Polygamy approved by Israeli rabbis to counter Arab demographic threat
Polygamy approved by Israeli rabbis to counter Arab demographic threat
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fake news.
neglects to mention which sect the rabbi belongs to
Hahahaha. Israel will be overrun by Arabs in the next 50 years. Soon, it will have an Arab government, and it's 300+ nuke arsenal will be in the hands of Arabs.
K... Keep me posted
How ironic, try destroy the west with arabs only to be destroyed by them themselves
>polygamy as a means of population growth
It won't work. Monogamy results in just as many pregnant women with the added benefit of children each having a nuclear family.
Please explain to me how one man impregnating five women is going to produce more children than five men impregnating five women.
thopse 4 other men are faggoits thinking about his personal interest.
In a strange way polygamy and loose sexual mores tend to result in less children
It will be funny to watch how Israel will deal. Either they will have to implement some form of two-state solution to avoid being overrun by the Arab demographic, or they will have to stop that veneer of democracy, and make one Arab vote count less or enforce population control etc.
Used to love shitposting this to JIDF back in the hasbara noflag days
When you mention the nukes its less funny though
Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world
Even factoring in an unlikely 50/50 les/gay, that leaves 200k useless sodomites of a total nation pop of 8 million, a quarter of percent granted but its still something
Then you have to factor in undesirables. Women would rather mate with no one than a shitty mate.
Sure, we're talking >5% overall but its a method
>implying the kikes won't threaten to go samson if they're every in any real danger of being overrun
UNSC will step in to prevent a nuclear holocaust.
Otherwise another nuclear power will knock out their nukes with tactical strikes to prevent capture.
I fear that using polygamy to help this minority of women who cannot find mates will ultimately result in more degeneracy than the child bearing is worth.
The Jews are literally turning into Mormons?
Inshallah, brother. Mashallah.
It's almost like it's not Israel trying to destroy the west
Yeah, probably, but democracy is a numbers game fundamentally, hell even our republic is fundamentally
The difference between here and Israel is they're in a literal monolithic racewar (inb5 token Ethiop Jews they sterilized) whereas we had mexicunts fighting in the ayylmao and nearly a third voted Trump
sandniggers love to have multiple pedo relations at once. youtu.be
By the will of Allah (pbuh) we will smite die Juden with the strength of a thousand suns (inshallah).
It won't help, the only reason the Jewish fertility rate in Israel is so high is because it's heavily, HEAVILY bolstered by Ultra-Orthodox, extremely religious groups of ethnic Jews, particularly the Haredim, but the Mizrahi to a lesser extent, and the Sephardi after them, the Ashkenazi barely have kids in Israel, and considering they make up the elite of the entire country they're fucked when the time bomb hits them.
Canadians are the worst thing to happen to this board.
> Israel will be overrun by Arabs in the next 50 years
It was said that we will be overrun by the 60's. When it didn't happen, all statisticians said it will happen by mid 70's. When it didn't happen, all researchers stated they will outbreed us by the end of the 90's. Then, all experts started saying that it will surly happen by 2030. Now that even that sounds like fantasy, they say it will take only 50 more years. Yet, idiots like you keep buying into this bullshit.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
ok its time for you to go
You want some troublesome Leftist kikes? We got loads of extra over here.
The only reason Arabs hate the west is because the Eternal Anglo squized Isreal in the middle of the middle east, burger-kun.
Do arabs really matter beyond oil????
target practice
Thats what they want you to think, they'll keep hating us regardless, they'll find a new reason.
Israeli jews have the highest birthrate (3.2) in the developed world, even higher than some arabic countries.
Is polygamy even bad????
A filthy lie!
For the man. Loads of kids = loads of mouths to feed.
Shame Jewish women are fucking disgusting.
Polygamy is a direct tie to sexual promiscuity and pregnancy is the antithesis of sexual promiscuity. It's very easy to see why polygamy doesn't result in more pregnancies - people wanna fuck around with no strings attached
Gonna need a name on that double dee demon
even higher than ours, and with Israeli settlers double that number. Also, ours is declining while theirs is growing rapidly.
> THE highest
> higher than SOME arabic countries
It's higher than ours which what matters, Ahmed.
Why do leafs get all the best gets?
God i hate images like this one.
>Herp derp look at me i am a white nationalist gal
>Look at my tits
>I want to save the white race but i ll fuck around until i am 40
kek either arabs or orthodox jews either way DAMNATION
But Israeli jews have a really high fertility rate and they pretty much only give citizenship to Jews. How are they being replaced by Arabs? Are they sneaking across the border?
