Whats your opinion on this? I think its good for the whole continent
Chinese African Relations
On one hand the Chinese will rape that continate for everything they can then stick them with the bill
On the the other, they natives might just chimp out and genocide the little cunts because they think they're wizards or some shit
Much like everything else China does anymore, they're just copying the white man's mistakes
It will likely cause the natives to cry for the white mans return. At least with the west they got a mix of the good and the bad.
Can't wait for when Africa is owned by the Chinese :)
Good luck gooks, nobody can do whit in africa without genocide.
So America had a black president and 15% of their population is black yet FUCKING CHINA has made more progress making economic deals and establishing relationships.
This is why we need Trump.
The Chinese will own the future as the white race will be extinct within 200 years. I wish them luck
africans are too stupid to rule themselves
i hope it causes niggers to move back to africa or possibly move to china
China isnt there to rule them. Only make money together with them.
Between this and canada china is owning a lot
we're finishing what you niggerlovers were too chickenshit to do
I hope they take breeding restrictions off in the homeland and colonize the shit out of Africa. They could also send their perma-bachelors to Africa in the millions. Any objection to this should be labeled as racist.
Tbh they're smart for doing it and not giving a shit about the Africans. The second the Westerners started giving a shit about them and actually thought that they could think and take care of themselves was when the place started to go to hell. Had they not allowed emotions to dictate to them and continued to master the land not only would Africa be better off but we'd have more access to rare metals, etc. and wouldn't have to rely solely on China.
TL;DR China's pretty shit but they're better than us on this since at least they aren't fucking cucks
>China taking control of resource rich africa
>africa's population increasing by 10000 billion
you jerry, brack boi?
Good Lord, you can see the difference in cranial volume between the groups just based on their head sizes alone, also that's about the neckiest neckbeard I've ever seen
this is good. when there is race war u can kill nigger and just claim u r killing them for being commies :)
The Chinese are smart trying to get to Africas recources. Who would stop them? Political correctness? White guilt? The Africans? top kek.
If any of you fags haven not done it yet you should watch the documentary "Empire of Dust" It's about a Chinese building operation in "Belgisch Kongo" (No idea how that shithole of a country is called nowadays, DRK?)
The Chinese are everywhere. You'll find Chinese shops in the strangest of places. Small villages in Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. African capital cities. Even small towns or black townships in SA. The colonialisation is real and happening at breakneck pace.
The Chink will take advantage of the africans in that their language is harder to learn. They are generally smarter than them. The Chinese work well with eachother within places with no safety regulations. And im sure with no minimum wage. And that will aloow them to sell the africans JUST enough to keep them coming back for more. Who the fuck knows.
Africa is a lost cause my friend. Can't teach monklies how to build civilizations
>>t. someone who has never set foot in Africa.
She's a woman and he's much taller and older. It's unfair to compare the two without taking these factors into account.
One hell of a redpilled movie
DRC. Democratic Republic of the Congo.
And one of the least democratic countries of the continent.
Maybe the chinks will get the fuck out of BC.
Better to have Africa in the hands of chinks than totally unused though.
What exactly are you doing? Because in Ghana all I saw was upset little yellow slanty'eyed dog-abusers running around and very stressed. The road that takes 3months to build in China is still unfinished after 8months in Ghana. 'Missa Bossman in Wicewand velly velly mad'
When China held the Olympics, the bars in Beijing were instructed by the Chinese Police not to serve blacks, because of the 'fear' of drug dealers. The Chinese are very racist.
Enjoy a Chinese washing powder ad, cleans all dirt.
There is no developing Africa without genociding the native population. China is learning.
I think Rhodesia should over throw Magumbi and reinstate a proper government.
Reminder that Rhodesia and Adam Smith did nothing wrong.
Apartheid is a shit way of doing things.
Either bring over enough people and kick out the natives like America did or don't come at all.
