Why are you here and not on stormfront? it's a better place there
Other urls found in this thread:
>brazilians on stormfront
holy kek
Just ignore this butthurt shitskin spamming threads against nordics.
I'm don't think its moral or acceptable to commit genocide.
>captcha: storefront
Almost every post I see from brazil is pretty based. Where do you based monkeys live?
Stromfront has more intellectual discussion, but there's more variety on topics and fun here. It's way too serious there, like lighten up for once
She's cute. Whats this semon demons name?
>Stromfront has more intellectual discussion
I'd agree stormfront is superior in everyday, mostly due to intelligent discussion and no brazilfags who there the masterrace
Because Stormfronts more feminist and cucked than Huffington Post
Because I have 8/pol/
cant tell if joking or retarded
there the best of the alt-right
that's a good idea
Eva von housen
Brazilians on Sup Forums are radically more based than my experience with them on Starcraft or WOW.
What the fuck is up with that?
Stormfront is for actual faggots, no joke
Almost every Brazilian who posts on Sup Forums is from the South, also known as the civilized area from Brazil with the most whites.
Then there's this faggot who created this thread. It's a shitskin probably from the Northeast who's butthurt against nordicism and spends all day shitposting on nordics.
It's not a high bar considering there is none on an average day here. I've never visited but it couldn't be much worse in that respect
I was GM in SC.
Try tell my nick.
>Playing Starcraft or WOW
You are literally worse than brazilians.
Do they let pajeets on there? we're basically white
can someone let me in?
Because I'm actually not a Nazi.
Love her
Faggot nigger
Why are you even here
Sure pal. Keep pretending Nazism wasn't the shittiest thing to have ever happened to right wing politics ever.
It's literally why Europe's right-wing doesn't exist.
Why ruin a nice body and pretty face with so many tattoos? Makes whites looks as degenrate as the people they hate.
To conduct surveillance on you guys.
Just kidding...
I appreciate that most of you help out and support us despite all of the undeserved shitposting. Is there hope for you in the south?
Even the jew knows whats up
What a degenerate piece of human garbage.
Neonazis are true nationalism's worst enemy.
she's an MI5 agent, those tattoos aren't real
anything done to your body for attention is mental illness.
it's the result of a sick society influences a person.
Don't tell me you guys actually watch this stuff. This is a complete joke. Freaking perverts looking at Nazi porn on some anime board
Why don't you people do stuff
Honestly the neo-Nazis/KKK give ethnic nationalists a bad rap.
1) Stormfront is a honeypot
2) I'm not a white supremacist.
Who said we're not on stormfront?
No they are just cucks now, cant handle the truth do they run from it
Because we are Kikes and Niggers and Naggers (people with vaginas) and basically the rest of the world, not a close-minded minority that doesn't use pol out of sarcasm and anger at all the "white privilege/supremacy" bullshit that hurts both whites and nonwhites.
>40 year old nazi larpers and rednecks and FBI agents
Nah I'm good senpai
This is where the real action is
If you're actually that deep into white nationalist shit unironically you need to rethink everything.
Nigger im enjoying my vacation from work as I heal a hangover
because it's a racist website and I'm not racist, I just go on Sup Forums to share my love for Western society and white history
Well said, also doesn't that look beautiful... what could have been
>What is atrocity propaganda
Nazism hurt right wing politics because Germany was ganged up on by the whole damn world for defending their own people across the Polish border, from vicious persecution, and when they lost the war the left has been feeding everyone propaganda for 60 years.
Nazism and fascism was brought down by the sword and only by the sword, nice fucking ideological victory faggot.
Cause we're not total retards?
>that flag
what in the fuck is even going on
Why don't you head on back there, we'll all meet you
The country got pretty fucked with this recent economic crisis, South included, but we are on the road to recovery.
By the way, we are the only region who has an active movement to separate ourselves from the country. The shitskin migrants from other regions are a cancer here. We hate them.
And pic related is the small city I live here in the South, pretty comfy.
Mossad psyop.
We aren't socialists. We just hate muslims/immigrants.
Because stormfront hates everyone, I only hate jews. Unless all the races unite against the jews, we will never have our country back.
