Alright Sup Forumsacks, what are your views?
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idk what the fuck politically means in comparison to my personal views.
The shit I put as for is just the idea of; for instance, I think women and men should get paid the same, but I know the 77 cents on the dollar shit is made up and at some companies women earn more, at least in my industry
I'm not gonna bother filling that out because it'll just be a red X on every box.
I am for european countries and colonies remaining european. I don't give a shit about that crap.
Do you consider yourself a liberal?
Dang ol yo
leaf's perspective
>Do you consider yourself a liberal?
No. Going down the list (not listing the against):
I couldn't give two shits about what gays do.
If you have gender dysphoria, that sucks and you should be able to do something, but there isn't 500+ genders.
Equal pay for equal work.
I'm not really 'for' race mixing, but people like what they like.
Abortion is good in cases where it makes sense, rape, threatens the mother's life, etc.
If you want to die, go for it.
If you want to enlist, go for it.
All drugs are degenerate, and pedophilia and polygamy have no means to an end. Finally, why would I be "pro" discrimination? If you're qualified for the job, you should get it.
>posting in a data mining thread
don't forget to sage after replying boys
I guess this is mine.
Ah, so you're a cuckservative. Any plans on returning to reddit now that the election is over?
I mean, I've been coming here since before it was shut down, but you're right. I'll just fuck back off to r/The_Israel.
I wonder what other Australians here think.
Who the fuck would have political views different to their personal views?
On Euthanasia, I don't like the concept and I think doctor's should reserve the right to refuse to do it
But if someone wants to kill themselves, they'll try to do it regardless
r8 dont h8
Why would anyone be against abortion for other than religious reasons?
i h8
Also wtf happened to pol. Why the fuck do any of you support gay marriage?
>qualifying pedophila
In the fucking trash
>voluntary pedophilia
>voluntary to parties one of which is unable to differentiate between consent and being groomed
What the fuck, man?
Because it's marriage and it's pointless as fuck anyway.
>2 color simple image
Why can't you faggots ever do anything right?
Right, because it's OP
You can be politically for abortion, but against it yourself.
Or if you're okay with politicians imposing instead of just something you wouldn't deal with.
>holding others to a different standard than you hold yourself
You wut
r8 me
What is beneficial to you vs. what is beneficial for society.
For example if you are extremely rich/attractive you might support polygamy because you get to fuck more women. However you might also be smart and understand that it would harm society and be politically against it.
Another example. Saving is beneficial to you personally but is detrimental to the economy as a whole if everyone starts doing it.
I'd imagine things you would like if you could control it, but that could be easily abused in a legal sense. Like in mine, equal pay sounds nice to me personally, but it's just another way for people to whine about oppression and sue employers for not getting a 50% raise. So I don't think laws should be put in place for it.
Same thing with euthanasia. If somebody wants to die, I won't stop them. But giving the state a legal process to kill a citizen is a very scary idea. Like, euthanasia laws could allow for family members to ask for the euthanizing of a comatose or otherwise mentally incompetent person. And what if the government needs to sweep you away? Just have you declared mentally unfit, then euthanize you.
Marriage is one of the fundamentals of successful western society. I shouldn't have to explain it.
The more faggots like you who think it's pointless the more the western world degrades.
Forgot to attach pic.
Your marriage is somehow hindered by two dudes getting married?
Say what you want and not what you think other people want.
If your a politician it becomes really fucking confusing the more people spout needs that do not represent their own.
Only in dire circumstances should you need to support other people politically.
Go read the Bible for once you anticulture moron.
What page would it tell me this? In which version? Which testament?
>Christianity is implicitly good
Get out of here with your meme fallacy
>for fag marriage
>neutral about trannies
>against pedophilia
>they draw a line
You realize you just drew out the slippery slope that people so easily dismiss, right?
>against porn
>neutral towards pedophilia
checks out
Did you even read my post, you mong? There are some things that I like but can be easily abused if put into law, so I don't support them politically.
Except they're not the same; if I'm gay and I marry a man, that's it (save for divorce, etc.). If I'm a tranny, I get my dick cut off, done. If I'm a pedophile, the people I fuck are continuing getting older, and I need to continually fuck children.
When was Christianity a meme? What are you talking about?
Not everything is a meme for fucks sake.
lol probably
For all of them except equal pay
A few of these could have bad effects or there are certain things I don't agree with in relation to them. I think being transgender is fine but I am not for the whole bathroom thing that everyone is so up in arms about and they shouldn't expect to be treated like gods. Women in combat could also cause some issues but I'm not necessarily against it.
only correct answers you cucks
M, 21, New York (white)
Well for the same principle that says murder is evil.
r8 me
>Read the bible
>XXI century
I'm only for it because I live in a country with a huge amount of niggers, and if it is made illegal, there will be a huge boom in nigger births. Where as, if I was in a white only nation, I'd make it illegal because people should take responsibility for their actions, and have kids.
LMAO fucked off formating
>put nothing down for pedophilia
LOL he is for it, but doesnt want you to know
You didn't read mine either.
Neutral on same sex marriage because I don't think faggots should care about getting married under a religion that hates them
Holy fuck. Go back to r-eddit, atheist shit.
>its another "marriage is sacred' episode
Shut the fuck up, fucking beliver. You belive in something inexistent.
>i can be against an issue which might lead to worse issues but it doesn't really
What do you believe in
breddy good, well rounded person
Nothing. Why should I belive? There isn't ANYTHING empirical evidence that proofs the existence of such an entity.
well.......this is me
do you believe in the power of my cock? I'm so horny right now and I like Spanish women/feminine boys
do you have sister
Who knows
You can tell a lefty made this
as in left leaning cock ?
give this liberal a few more years under msm indoctrination and pedophilia will become neutral as well, mark my words.
r8 niggerz
how and why are you people making these strange non-uniform boxes?
t. mobilefag
Have you never used ms paint before?
i'm using ms paint on windows vista and was too lazy to do lines or x's or whatever, so i just used the paint bucket tool
fuck windows vista, man
I'm favour of castration of pedophiles, so not at all
So many fucking commies.
How the fuck am I a commie?
Liberals have gone nuts; but that doesn't mean I suddenly trust the government to tell people how to live.