I just thought of something. What if we could actually troll feminists into burning the Quran? We place two cancers in a gladiator match. Start brainstorming.
Trolling feminists
Other urls found in this thread:
Dont try to out jew the ((jew))
oy two 0s for the price of one.
t. A Jew
I got it. How about we create a shooting to bait them?
>CIS gender white male shoots up mosque in Europe
>Kills 10 in process
>The traditional way to honor fallen muslims is to burn a quran.
We can call it #fireforislam
Anything to add?
The only way to troll feminists is to give them more feminism.
Convert yourself into a male housewife and enjoy the fruits.
So you dig it user?
If we do this we have to get a few women to do it first, we can't just say #burnforequality and do nothing else
Simple. Post it in tumblr's femimism tag and say the victims were womyn.
Yeah but the brainwashed won't do anything unless they see a couple others doing it first
Perhaps some femanons can kick it off.
Or maybe we can create a fake news article.
Fake news won't work, they have to see people like them doing it on the websites they use
They just eat that peer approval up
And we don't seem to have many, if any females
Then we simply burn the qurans and post pics of them. Then anons comment support and do the same. Wash rinse repeat.
Divide and conquer is the name of the game anons. Always was, always will be.
Spread quotes of the koran where Muhammad goes full retard with women.
>get feminists to do something haram
>attach it to something feminists like
>help it spread with social media
>muslims start making videos against things feminists like
>feminists get pissed
>start making videos against muslims
>becomes a trend
>eventually escalates to quran burning
memeify this in order to redpill normies, softcore feminists. hardcore ones would just learn about Sup Forums and ignore the memes.
We can get fake accounts from spanish preferably Mexican backgrounds. Start a hashtag #Latinosagainstislam with pictures of burning and desecrated qurans. Watch the left struggle to pick a side based on which side is more opressed. ??? profit.
We should somebody to use a 1000+ DEGREE KNIFE on the Quran
OP here
How about we make it native americans?
>native american queers against islam
That's actually even better. Leftists wouldn't dare insult or question natives. The only problem is that there aren't that many native Americans using social media, and they might figure our game out. With spicks though, there's plenty to go around.
>implying they wouldn't all ignore the memes
I'm too lazy right now for that but I'll try later, for now I'm leaving the source text here for anyone else interested in using the quotes:
Another useful thing:
>In Saudi Arabia, a woman’s life is controlled by a man from birth until death. Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, normally a father or husband, but in some cases a brother or even a son, who has the power to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf.
>As dozens of Saudi women told Human Rights Watch, the male guardianship system is the most significant impediment to realizing women’s rights in the country, effectively rendering adult women legal minors who cannot make key decisions for themselves.
>Rania, a 34-year-old Saudi woman, said, “We are entrusted with raising the next generation but you can’t trust us with ourselves. It doesn’t make any sense.”
>Every Saudi woman, regardless of her economic or social class, is adversely affected by guardianship policies.
OP here
We've got
>Native american queers against islam
>sexist quran verses
Oh god I love this thread. Let's try to add jews into the equation.
There are enough beaners here, who pretend to be white, for us to trend this.
They are not that stupid.
We NEED somebody to do this
#Jewsagainstislam maybe? Same concept as mexicans/natives against islam, except that with jews we can almost guarantee backlash. Tfw we start a shitstorm: Jews against feminists sjw and muslims. Use their own weapons against them.
How would we do it?
Burning the Quran is an acceptable way of disposing of it, retard
Daily reminder, that facts don't work on sjw, feminists (especially women) and liberals.
Statistics and reason don't matter to them.
Quoting quran itself is useless.
But playing a victim works most of the time.
Say some women were actually assaulted somewhere. Cruel misogynistic world, right? And no feminist cares.
But a story written from a first person perspective about muslims not respecting some liberal bullshit might get some traction. Especially with reposts, likes and comments.
Not with graffiti all over it eh?
There's plenty of potential.
Well talking about it here is a bad idea since liberals watch this place like a hawk.
Good idea though except sjw's love muslims and nothing you say to them will change their mind, they will even start getting racist as shot with you over it. If you pretend to be one of them then good luck. You better have a 3 year old tumblr.