Based juden... gas the kikes race war now
I can have opinions
>mossad nazi
oh god hes back
Controlled opposition, and neo nazis are degenerate scum.
>Neonazis are true nationalism's worst enemy.
You mean germans and nordics?
People on pol are people with right minded views, but not actual natzis. For example, the average Sup Forumsack does think black culture is ruining their country, but they don't want to genocide them. Putting up the extreme front is fun.
Germans were retards and hitler was too stupid to keep a Reich stable for 10 years
Is that Man In The High Castle?
You can't have your country back if the other races are still here, you fucking retard
>Being a facistcuck
>Any year
enjoy being so retarded your entire life revolves around doing what other people tell you to do.
>taking pics on her phone to send to Jamal
She probably has a comfy desk job in an air conditioned office making at least 60k+ even with all of those trashy tattoos.
Because he's a mulatto and it hurts his fee fees
post more of her
Thanks greatest ally
Haven't seen it yet. Is it worth it? Or is it some the Nazi won everything is horrible for everyone.
You can't deny the holocaust, not legally.
I have been on stormfront, but I don't want to go back there.
I have realized easily that national socialism is a meme ideology. It can't be practically achieved, and it will fail, because the whole premise of national socialism boils down to preparing for a war, conquest, imperialism and in modern context, civil war and race war.
There's enough hostility from the left, I don't want the right wing to fall into this hostile mindset again. I just wanna be a fucking moderate conservative nationalist who will not be bothered by political extremists constantly calling for war and wide-scale violence. I believe we can achieve the right wing goals in a peaceful manner.
>about ISIS? how about we stop intervening to the middle-east area, stop taking down their leaders, and let them take down the ISIS themselves?
>about mass immigration? how about we establish a good strong outer border in EU and US, make legal immigration stricter, and deport all the illegal aliens?
>about islam? how about we start reminding the westerners that we are all at least culturally christians, and we will not allow too much room for muslims to practice islam here, as we enforce the burqa ban and screening of their communities here for terrorism, plus we crack down hard at any islamist west and declare islamism illegal
>about feminism? how about we stop the government funding of feminist programs and declare all radical feminist organizations as terrorist
>about ghetto culture? how about we stop portraying it in the media, entertainment and pop culture as cool and edgy, and instead turn to blacks to open a serious dialogue on how we can stop the ghetto culture
see, we can solve everything without need for wide-scale violence, natsocs, revolutions, war effort or totalitarianism
Don't worry friend. Real pollacks love Israel. Don't listen to these newfag redditors.
It's stupid desu
America will never be an exclusively white country again no matter what you do. Best hope is like 70% after deporting some illegals.
Jamal will be crying in a corner when he sees the swastika. Also we have nigs for the oil drillers
it's quite redpilled, imagine america being stuck in the 50's, that's what the show depicts at least in nazi occupied america
in season 2 the resistance become straight up terrorists and shit while some nazis save the world from nuclear war with the japs to preserve hitlers legacy
I didn't.
Please don't bait that's very not ladylike
Enjoy burning to death without your fire department GOLD plan
Sounds like fucking heaven, ill have to check it out
Will my big brown dick satisfy her thoroughly?
What is this 2005?
Add me on FB I wanna cam your boipucci and cyberfugg
No, stick to the sand pits
Don't mind me I'm just passing by
Most of these girls look insecure and brainwashed. They need some enrichment to help them think straight.
They are fine and some can probably knock you out Muhammed
I agree. Can we keep the fashy aesthetic though?
She looks like a nice, mentally stable young lady.
Store front= storm front...its the password to post on Sup Forums.
She looks like one that wants the race war and thats the kind I like
fashy aesthetic? I don't mind it if the purpose of fashy aesthetic is to trigger the left. For shock value, it's actually pretty fun to use swastikas and the merchant memes, sure, why not, but I wouldn't like to see swastikas in any place where there are absolutely no lefties around and right wing amongst themselves does or discusses real politics
for example I think this is a pretty cool song to troll lefties with
Then you like rare things. Also, ppl that need tattoos to remind them of their convictions are probably just going to change in a few years. She probably just wanted a fashy boyfriend.
That's why i'm fiscally natsoc, socially libertarian
degenerate trash
Hitler would have personally gassed her.