good to have new blood. I actually think a new board is needed, like 8gag but with better mods.
Was Pussygate the only scandal which seriously hurt Trump?
Trump is literally the most competent man in the world, he does whatever he sets his mind to. Confident, hardworking, handsome and blond....he is king of the chads
Who cares anime is for manchildren and faggot homos
they're newer immigrants, who love dem gibs
You think white nationalism would be acceptable to normies if it was just presented differently?
Anything that secures a future for our children and the white race.
Can I get sauce on this loli you degenerates?
>Making it mainstream
>not worthy of special note
>implying I'm not drunk
>Back up my point
>(You)-baiting faggot reaffirms it while trying to start shit
Reminder that Donald John Trump won the 2016 US Presidential Election
Yes. Diversity is a meme
I have never watched Evangelion.
So Azunyan.