Ask a black man who voted for trudeau anything
Ask a black man who voted for trudeau anything
Why did you vote for Trudeau?
who is trudeau and what is voting?
nigger, you will have to go back
Go back where white boi?
>back where
Back to whatever shithole your subhuman parents crawled out from
We have him too.
Why have you not killed yourself?
When did you first realize that the "DUDE WEED LMAO" argument was shit, and your parents were niggers that should've been gassed?
Did he let you fuck his wife
My family been in canada since the 18 century. Im 100% canadian muthafucka.
And let the white man gloat bout another dead brotha?? Hell nah boi
>100% canadian
no, you are a nigger who lives in canada
>Ask a black man who voted for trudeau anything
What's his wife's favorite sexual position?
Fuck u white boii my passport says 100% canadian.
Not sure. Im actually still on the waiting list
Why can't you live without welfare
how do you feel about trudeau not even legalizing weed?
Canadian, if you are part of a minority, why wouldn't you vote for the most liberal candidate?
In America, African Americans didn't have a choice. Bernie Sanders was removed by the Democratic Party and Hillary became the only choice. Of course nobody is going to vote for a Republican posing as a Democrat.
>white boi
I knew leafs were the ones behind this shitposting
fuck off woolie
Blacks ddint vote for bernard
ITT: Nigger votes for Liberal, Film at 11.
Should have voted Bloc nigger.