You'd be surprised
incorporating jews wouldn't work
your average shitlib is pro-palestine and think israel are big bad bully meanies for protecting themselves.
hey rabbi
It's precisely because there would be graffiti over it that it would be even more okay to get rid of it, retard
Maybe we can make it look like a backlash of the jewish community towards muslims for stabing jews, and mprtar firing. Use muh 6 millions argument, and accuse muslims of being literally Hitler. Thus justifying burning the quran for free speech.
I don't think you understand the meaning of potential. We'd disrespect it in numerous ways. The theme of burning seems to have died anyway.
Burn a Quran and get your mother to pose and take a picture, then add some flashy text that gets the attention of a millennial and then start a hashtag.
Sounds too easy though.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We use Israel's useful idiots against them.
Pretty easy to get beheaded too. This is a group user effort.
What are you gonna do, shit on it and put peppered bacon on it? It's already been done.
Not a single Muslim I know would care about this kind of blasphemy. Of course it's disrespectful but from their point of view, it would be the same as shooting yourself in the foot then saying "jk i was only PRETENDING to be retarded lol". They're not going to behead you for it when they already think that you're condemning yourself to Hell.
shitskin detected
No we have to get the feminists to go full Islamic
they have to wear full burqas
they need male escorts to go outside
the have to give up driving
they can never talk unless a man lets them
They will fall for it in the name of "diversity"
then when they all go to mecca for hajj one nuke and all our problems are solved
We don't need females, just some anons with feminine hands and a set of those fake nails and some nail polish.
I live in France. Pretty much everyone in my area is Muslim. I still pray that Marine deports or executes them, of course.
According to islam, those who propagate against them are sentenced to death under sharia law. Draw a picture of Muhammad and publish it in a muslim dominated area. See what happens.
Plus, muslims thinking that the insults of their religion and disrespect of their holy book is coming from jews is gonna infurate them that much more. Potentially resulting in more happenings.
Top bants mate, well done
OP again. Here are the options.
>Pit muslims against Jews
>Muslims vs minorities
>Feminists vs Muslims
>Or all 3 in a chain reaction
Time to choose.
>pit muslims against jews
nice try goy
>According to islam, those who propagate against them are sentenced to death under sharia law.
If they are Muslim. And you said it - it's under Shariah law. We haven't gotten yet to the point at which France follows the rules of Saudi Arabia. You'll trigger Mudslimes online who are posting from the UK or Syria but that's pointless.
>Draw a picture of Muhammad and publish it in a muslim dominated area. See what happens.
No one here cared when Muhammad was repeatedly drawn and even mocked some time ago. They find it disrespectful but are fine with paying the price of feeling disrespected if it means they can live in a democracy. And they consider that people who disrespect Islam will go to Hell anyway so, death sentence or not, it's all the same.
I vote for muslims against jews since it will most likely create the most severe backlash soley based on their history together. Plus the sjw, strong womyn and blm undesirable groups are bound to side against jews.
>muslims against Jews
>Feminists vs Muslims
These 2 have potential.
If you burn quran the message is: "poor muslims they are oppressed, fuck Trump".
We should have a muslim beating a sjw or something like that.
One totally stupid and crazy idea. Since they hate Sup Forums and don't know enough about it.
>Islam is tuned for hating kaffirs and spreading itself.
>Feminism is tuned for hating all men and proper women.
>Sup Forums is a product of hate.
>Sup Forums is a product of muslim culture.
>Burning a quaran is a way of injuring the feelings of Sup Forums.
Well goys, i'm off to slee. All this jewing around has made me tired. Also it's 5:30am here. Hopefully we come to a conclusion tomorrow. pece.
bump for potential
Yeah, exactly.
You must make the hate grow in everyone's heart.
The mass always take the part of the victims.
OP here. Gotta sleep. Come to a decision by tomorrow.
Even the biggest feminist would eventually cheat on you with her boss in that situation. Women shouldn't be taken seriously at all, especially about gender dynamics
No this would start WW3. We just want to knock the feminists/SJW's down a few notches.
However that would require at least a thread that wouldn't look like roleplaying in which the Sup Forumsacks would endorse the "proper" islam which hates on all the usual Sup Forums's targets like jews and blacks, endorses muslim fighters of third reich. Then screencap that thread and spread out-of-context quotes from it around through social media.
Drawback though is possible damage to the uninitiated who would consider actually saying the shakhada after all the endorsements of islam in that thread.
