I believe Jesus died and rose again. I believe Jesus never sinned and sacrificed His life for everyone, and I choose to accept His free gift by having faith (trust) that his sacrifice was enough to pay my debt.
Please ask me anything :)
Ask a Jesus Freak anything
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No thanks, if I have any questions I'll be referring to my bible
I agree, I think after his sacrifice all sins have been removed, he literally stopped people from going to hell.
why are you such a good person :)
I'm confused...
And he believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith. (Genesis 15:6)
Whoever has the Son has eternal life; whoever does not have the Son does not have life. (1 John 5:12)
Salvation is found in no one else, God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
You're awesome.
lol nah :P u crazyy :)
This is a genuine question.
What is a Jesus Freak? I've heard a few other people describe themselves as such, but I'm not totally clear on the meaning.
Are you distinguishing yourself from other Christians with the term, and if so how are you different?
I wan be mor like jesus but I also wan hav hot sex with pret ladys
wat do?
idk, it means different things to different people, I am aware that "Christian" to some people now means "people who stand in the street and scream at people with vulgar signs" or "someone who pretends they don't sin like everyone else" so I just want to get the point across that I believe Jesus died and rose again from the grave, and that I have accepted God's love for me by doing so.
Is this the gay thread?
u 2 r gunna have to talk this one out and let me know which direction this thread is going to go and I'll be back when u do :P
Do you think that Dionysus/Bacchus could've been the precursor for Christ?
have you ever known someone that just couldn't believe but wanted to? what did you or they do? i'm skeptical about everything, there's always a voice in the back of my head that doubts everything and it breaks the illusion of faith for me
Why is your religion the correct religion?
who dat
>and I choose to accept His free gift by having faith (trust) that his sacrifice was enough to pay my debt.
But is it enough to pay Greece's debt?
We can pray that God sends Satan to fuck your shit up, senpai, so that you won't have any doubts.
"And this bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is My flesh" [John, 6:35]
The good news is if you search for the truth, you will find it.
"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." (Jeremiah 29:13)
So you don't have to worry. If you are really searching for the truth and you don't believe in God, my argument is invalid, I'm stumped, Hell and Heaven isn't real, Jesus was a liar, Demons and Angels and the entire spiritual world is a lie, and the human conscience (guilt, shame) has nothing to do God. So I can't argue in any way :)
Have you read the statements of faith for the 3 other religions on earth?
Because the only one that makes sense and isn't hipster lol2deep4u hipster word salad is Christianity.
Also, the Holy Spirit of God dwells inside me, so I'm absolutely sure that Jesus is my Lord and my salvation has been sealed from the foundation of the earth.
who r u tho
I've masturbated to gay jesus-themed porn too, desu. Not as weird as clown porn.
Are you a re-born or native?
You sound like a re-born
Dionysus is the greek god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy. Bacchus is his Roman equivalent
He was born from a god and a human woman
He was resurrected from the dead
He turns grape vines to wine
There was a mystery cult that worshiped him during and before the Roman adaptions. They had initiation rites and practices that parallel with Christianity. Eating bread and drinking wine.
I believe he is the inspiration for a Christ like figure. What do you think?
Were you raised Christian, and have been practicing your whole life, or did you recently 'find the Lord?'
I grew up in a Church-going home. I never had the gospel (Jesus dying and rising again) shared with me in a way that I understood. Which is sad, because it is literally as simple for a 6 year old to understand, probably 3 year old.
That makes me suspicious of the entire Christian community, because the first time I actually read an explanation of the gospel, I accepted it. That was in the 9th grade of High School. That's why I love sharing the pic I posted
Do you believe Jesus will return to Earth in your lifetime?
That pic is a reminder of why Christianity today is a very shallow and ridiculous religion
"he is the greek god of [...] ritual madness, theatre, religious ecstasy"
um no.
I think you really have a fetish for mixing two books, one fiction and one non-fiction, and trying to see how they mix. Which is fine, but I'm not going to take it seriously.
why would you believe something so retarded?
Do you believe the earth is 6000 years old?
Well. Christianity is better than a poke in the eye. I was raised in a fundamentalist, slayed in the spirit, speaking in tongues, prosperity doctrine, 80s televangelist nightmare.
I'm skeptical.
go on
Praise God from Texas
He is Risen
Why do you believe?
There's no observable proof that any of it's true - so what is it that makes you believe that it's true?
I believe Jesus died and rose again three days after he was buried. How is that retarded? Are you someone who thinks God can't do what he wants?
I honestly don't know, don't care, and I don't want to attempt to find out. The website that first shared the gospel with me seemed to think it was much older than that, but I still don't care.
>I believe Jesus died and rose again three days after he was buried. How is that retarded?
