Western countries electing nationalist leaders.
Enforcing border laws harshly.
Ripping up BS climate change agreements.
>yfw you realize climate change will simply be a purge of billions of non-white people.
Western countries electing nationalist leaders.
Enforcing border laws harshly.
Ripping up BS climate change agreements.
>yfw you realize climate change will simply be a purge of billions of non-white people.
Gonna be really interesting to see the whole continent of Africa in a mass state of war. Genocides left and right. Maybe even a couple nukes will be dropped.
It's gonna be YUUUUGE.
The niggers know
Shut it down
>implying they're not immediately going to rush Europe and war won't take place there instead
what part of Western nations electing nationalist leaders and enforcing border laws don't you understand?
You're assuming the EU will still be a thing 20 years. The Italian and Spanish Navy will make them turn back of shot them out of the water.
t.leaf shitter
estonia is yellow too...
Build a wall?
You're assuming the rest of the Niggers won't just flood into Europe like they already are
Is climate change really just Mother Earth protecting her favorite children fro white genocide?
>implying the enemies not already through the gates and when their vastly out-breeding population reaches adult age they will not just take over with globalist backed plots
its like you guys can't even conspiracy
Cops, doctors and military will still be 80% whites in the next 20 years, let them try.
kek bless this post.
I like the idea of getting rid of the non-whites, but do we really want a runaway climate as the one on Venus?
I just realised that less shitskins means more land for whites and less traffic/populations
Not if all the land is underwater
Barring something insane like a chain of supervolcano eruptions or something similarly unlikely that will never happen within any reasonable geological timeframe, shifts in our climate are heavily regulated by far too many interacting variables which keeps cyclical climate changes within reasonable bounds
I live on the coast, how am I not vulnerable?
Anyways its all shit anyway.
non-whites don't know how to build dykes and levees, Florida, etc. would be just fine.
Meanwhile phillipines and much of the middle east is flooded.
depends on how high your country is from the sealevel lad.
>Live in a desert
>Get mad when it gets hot
They've literally had since the dawn of human history to find somewhere not fucking retarded to live.
The graph looks like it was made to push the narrative that Shitskins are the only ones who are going to be harmed by climate change. For Christ's sake, how much percentage of Australia's population lives within 20 km of the ocean?
My m8 we're already sick of that shit if they all started coming here and attacking us they'd be blown out of the water by submarines before getting 2 miles off shore of Africa.
Literally the only thing that could save them would be our kindness and that's already starting to wear very thin as reality comes knocking.
LOL it's literally "where white people live: the map"
Never knew I'd actually want climate change to be not a hoax.
i've been hoping for this.
mostly that they ((("refugee"))) crisis will polarise Europe on migration in time to shut borders before huge climate migrants come. more are coming
We need to start memeing for a european colony on Mars.
This is the next keksade.
Climate change will eventually be used as an excuse as to why Africa and the Middle East are suddenly "unihabitable", thus making it Europe's duty to accept a billion Blacks and Africans.
Seasteading or underwater colonies seem more reasonable atm, shitskins can't swim anyway
What gets me is that even fucking Australia is fine
truly we are blessed by some otherwordly being.
New Zealand is in more danger than that, if the ice caps really do melt then the sea level will rise around New Zealand and ruin a lot of infrastructure as well as make Auckland City redundant?
haha got a good laugh out of me with that. whenever I argue with libtards about climate change I tell them it's the best goddamned thing ever because every degree hotter it gets the closer saudi arabia becomes to being a giant fucking frying pan. their brains fucking melt. if they try and defend the saudis call them homophobic.
I stopped giving certain libtards the honor of an actual debate long ago. I just go in circles with their own bullshit now and try to give them aneurysms.
Probably because you are both white countries, which means you will either invent a way to save your coastal cities or another white country will help you out.
>implying the west won't get hundreds of millions of immigrants because of global warming
I'm not a Kiwi that's just common sense but yes they probably have contingency plans already.
Shiiitttttt anti global warming confirmed for pro jew
>Least vurnerable
Feels good man
This is the only way to talk to leftists.
And it's not a joke. Africa is literally gonna fry, and where do you think they're gonna escape to?
Where some of them are escaping now. It's only a prelude to waves of immigration so massive no society will able to handle it. Countries will literally need to close the borders completely to hold them off.
I figured that out recently. Years spent wasted trying to actually debate the mentally handicapped only for them to eventually scream some "ist" at you and call you hitler when they get shut down.
I have to believe these events will accelerate the lead up to rope day becuase it's the only thing that keeps me going.
At our next election labour will win
Boaties and un eduated shitskins will POUR over our border
Fuck the media
Could white countries put satellites up that have sun reflectors that magnify the intensity of the sun on undesirable areas?
Could lead to lesser crop yields and maybe stem how many fucking kids they can have.
Wait are you fucked in the head or something how are we intermediate when we dont even have coasts?
Even if they survive Australians they will not survive the climate and wildlife.
Mother Aussie will swallow the stupid third world shitskins whole.
This map is fucking retarded. How is Western Europe "Least Vulnerable"? A Climatic change will disrupt the gulf stream and without it London will get Moscow-tier temperatures.
Because you're a slav race.
Because white people can handle a temp increase and live around it, sub-humans (like you) will only starve.
So you are fucked in the head and this map is sourced by shit. *NOICE*
>Because white people can handle a temp increase and live around it
I didn't say that they were going to go extinct. Their economy obviously won't handle it especially a country like France. More unemployment, higher prices that will lead to social tensions between those who can barely afford to live and the upper class and a rise of the crime rate and violence.
Western Europe is at least "Vulnerable" tier.
Keep it up with your overbreeding and disdain of our culture, yet reaping all the benefits of it and whites worldwide will make Hitler look like a paradise.