This shit is too complicated and isn't going to work because people remember that incident where the preacher Terry Jones burned Qurans.
Now if you wanted this to work people on Sup Forums need to actually burn Qurans. Put a paper with your twitter username with it. Take a video, tweet it out and say it's a protest against Islam oppressing women.
You're not fooling anyone. If murricans cared about natives they would have given back their territories.
Look at Surah Nisa chapter in Quran. All chapter is about women. There are tons of things that would make feminists crazy.
Also, having such threads will certainly bring roaches and muslims to Sup Forums. Possibility of christian redpilling them is uncertain.
Implementing such move is very much like nuking a city danger close.
Eric? I didn't take you for a Sup Forumsack! You got any acid bro?
Do it!
Other than hating blacks, this isn't even far-fetched. A lot of Islam supports very conservative values. Most Muslims in America don't consider themselves liberals.
If history were a bit different Muslims would be voting heavily Republican.
Just start quoting things from the Quran but don't tell them it's Islamic until after they've told you how problematic your shitlord opinions are
So, spin it this way:
modern society is degenerate
liberalism is degenerate
women (esp. suffragettes) brought liberalism and shaped the modern society
women shouldn't be allowed to vote and have independent action/thinking
big patriotic family is important
patriotic means "supports islam and sharia"
democracy is a joke
free will is a joke, allah rules all and everything
all of the above is contrary to what sjw and feminists usually believe.
However not everything above is contrary to nationalism.
Thanks you Vladimir. But your ancestors would be upset that you so readily use Nazi terminology like "degenerate."
I wouldn't worry about that. Picrelated do such assessments all the time.
Are you Vladimir I. or Vladimir P.?
Not actually a Vladimir.
How many rubles do you get payed per comment Ivan?
It's a day off so I lurk the internet for lulz and post crap.
We would need someone to infiltrate their community and become a botible one of them that they redpect.
We have say the typical brainwashed things. Wage gap. Rape culture. White supremicist. Trump. Abd so on.
Then we have them come out saying in a emotional way that they have been reading the quran and talking to leaders of mosque on what they think about women. Rape. Gays. Etc... we have them crying saying they are shocked and use clips of them talking to those leaders where they will surely say gays are bad wonen arent equal etc.. and have the community split apart and divulge into their own civil war.
So, whos up for it. Who wants to become the mole/spy that will destroy them from the inside.
If you actually want this to work, you'll have to burn bibles first. You'll have to feign abolishing Christianity and all other 'oppressive' religions. You'll have to start an anti-religious revolt. They just won't buy it otherwise. There'll be some exceptions, but nothing will come of it. You could burn the bible and the Qur'an side by side for 'liberation from patriarchal systems'. If you only target islam/muslims, they'll only get stronger, because they'll recognize it for what it is.
Also, who else can we drag into this? Maybe the alt-right faggots will get upset about the bible thing and feud with both mudslimes and feminazis.
You forget about women being used to hearing about women getting stoned to death. Virtue signaling against Islam won't work.
I hate to break it to you but the alt right has been out jewing you guys for a year now
We have never seen one of the full hardcore sjw youtubers talk trash on islam before.
We dont know what reaction it may have for sure.
Keep in mind that these people are just followers or music and internet personalities. Monkey see monkey do is how i think it could turn out
This is the way to go
I guess that's why they didn't shoot up that art show with pictures of Mohammed in Texas oh wait yes they did you lying faggot shill
Fucking surrender monkey
Yes! Put Muslim quotes next to pictures of the founding fathers and the like. Perfect.
Burning Quran is actually one of the proper ways in Islam to dispose it.
Just post pics on twitter or FB of a burning Quran and get feminists to post pics of themselves doing it.
Say something like
>Help our fellow Muslims dispose of their holy books by burning them!
>Show solidarity with Syrians by sniffing ashes of burnt Qurans!
>the left always eats their own
>the left always eats their own
>the left always eats their own
whenever one of them wakes up and tries to rally the others they don't get followed, they get attacked and/or abandoned
you guys are going about this the wrong way
The thing is: they know. They know how 'problematic' it is. They care about freedom, choice, and people, not how shitty your book of rules is. Whatever, you don't even know your enemy, so you'll never figure out how to properly fight it. I'm telling you, you can't single out the Qur'an, because that's what they'd expect. Sup Forumsacks are so fucking dense.