Okay who the fuck is this.
hahahahaha take that you kekcucks. Islam confirmed for 100% truth
Colonization was a mistake
>Polygamy approved by Israeli rabbis.
I spy something round.
I spy a sun wheel.
A whore. Why does it matter? I hope she gets raped by blacks.
Can't into Russian cyrillic.
Oh well in that case.
nice looks like she have already started breeding though
Irene (((Heidenreich)))
she is talking about her cheek and how it is genetic thing from mothers side.
>tfw you'll never have an "unused" woman
but the jews are a singular faction running on nepotism. r-right?
Husband and daughter. She calls him brutal bearded viking.
Riveting. Oh well.
I am disappoint.
Looks like a weak man. With tits.
This amused me.
>tfw in Russia even the nu-males are nationalists
you live in fucking Turkey
unleash your inner Comar and the village virgin will lie be your feet bro
trust me
jesus that guy was lucky as fuck
I bet she has a really obnoxious personality, or is one of those 'born again virgin' type of traditionalists and has taken miles upon miles of juicy pulsating throbbing cock either for monetary compensation or for free, absurdly more likely with todays women
I can't be a Çomar though. I would hate myself. Sucks to be socially conservative but also hate Islam in Turkey.
>Islam has nothing to do with Islam
are you the legendary shitposting Bengali that used to bestow his holy grace upon the unworthiness of Sup Forums?
I wanna breed with a fat titty jewess tbhlads
sage, jewish law allows polygamy but israeli law doesn't.
one man that is able to sustain a long term relationship is capable of more children than a man that is unable to lose his virginity, right?
there are women that fall by the wayside, end up whores or virgins etc due to being overlooked by guys already taken ( with masses of men that would love to give them a relationship themselves overlooked due to whatever obstacles stops them from properly integrating to the point of losing their viriginity) that could otherwise be utilised as mothers by guys that would have been with them had they not been locked into monogamy
ie. I want a lot of wives and am capable of it. Are you going to stop me?
>jesus that guy was lucky as fuck
No he is married to a whore. His son is probably not even his.
She probably fucks guys on the side. At very least she wishes to show off her tits to other men
Lads, what's your opinion of Lehava?
Israeli birthrate is high because of the Charedim who are lazy welfare cheats, not because the average Israeli is particularly fertile
Except you're wrong, at least in terms of identity
Hispanics who identify as white and who would probably be considered "castizo" and "creole" under the old Spanish caste system formed 90% of the Hispanic votes for Trump
Hispanics who identify as non-white and are genetically mestizo and indio and african voted 95% against Trump
Regardless of the argument towards them not really being white the ones who identify as white voted for Trump and those who identify as brown voted against Trump
The only argument in favor of Trump's "multiracial coalition" would be the fact he did twice as well among niggers
But the reality here is that he won because he got the largest share of the white voters, and because Hillary got only around 1/3 of whites compared to Obama's 39% of whites in 2012
>that baby's piercing eyes
A true Aryan
more and more jews come to israel because west becoming more antisemitic and unsafe place for them. so i don't think israel will become arabic.
>opposed by israeli president
>israeli president advocates for one-state solution
How the fuck did a cuck like this become president of Israel?
statistics dont lie, the question is why does them.
the kibbutz movement, did it work or not based on statistics, and who does them?
>No he is married to a whore. His son is probably not even his.
>She probably fucks guys on the side. At very least she wishes to show off her tits to other men
how do you know?
>Born again virgin
I knew a girl who was raised by Catholic parents, (she was never religious though), and after I dumped her in high school she started taking dick like there was no tomorrow. She's probably fucked a few dozen guys, she's told me this herself.
It got to the point where she was "raped" in college and transferred schools. She's now a (((Christian))) and abstains from sexual activity.
Literally in the "I'm just looking for a good guy to settle down with" phase. Like clockwork.
Fuck the future. Sex war now.
Get back in the oven now Shlomo
The only reason I would do that is to dilute their bloodlines. Mongol style.
>Polygamy approved by Israeli rabbis to counter Arab demographic threat
Just remove democracy or you'll get pic related.
It's a meme anyway.
kek, says the country that has being has sucked Turkish and Muslim cock for the last 400 years.
Yeah, because they didn't repeatedly try to conquer the west before Israel *rolls eyes sarcastically*
dear god
A lot of hardcore nationalists support one state solution.
Fuck that, you can have at it cause I'd fuck a nigger before I'd go near a filthy kike