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aint clickin that, boiiiiiiiiiiii
but judging from the picture it's an ugly dyke that questions the fact of 2 genders but dresses as a stereotypical man. Sad!
>watch this faggot youtube video, guys
Great thread. Quality stuff
what are you, trump? kek
I actualy like his austic way of tweeting.
>"Let us know in the comments below."
>Comments are disabled for this video.
I've seen these videos before. Healthy straight young child goes to (((YouTube))) gets pumped with massive shot of degeneracy, doesn't feel good and changes - (((TRANSGENDER))). Many such cases!
kinda misleading if you ask me. he does it to make everyone "think" he's an idiot when in fact he's not
If your enemy underestimates you, you have the upper hand.
>Checked, keked and cringed, BTW why rainbows are the LGBT's symbol? Just curious
>sometimes doctors don't identify the right genders
yeah and sometimes doctors don't identify the right cancer treatment for somebody
but the majority of the time they're right, you fucking mentally ill faggot
im not touching that shit nigger
but he is an idiot, I respect the guy, but he talks like a retard/mobster hybrid, you can say many mean things about obama but he was a great speaker (except the IFIFIFIFIIFIFF OKEE DOEK)
Where's the B?
Doesn't even have the same ring to it
I would bet every cent I will ever make in my entire life that President-Elect Donald Trump is smarter than you.
why the fuck did i even look? i should not have wasted 5 clicks checking on something i already know...
I think they'd probably agree that mostly doctors do identify the right genders. That's why they said "sometimes".
tweet this to twitter.com
The ugly dyke looks like a kike.
>comments are disabled for this video
>being reasonable
There's also a talking teddy bear
So they are finally taking the B out?
I've been telling these idiots for years. Putting a B in there is completely redundant.
If you're a bisexual man, what does that mean? It means you want to fuck both men and women.
The abnormal part of the bisexual man is wanting to fuck other men, which falls under G.
No one is going to go after a bisexual man and lynch him because he likes girls. The G already covers the grievances of the bisexual people, if there are any
I haven't watched the video, and that's probably not even their reasoning because they're dumb. They probably got rid of B because ''bisexual'' implies two genders.
The death of western civilisation is what it is unless we somehow stop this madness
Bisexuals are regarded as nonexistent in hetero and fag culture. This is why I am okay with fag drags. Damn near punched a few people cos they gave me the 'bi now gay later' bullshit.
my cousin is like 15, she dresses like this with the bowtie, dress shirts, the fucking glasses and short hair, its cringeworthy as fuck and i want to tell her something but she's already fat and im worried she might khs
occult origins
>taking the B out of LGBT
This is one of the many reasons why I fucking hate the LGBT "community", Jesus fucking Christ. I guess that Bisexual people don't exist to your faggot ass. I hope this bitch fucking kills herself.
>im worried she might khs
So tell her and make her kill herself. That way you can stop worrying whether she will or not
But aren't bi people kinda looked down upon in the LG communities? Won't those people look at this as being snubbed further?
Holy shit, it's Pat from old school SNL. That was never really funny though. But this bitch is. What was once satire has transcended to real life.
stop being a fag
But user, we all know that bi men are closeted fags and bi women are just whores.
As someone who is bi, yes and yes. Fag drag when?
>accepting any letter from LGBT
Why are you endorsing degeneracy?
stop browsing 4chin
>talking about degeneracy on Sup Forums
Hi pot, I'm kettle.
I have an honest question - why does 99.5% of the population have to walk around on eggshells to pamper the other 0.5%?
Yeah, I get it, some people don't want to identify with their sex. But why is that my problem? The whole doctors assigning gender, and male/female pronouns work for nearly everyone. That's why I don't see it as a problem.
It's one of those situations where I'd say to someone "sounds like a personal problem". Seriously. If you have a dick but you want to prance around life pretending to be a woman, I'm not going to stop you, and if you can actually pull it off so that most people just assume you're a woman, good for you, but if you're obviously a dude in a wig and makeup, and people look at you funny and get awkward around you, THAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM. YOU MADE IT THAT WAY, FAGGOT.
>why do you have to also believe what the .5% believes?
If you'll believe anything, you'll believe everything.
0.5% and another 9.5% of white knights who want to feel good about how tolerant and progressive they are.
You're not wrong...
You don't have to do shit for these useless parasites. They're hustlers and all they want is to take advantage of the suckers dumb enough to fall for their bullshit.
Just set your boundaries and don't be a sucker.
Brainwashing propaganda
Jesus christ, they're making this shit for kids? I think I got cancer.
why should a vile little bigot like yourself have the ability to spew hateful rhetoric anonymously to everyone you choose? you are trafficking in enough of type of thing here.
What can we do about this? Nothing?
i am not fucking clicking that
I bet there's a kike behind this shit.
how long does it take to preheat an oven?
Question: what is the issue Sup Forums has with people being retarded with their genders? Regardless of whether its scienficially backed or nor, what's the issue of someone wanting to be called superdragon instead of she? Isn't that kinda dope?
who is this?
that whole video is a gold mine of reaction faces
also dont jack off to hair dye degens
>doctors are wrong if they say you're a boy for having a penis or girl for having a vagina
>this is okay to tell retarded, impressionable children
>this woman hasn't been murdered yet
Children are too young to differentiate romantic love and other love, saying that if you love a boy makes you gay will make them think they are gay because they love their friends.
found her channel on youtube, her names tessa violet. how are you taking those screenshots?
Check em
music alone gave me cancer
How anybody can think it's fine to push this kind of degenerate agenda on children is beyond me.
I'm glad Russia banned this fucking filth. Holy shit.
this looks like a Sup Forums prank
Someone should invent an archive.org for Youtube...
Obligatory Video for "fluid gender" threads
every. fucking. time
>a dyke kike
I didn't need your post to see the nose. Then add in meddling inclusive diversion and there we go. every fucking time
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> plastic surgery to install weapons on my body
reminds me of skul-gun
First came normalization of gays,
Now normalization of queers, trans and other mentally ill people.
What's next? Normalization of pedophilia?
But when you start messing with kids - that's pretty much it. Because kids are our future, they are sacred.
shes got that perfect nose where if you head butt her hard enough it just fucking snaps
>doctors are wrong
>I, a mentally ill piece of shit, am right.
I know why Hitler did what he did.
Soda machine was an inside job
When you realize Sup Forums is the sole audience of these people
Thought that was filthy frank at first.
And someone lashed out at me the other day for saying I dont give a shit about gays or whatever as long as they dont indoctrinate or push it onto children.
>hurrrdurr the child already knows its gay
That was the fucking response. This is fucking dangerous and the consequences won't be apparent until that messed up child will try to fit into fucking society 10-15 years later.
Why did you name your country after a basketball player? I mean, he was pretty good, but no reason to name a country after him.
define smarter
>"best friend teddy"