I don't believe you are sincerely a Christian as much as you are trolling.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)
if you are looking for the truth with all your heart, and we disagree that Jesus died and rose again, I am stumped and my argument is invalid. I can't argue further and I apologize for my mistake. But I do believe, I have no doubt at all (literally, no doubt in any way) that Jesus died and rose again three days after he was buried.
sure, buddy
A)a god that doesn't forgive you all because of what your ancestor did years ago
B)this God is angry at humanity. But he takes it on his own son who is also God to be able to forgive them rather than to go and forgive them straight out
C)Anything that is done by Jesus is not for any transformation or healing but simply because his father needed some punching bag to forgive humanity
to anyone who thinks christians are retarded -
you're right, i unironically think this was a tree
You know what blew my mind? When Ben Carson, a seemingly intelligent man, told the world he believed the pyramids were used for grain storage.
You don't think these myths and stories influenced early Christians during the time?
Early Christianity and Early Rabbinical Judaism were significantly influenced by Hellenistic religion and Hellenistic philosophy. Christianity in particular inherited many features of Greco-Roman paganism in its structure, its terminology, its cult and its theology.
>I have no doubt at all
on what grounds? Why do you believe?
I can't guess, I hope so :) But I'm not really being hurt as much as people outside America, and I'm not a minority, I have life very good right now.
I find it more ridiculous that a god who claims not to demand works to be saved and forgives others needed a punching bag just to allow human beings to be forgiven
the pyramids aren't tombs
they're all across the world
who the fuck knows what they were used for or why there built though
What debt?
That's a damn lie! The devil wrote those books after the fact, to create doubt! Same with dinosaur bones! The devil's teeth!
Wait 'till I tell Joel Osteen about this!
Understandable. I wouldn't want to ever describe myself as Christian if I grew up watching TV preachers begging for checks.
That actually makes me not want to call myself Christian, I would rather be more specific, like "a gospel accepting sinner" or something.
The concession to Christ, Our Lord, is the most valuable tool which gives man objective reasoning to life and a worldview which cannot be harmed.
>who the fuck knows what they were used for or why there built though
Archeologists you wont see on Ancient Aliens, Mulder.
It sounds like you think you are better than God. Where do you get your ethics to decide how to judge God?
We all have sinned in God's eyes.
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard. (Romans 3:23)
No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God. (Romans 3:10-11)
Not a single person on Earth does good and doesn't sin. (Ecclesiastes 7:20)
We deserve to burn in Hell forever to pay for our sin.
They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and the glory of his might. (2 Thessalonians 1:9)
And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (Matthew 25:46)
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Common trait in any religion that has a Dying-and-rising god
Was Jesus a stoner?
hey OP I have a question
I come from the most atheist country in the world that was cucked by commies for 50 years, and I was born in a family that is atheist, my whole neighborhood and my friends are atheist and everyone else I know
on several Sup Forums threads about christianity, some christians made me interested about religion, and I got the New Testament and slowly started to read it. This christmas I attended to christmas service at my town's church, which is the first church service I ever attended to in my life, and it was awesome experience.
the reason why I gained interest in christianity is because I felt degenerate. I consumed too much junk food, had a drinking problem, was smoking cigarettes, was fapping too much and had nihilistic depression in me where I felt my life and world around me is pointless
I am now slowly moving myself towards becoming a legitimate christian, but since I have been atheist for so long, I am naturally cautious and have to go with baby steps and slowly ease into religion
what advice would you have for me, OP? What are some good babysteps to become more christian? pls let me know desu
Christianity is more influenced by Greek (not Greco-Roman) philosophy than by any kind of paganism, especially the ideas of Aristotle.
I believe Christ was a delusional man, if he thought he was the son of God.
But I don't know the truth about Christ, because it's never been written.
King James version?
Do you read the old testament, or the actual documents it's derived from? The Hebrew texts?
I'll ask a theologian about Christ if I have any questions.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)
Honestly, if you have searched for the truth and you do not believe Jesus died and rose again, I am sorry for wasting your time. I am wrong, I apologize and this was wrong of me to put online. Hell and Heaven are a fraud, Jesus was a liar, angels and demon spirits are not what the Bible says they are, etc. I can't argue.
If your god needs to beat up his own son to forgive human beings and love them, they isn't really love. But if it is, it also means nihilism as there is no longer any meaning.
Another argument is that since standards come from god, the very standsed which he had set is one which he ironically contradict
Shouldn't that eliminate your faith in the Bible cause taking it as gospel means each and everything is true, and if God did send his message through the Bible was God wrong?
treat people as good as you can
That's fantastic.
Jesus was a good guy.
I don't have advice. Some people recomend fellowship with Christians that can guide you. Others say read the Bible and develop a personal relationship with God before you seek fellowship, so you can spot false prophets and people that would lead you astray.
