Reminde that Trump doesn't give a single shit about you and this whole presidential shit was to stroke his ego and make his jewish buddies over at Goldman Sachs/Exxon/WWE/Wallstreet even richer and more influential
You've all been used.
Reminde that Trump doesn't give a single shit about you and this whole presidential shit was to stroke his ego and make his jewish buddies over at Goldman Sachs/Exxon/WWE/Wallstreet even richer and more influential
You've all been used.
Other urls found in this thread:
>when you win, you lose
This is some *unsheathes katana* level of tryhard edge.
Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
It's really foreigners that benefit, mostly Europeans, because he will not interfere with Putin buttraping ISIS. Idk about the USA though.
>tfw Hillary Clinton will N E V E R be POTUS in your lifetime/timeline
Absolutely glorious.
Wtf? I'm a #HillFiremissile now.
Wow thats some savage butthurt. Should it not be dispersing yet? Personal mental issues causing you to lose it? Call a therapist 1-800-Your-A-Fuckup
Still loving all these salty tears from the liberal losers
>Rex Tillerson is a jew
Interesting theory OP
I get to put the WWE in the White House, and Trump gets to stroke his ego. How exactly did I lose?
I'm going to win even more bigly when President Cena steps into the ring 2020
Why do you fear Trump so badly?
I've seen many things said. No proofs ever given. Just shit talk.
Why do you fear him?
Are you gay for him? Does his masculinity threaten your fragile sexuality?
Does this picture bother you? Are you jealous? It's jealousy right?
if he is doing it all for his ego then obviously he is not going to allow himself to be remembered as the worst president in history like king nigger.
He is going to work his ass off to make sure America wants to build a statue of pure gold in his image by the time he is done with his 8 years.
Yeah, we "lost". When Trump picks an actual good Supreme Court justice, I will be devastated.
I wanted Clinton in there to pick more Sotomayors and Hagans, I just don't know it now.
He literally couldn't do anything I didn't like. What's the worst thing? Nuke everything? Cool.
hillary doesnt give a shit about others either. whats your point.
liberal butt hurt of this magnitude must mean your anal trauma is terminal
It's called 'changing your mind' and it typically occurs when you are presented with new information that lead you to new conclusions.
Some are still in the bargaining phase
>Y-you too
You'll be needing this for the next 8 years, OP.
Looks like you missed an important bit of context. From June 2016:
>"This wave of globalization has wiped out our middle class.... The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything — and say anything — to keep things exactly as they are."
>As [Mr. Trump] put it himself: "I hate to say it, but I used to be one of them.”
It's almost like Trump is a former globalist who went off the reservation, inspiring most of his former globalist buddies to turn on him.
Look, Trump is an egotist who, in no small part, is in this for his legacy. Globalism in its current form is rapidly failing around the world, and Trump wants to be remembered as the man who led the US out of it. His ego will hold him accountable to this goal.
Considering how all anti-Trump prophecies turned out last year, I am surprised how anyone still is brave enough to make ones.
But I wanted to stroke his ego and upset the media.
>Senator Obama
>"Marriage is between a man and a woman"
>President Obama
>Obama+Clinton before the election
>"Can't rig an election Drumpfies, can't wait to drown in your tears!"
>Obama+Clinton after the election
You don't get do you, you stupid son of a bitch.
I don't really give two shits about Trump but he was my best shot at having the government keep its fat fucking (((nose))) out of my business and keep the niggers, illegals and hajis where they belong
At least there's a chance for all this to happen under Trump, with Clinton it was a fact that things would get worse
Your narrative about Trump being bad for his supporters is irrelevant. Trump has already served his purpose, to tell the establishment to shove it up their self-dealing, Israel-firster ass.
Are you a literal fucking inbred autist? Trump is the strongest israel supporter, and the establishment has undermined israeli politics for a while, whereas trump will give them carte blanche b/c fuck the muzzies. i can't believe you think trump isn't a "israel-firster". incredible