Do not engage with or harass trumpkins
Do not waste your time & sink down to their level
Block them
#TheResistance is a peaceful movement
Do not engage with or harass trumpkins
Do not waste your time & sink down to their level
Block them
#TheResistance is a peaceful movement
>Not having a veritable army of sockpuppets.
I shiggy diggy my didlio doo wap didly do.
>the starter pack
>because you need one
What are you checking?
>Block them
Are you newfag or what?
Go suck a cock Sulu!
Why don't you just have a fuckin sit-in in a dildo factory then
You Fucking Fags
blocked :)
>needing a starter pack
That made me Kek more than it should have
That's a great idea. If Trump supporters and libtrards block each other, then maybe we will achieve peace. Trump is going to be president anyway.
actually drumpf won't get the amount of votes needed in congress on jan. 20th... watch. #TheResistance is COMING ......
>12 ways Bernie Sanders can still win
Who else immediately blocked OP and downvoted this thread?
Why does he have such a disgusting body? Lmao
Nice triple chin and fatass gut you got going on there donnie, funny how his fat burdening his abhorrent body never made it to the physicians report on his health
You are #TheResistence!
man-made climate change is a myth
>all americans believe this
You have some unsolved issues you want to share, pablo?
Thank you.
I don't think Takei's ass or mouth has any resistance left.
Oh my!
Should've put a in there so my filter would hide your shit thread
>The CSA secede from the Union
>California petitioning to secede
Wow so brave, this is the right thing to do