I suspect that's exactly what China is planning. They are settling Chinese families throughout Africa and setting up communities. At some point China is going to require a bit more lebensraum and get rid of the native populace, I suspect.
china needs wives.
they will bring african qts
You view it as shitty because you're still stuck in your crappy feel-good western morality.
As soon as you accept that Blacks are not your equals, you understand that you must impose limitations on them to coexist peacefully and have a productive, successful nation.
You don't let your infant children do whatever they want, you sit them a the children's table, away from the adults, and supervise them as you give them a semblance of independance.
There's no need to go all out Belgian and torture/murder them all nastily, you just have a two speed system with your European descendant citizens, and your native resident population.
Examples of this exist already, such as UAE or Qatar.
Look at my flag. I know what I'm talking about.
The writing on his cap needs to be changed to "UN"
Thought you were irish, cunt. What the fuck are you doing there?
Mix between a nigger and a chink is one of the ugliest person that the human race can show
I hope the chinks bring a bunch of nogs back to enslave them in their foxconn factories and the nigs retaliate and they wipe each other out
I think its going to be up to us to start making chinks leave BC, we need to start targeted attacks on their properties and businesses
I think it's great. They hate Europeans so much they're now getting to enjoy being chained by the asiatic subhuman.
Chinese/african hybrids are supirior to africans so I don't have a problem with them culturally enriching the savages
They are going to gain a lot of power if America and or Europe doesn't step in. And it will be bad for the west and vary good for China.
I used to work in north africa. If you called the native plumber he would show up whenever he wanted, days/weeks later, and do a shit job. If you called the chinese one he would come the same day and do a 'good enough' jo and quick. This applies to everything, though the chinese would mostly concentrate on big infrastructure contracts (highways, buildings, power plants, etc). The locals hate them
We're going to have to turner diaries them to get what is our birthright.
Someone has to colonize Africa.
If Europeans are too pussified to do the job, let China have them.
Well, africans sure as hell aren't going to use those resources.
This is from India, if I remember correctly. Thank you for the nightmare fuel.
Stealth rare
Nobody has to do anything because all you ever cared about was getting cheap resources and neo-colonialism, which is much faster, cheaper and more efficient is already in place
Because as we all know, the head never stops growing, 80-year olds have a cranial volume that is equal to a basketball.
In Asian culture, dark skin color is considered as poor, criminals and low caste. Since they get burned by the sun working outside, now, since niggers are extra fucking dark, just imagine what the Chinese think of them.
Putting my statement into practice and getting rich.
Chinks are marrying the locals, think they just want to run away from there own hell.
China is growing larger!
And the best thing about it is the Chinks know exactly how to treat the niggers,
unlike these white cucks
>natives might just chimp out and genocide the little cunts
lmao do you think China gives a shit if they have to glass a few villages?
General Tsing will not take no nigger bullshit!!!!
Waste of money, but I'd rather have the Chinese colonize Africa than the EU getting its hand on it, at least my taxes aren't going to get wasted on welfare for uncivilized Africans NEETs.
It's bad. It'll make the Gooks even more powerful.
I say the Australians (the most powerful race in the world) should colonise it.
You guys are clearly not redpilled on Africa.
We, the French, control most of Africa.
Then I guess youre going to go down along with afrika
West and central Africa.
We control the politics and the major industries.
Chinamen and Lebanese to a lesser degree control the growing middle class economy.
The big difference being that for the big industries, money and influence goes to the French government, whereas for the Chinese it goes in the pockets of the businessmen.
We get fucked in the story.
Je suis Français.
I can't see a major power genociding a foreign people without the West chimping out. I'm thinking the Chinese will "conquer" Africa through immigration. I read a while ago about one Chinese professor who suggested settling over 100 million Chinese there.
>Je suis Français
No, you're irish.
J'avais deviné.
Yeah the Lebanese have always been wheeling and dealing in Africa.
Colonizing this hell hole was probably a mistake. Should have focused on Asia.
The Chinese aren't raping Africa, they are trading natural resources for advanced infrastructure.