Cool story though.
You can't quote the bible to prove the bible user
hey babe
"Legitimate Christian" doesn't mean anything.
You shouldn't worry about that. Worry about Heaven and Hell.
That's what the gospel is about, from the Bible, God's word.
This pic explains the Gospel in less than a minute or two usually.
He has implanted the standard of morals and is the ultimate measuring rod which makes comparing goods by their degree of perfection possible with him as the most perfect
So we now observe his actions as presented by OP and set it by the meaning of love and forgiveness. Can it really be such? It contradicts them in fact
I still stand by what I said.
Christianity owes as much to the Greco-Roman world as they do to the Greek world
u r judging God, calling yourself better than him, calling God a hypocrite. Is this what you are saying or no?
I don't know if you're going to a Catholic church, but I would tell you to check out a Catechism to give an idea of how the Bible relates to the larger picture as well as some basics.
Hope this helps a bit
It sounds more like you like the morals christianity encourages rather than you actually believe in god
Thats one of the faults of semantic religion, dealing with absolutes and not accepting that there religious texts can be wrong
Religion as a moral standard can be acceptable, but taking books written thousands of years ago at face value is unacceptable
Are you more concerned about how God treats his son, or your destination after the day you die?
>I can't argue.
You really can't. You aren't knowledgeable enough in the Bible to defend it, or even understand it properly.
I honestly doudt you are legit. You said you found the Lord in the 9th grade. Are you now a junior or something?
Not only are you doing Christianity a diservice, but you are putting your own relationship with God in jeopardy, by debating religion with people that seem to know gobs more than you do, and are notoriously mean spirited and manipulative.
You'll be a white nationalist kekist before you convert any of this lot.
He gave the standard and he failed to even follow it. Otherwise it necessarily entails the nihilism I had explained prior
why are you such a fag
hey man, i don't understand ur question. I'm sorry. Please try again, seriously, it doesn't make sense to me.
NO, ABSOLUTELY NO, TOTALLY WRONG. #TRIGGERED. You can look at Christian theology, and even the Gospels themselves in the Bible (notably the Gospel of St. John) and you can see the heavy imprint of Greek philosophy there.
Let us see, god sentences people to be eternally punished for what someone did years ago when I had not exist
God is said to love the world that he gave his only son. He does this according to your beliefs through making him suffer so that he can forgive humans of the sin they never committed
So how does this stack up to a god who is compassionate, loving and honest?
Blessings to you brother! Keep up the good fight, DEUS VULT!
"[...] so he can forgive humans of the sin they never committed"
I honestly don't understand why people think they have never sinned before. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm sorry, I cannot argue further. I'm sorry for arguing with you.
It's called tough love. Get used to it.
no fight jus luvv
Why are all Protestants faggots?
Why are you dodging the Crusade when all the men are fighting?
Srs wtf dude unkike your shit and help me kill some Jews famalam
Reported to Inquisition for sodomy and synagoguing with the Devil
Deus Vult
Will Jesus forgive you for the sin of tripfagging?
Also, God and Bible should be capitalized.
The Bible also suggests you shouldn't spell G*d out. But hey, pick and choose from whatever King James gave you.
but Jesus wasn't originally considered divine, even by the church. the church had a literal vote on it and decided to start calling him divine. he really seems to be a conglomeration of several other earlier pagan religious figures.
>be depressed, feel like killing myself
>come here for help and ask for guidance; people suggest to get into Christianity
>start to read up on Jesus and read some prayers
>immediately feel intense electric activity in my "3rd eye"/ pineal gland, as if it was boosted back to life
>feel hot water flowing through my body (I later google'd "what holy spirit feel like", and this is what I felt)
>buy picrelated within the next few days
>currently in the process of fixing my life, getting rid of my addictions and improving myself
>walk around with a contagious smile all the time (which is unheard of for me, I used to be an ice-cold robot)
Praised be the Lord! When you're in dire need of help, turn to him and he shall answer your call!
My eyes are finally open and we're literally surrounded by degeneracy; greed, shallowness, lies, corruption, selfish behaviors...
There is an evil growing bigger everyday because we as a society, abandonned our Lord and savior.
Thank you Lord for putting me on the right path, and bless my fellow Sup Forums Christians brothers and sisters!
That's good to hear. It changes a lot of people's lives.
hav fun, there are lots of them to choose from
thank u 4 warning me about putting me relationship with God in jeopardy, that was a close 1
what you are having is an episode of hypomania. seen it several times. you need to relax user. what you are experiencing is not real, it's another form of the depression you had before.
Christian theologians? Got two in my family. One of them actually know something about religion outside of the King James Bible.
I'm watching a doc on the Rosicrucians as we speak. Fantastic manipulaters they were.