>he still hasn't grown out of "DA JOOS" face
Daily reminder that Jews have been the most productive race in the history and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.
They are basically the opposite of niggers.
He still hasn't grown out of "DA JOOS" face
I meant phase**
jews are behind the rapeugees (pic)
>not wanting to destroy the shithole that is Europe
jews being friendly and "productive" (pic)
I'm talking about the globalist Jews.Not these scums.
jews being our greatest (((allies))) pic
jews (pic)
Screams of success to me
more friendly jews helping rapeugees everywhere
expensive allies (considering they never once sent one fucking soldier to help out the Americans who fight the jews wars)
how many shekels are you getting paid to shill in between rape sessions shitskin?!
>Current year
>Not shitting in the swimming pool
You know nothing
They are responsible for the downfall of the greatest man to have ever lived
more helpful jews (rapeugees) .. all they want is to help the goy
he knows something about the holocaust meme
Poo in the wazoo
no, the jews are using the shitskins to shill from their call centers
jews kill our American Soldiers and got away with it
>he still hasnt learned to poo in loo
Daily reminder that cats have buried their shit since the dawn of history.
your shitty article was from some silly bitch's BLOG that got picked up by such reliable news outlets as the pakistani state press, "the ugly truth dot com" and "shoah dot org dot UK"
this shit is the very pinacle of Fake News.
the bitch wrote this shit third hand, with ZERO primary sourcing, on her shitty BLOG for fuck's sake and it got re-twatted by dipshits like you.
die in a fire.
Fucking Jidf shill newfag
I've been here for 6 months familia
are you ok there schlomo?!
>Literal shithole country calls europe a shithole.
why do jews always lie about their "greatness" (pic)
>6 months
Really tho.Even if someone lurked for 6 years here it wouldn't make much difference.Im acquainted with all the memes anyways.
>tfw Jewish
>people keep accusing us for stealing the World's wealth but I'm poor as fuck
Where do I ask for my share of the money?
what is it with jews and the number "6" ..
>6 months (op)
>6 million starve
>6 gorillion get genocided (pic
t. PooIDF
>still denying holocaust
Are you fucking 13 or something?
>most productive race
-All of the Jews at my college are leeching off of Republican events because they know that power is shifting away from leftists. They plan ahead of time because they are parasites and want to free load where the money is good.
-Every Friday they are super wasteful with the food they get - which is paid for by Germany due to WW2 reparations. They basically go on trips around the world funded by other governments.
-They are all getting degrees in Public policy or some useless shit that will have no value.
you're a jew alright
>wants and feels entitled to shekels
>demands money
>cries out in pain when he doesn't get his way
yes, good goy, continue to espouse hatred towards the jews so we can continue to exterminate you under the guise of self defense
even the head jew admits it shill ,see this upgrade you material from the jews who pay you shitskin
>They are basically the opposite of niggers.
It's hilarious how Sup Forums hates niggers, but then goes and hates jews who are the exact opposite.
Just goes to show you that racism is selfish with very little to do with facts. It's all about "anything that isn't me is bad." Childish identity politics that sounds a lot like a liberal mindset.
you mean jews are subversives (pic)
bitch, have you even looked at this thread? ! .. your jews got exposed
They are called Jains in India
they pretend to be "white" so they can criticize real whites without it looking obvious why .. (((they))) start like this "as a white person myself, whites are too privileged, too racist, they need to let in rapeugees "
or they give "advice" to real whites .."being a (((white))) person myself, we whites should race mix "
.. then whem it's necessary or beneficial to be a minority (non white like in the pic I posted) .. the jew will claim the title of victims (non white) .. "we're just a small group goys, trying to survive "
the people who use the intro "as a white person " are 99% jews and proceed to say something negative after that declaration.. always be aware of them
You need to actually produce something in order yo be productive.
Gaming systems to accumulate wealth at everyone else's cost isn't being productive.
some jew told me this pic was "propaganda" .. sorry for the graphic content, but this is what jews are capable of (sniper an innocent child)
go read up what the jews think of Christians (goyim .. cattle for slaughter) and what they say about Jesus (boiling in semen in hell)
I'm not religious but these filthy jews are isis tier .. (which jews and saudi's fund)
You're telling me Jews haven't done anything for the society other than jewing for shekels?
What about all the companies founded by Jews that gives employment to millions of people?
jews are intellectual thieves (they never create anything only copy and steal)
muh Bernie Madoff (billion dollar thief), muh Jeffrey Epstein (child rapist)
einstein (stole patents/papers while working at a patent office)
jew morals (pic)
it's only a matter of time (don't ever doubt your brothers .. hail victory
joos are the lowest form of life period! Don't even try that "opposite of niggers" u dumb kike
>einstein- stole patents/papers
Star Of David.
Six points
Six Triangles
Six sides
666 .. They hate Chris so Anti-Christ.
>he still hasn't grown into "DA LOOS" phase
lmaoing @ your life india.
I literally see nothing wrong with that.
Paleshits are terrorists.
lmao that flag
you're fucking brainwashed
im not siding with muslims over israel
Zionists are the problem you spazmoid
Zionists have no religion other than satanism
Stop using a proxy, most Americans hate Jews and Muslims.
No! It is Israel who is the true terrorist. You use the influence of the jewish media mafia to convince people otherwise.. Prove me wrong.
Why should we support either of these sand people?
There's a reason why societies have thrown out Jews for centuries.
Throwing out your most productive members certainly wouldn't be a good evolutionary strategy.
Jews are also people who brought worst in people and created so many troubles and problems in different countries.
If they are so smart,they are clearly not using their brain for good deeds.
kissing up to your superiors like always, eh poojeet?
luckily for me i'm white and i don't have to kiss up to anyone.