A ton of Chinese workers are WORKING to make Africa a better place for the African, because apparently the Africans can't into road construction, hospital construction, airport construction, etc.
If anything the Chinese are the slaves here. I sure as hell would build roads and buildings for negroes who don't deserve them.
*I sure as hell wouldn't
>China takes over Africa
>uses it's people as slaves
>white people keep sending starving Africans free food
It's China who does the slave labour.
> continate
Master Persuader detected.
hey africireland
It's all going to fall apart after the chinese are finished and stop maintaining it for the africans, though.
I think you misunderstand the situation. Africans are not good workers, they are good slaves, but the Chinese aren't using them as slaves.
The Chinese are using Chinese as slaves.
And that's the reason they are successful with the Africans. The Africans can see the Chinese workers put in sweat for their country, so they can't really object to that.
The few Africans who complain about job theft will just get hired by the Chinese company, but then he has to perform as well as a Chinese slave.
If he doesn't, the nigger gets fired and can't really complain about job theft becaus the nigger knows it's his own fault.
If he does, then it works out, and no one complains.
That's literally it. That's the secret sauce the Chinese use.
He's been French'd.
Ireland is dead now.
Chinese neo-colonialism will be worse for Africa than European colonialism ever was.
>tfw to smart too rape the continate
Its a fucking shit-show
>Chinese come in
>Get big deal for exploitation of primary resources
>promise to build infrastructure in return
>promise to ensure skills transfers as part of the deal
>proceed to build sub-standard infrastructure
>import 100% of the material to build said infrastructure (thanks to the IMF jewery)
>transfer effectivly no skills
So you end up with hospitals that collapse in a decade, staffed with barely any doctors (or black doctors trained in China, but are banned from practicing in china), all your copper has been mined and the family dog is now missing.
So what is happeneing is only the biggest and most developed African nations are getting a "fair shake" from the Chinese
>Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria basically
Everyone else is getting robed blind whilst at the same time, their local economies are being torpedoed by cheap Chinese goods and cheap skilled labor from China.
>or black doctors trained in China, but are banned from practicing in china
This is not a bad thing. You need to go back to Africa. And make Africa great again.
How well the Africans learn skills is up to the individual. If you're not smart enough to be a good doctor, there is nobody who can waggle their magic stick and turn you into a good doctor.
Africans have been bitching about Europeans. They are going to wish whites were still colonial leaders. The Chinese don't carry the white man's burden.
i respect your opinion and think you are right in this matter it's a fucking shitshow what is happening in your country and all over africa
As shitty as China is it wouldn't be happening if those countries actually had their own skilled labor pool or industrial capacity, but it honestly seems like many of the countries don't even have the capability of developing or having those, it doesn't seem like much of a net loss.
>hospitals that collapse in a decade
Are you telling me that no infrastructure is better than shitty infrastructure? Learn to maintenance, retard.
You are getting shit almost for free, at least don't complain.
He's literally bitching at China because the Chinese want African doctors to go back to Africa.
The Negro doesn't understand Brain-drain is a bad thing for Africa, and this policy of sending back African doctors to Africa is a good thing for Africa.
That's true, but investment comes in different forms. We have a lot more private sector Chinese investment (like tourism, poaching, drugs) compared to DRC for example, who work almost entirely with the government by building infrastructure. It was our South African government who opened the Chinese floodgates and allowed them to take control of our economy though unfortunately. SA is purposefully abandoning the West out of pure spite and it'll bite us in the backside at a later stage
African IQ sucks
Their long term hope lies in their women getting EGGYOKED by superior Chinese seed
Ivory coast rare?
How rich have you gotten since arriving? What job opportunities are over there?
Probably will be better for Africa because the Chinese are more practical when it comes to donations. Instead of country destroying gibmedats, they're making exchanges.
It's actually us who are destroying their local Free Market with donations.
Better the Chinese than the Americans. We can rise under Trumpism while China suffers the globalist curse.
There are no opportunities. You find your niche, and you create the opportunity.