Low sex drive

How do I increase my sex drive? I don't know if it's just modern society or the fluoride water but I don't even want to fuck women anymore. Dating women is too much effort and I'd rather jerk off once every couple days or something.

I feel like if I have sex anymore it will be just for the sake of procreation. How do I make myself interested in sex in general? I'm 25, I shouldn't need fucking Viagra.

I'm not even kidding when I say I've tried to have intercourse with men just to see if I was gay (didn't work out). It's just that I have a very low sex drive.

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you probably masturbate too much. Quit fapping for a month and you'd be dying to get pussy.

Can we switch drives? I cant get anything done im too busy trying to fuck people. Somebody help me lower my sex drive

find hotter woman you cuck.



> I've tried to have intercourse with men
Top or bottom?

I didn't realize I was gay until I tried being a bottom

stop watching anime

I'm in the same boat, but I'm pretty sure my issues are caused by the pharma Jew I'm popping daily

Don't fap to porn. Regular fapping is OK, but don't overdo it obviously.

Work out and eat well.

Do things that boost your testosterone.

Get your test levels checked just in case.

It's a blessing, I have near zero sex drive. I remember being a teen/early 20s and just lusting after butts big league. Now I maybe bone gf once a month.

It's good, nothing good comes from sex anyway.

I have the same problem OP. Couldn't get it up twice in my life with two decently attractive broads.

Ever been on SSRIs? Supposedly there's new research showing they permanently dull your sex drive.

Im thinking about getting my test levels checked, but im not sure if that's all just a meme and I should just get a scrip for Viagra.
>tfw 22 yo


idk man I honestly masturbate like once every 2-3 days or something. almost always to my imagination, rarely ever watch porn. When I hear people masturbating 4 times a day and getting into all kinds of fucked up porn I can't relate.


I'm really not that attractive of a guy. I mean I work out and have a job and such but I will never be as attractive as some tall handsome guy or some guy who was born into wealth or something. But I don't know how to explain it. Even around sexy women I'm just unmoved by them. It's almost mechanical: I know she's a gorgeous woman so I know she has all kinds of beta orbiters and most of her friends are jealous of her being prettier than they are.

It's like I'm almost more willing to date ugly women because I know at least her ego hasn't been bolstered simply for winning the gene lottery and not being fat. Ugly women are more likely to have realistic standards and expectations for themselves too. And once you get over them being ugly, the sex really isn't that bad, especially if she's a nice person.

Overall though, it's like the whole race of going out and finding a mate is just too much stress.

Too much effort, too many games, the pussy isn't even worth it half the time. I just feel like checking out of the sex game or something but I know a man can never actually be happy like this. This is why I'd rather find some way of boosting sex drive.

I was put on antidepressants when I was much younger but I stopped taking them because I hated them.

Where is the from?

I'm not kidding when I say I'm at the point of just ordering everything on sale at the Infowars Store, OD'ing myself with some Super Male Vitality, Brain Force and a little bit of Anthroplex and Nascent Iodine on top.

I don't even know if any of that shit works but fuck it, the placebo effect has gotta be worth something.

Denpa Teki na Kanojo

Well in a way you are blessed because you could select a life companion not by following your dick but by looking at their personalities, which for most men is completely obscured by how beautiful a female is.

However you simply sound depressed. Not the "brb kill myself" type, but the type where life is bland, you feel lukewarm about everything, you aren't really engaged in the world as a whole etc. it's probably been a while you tried something new or felt energized. Maybe you're living life on autopilot in a way.
For me the key has always been to realize that the more energy I put out, or rather I put into life, the more of an effort I make, the better it gets. It's the same as with food, a microwave dinner us easy but rarely tasty, but when you cook up something yourself you get that little boost of pride and taste. Maybe it's s lack of engaging with life, or finding something in life to engage with at all.

low sex drive is a blessing. i suffer as a virgin incel and would like to not care about sex.

Post made me laugh but i've had the same thought.

I'm probably gonna order some super male vitality just to be ironic but somewhere inside my heart I know I really have a small ounce of faith in the product.

Would Alex Jones lie to me?


>Ever been on SSRIs? Supposedly there's new research showing they permanently dull your sex drive.

Zoloft pretty much permanently destroyed my libido

honestly it probably is the anime and the weeaboo fighters

fucking jewpanese with their pretty boy fighting games. how can i feel aroused by real women when Noel Vermillion and the Blazblue crew are so much more attractive? No wonder Japan has low birth rate.

i will never have the capacity to attract a highly attractive woman without being rich. I'm not even mad about it, I've just accepted it as my fate as an unattractive man. unless I had 100 million to my name and all sorts of fame or something, the types of girls most 4channers fap over would never show interest in me. I'm just too boring and ugly of a person. I've already resolved myself to find an ugly woman of good health, intelligence and fertility to have my eventual ugly children who will eventually take out their ugly dates to the prom. i can already see my whole life flashing before my eyes, and I feel mostly okay with it.

yeah this is probably closest to the truth. I'm a happy person in the most mundane sense. Everything in my life is predictable. I don't feel like challenging myself anymore. i'm just bored. the 2016 election was the single most exciting thing I ever experienced in my life.

More than having sex for the first time, more than my first kiss, more than all the times in college and high school I spent with my friends.... I enjoyed watching Donald Trump become President.

I think something has to be fundamentally wrong with me as a person to enjoy something like this more than the aspects of life which supposedly make me "human".

I'm not kidding man. I mean, I'm just thinking in terms of "look how much fucking energy and drive that Alex Jones guy has. I don't know if I even want to feel as angry and fired up as him... but wouldn't it be better than the total ennui I feel now?"

You do sound quite lifeless, yes.

I did the Jordan Peterson self-authoring thing, maybe you could try. I know it's turning into a meme of its own but it's not a bad thing to consider, especially if you're already going to buy some supermale vitality or something. One of the main points he makes is that working towards a goal, not even reaching it, but advancing towards something meaningful makes life more meaningful and less "meh". The question is, of course, if you have any sort of dreams and things you want to still do or if you're just awaiting death. If the latter, I think you need a proper (male) counselor, not just supplements.

I think Nofap really might be the most effective for you. Masturbating is basically pissing away everything that makes us feel alive.

Sex drive is the lifeblood of a man, after all. Without it, he feels no desire to achieve anything. But a properly pent up man can move a continent. It makes no sense to try to put out that fire by masturbating, but our bodies want us to do it anyway because they've programmed us for abject hedonism, much like the Jew.

Remember, to succeed, reject the Jew.

I feel you, I have no interest in getting a gf. I'd rather just be lonely in my room and jerk off to anime.

Get a job. You would be too tired to fap after work.

Hey guys, I've got a sex question

When I'm eating out a girl, am I meant to lick the clit around or am I meant to go down the vagina region?

Any advice is great.

The girl I do it to gets off easier with clit stimulation when using my hands if that helps, but, she has orgasmed from finger penetration b4

Exercise and eat better. Don't masturbate at all.

Switch it up nigger. Finger her while you do it.

I thought Vladimir Putin was going to Make Russia Mate Again? What ever happened to him banning porn and pushing traditional values in Russia and all that?

Is it really? Somehow I often feel sex is probably one of the most distracting things for a man, but it does regulate happiness. Part of why some of the most effective people ever were kissless virgins like Newton or Tesla, but they were deeply unhappy people.

I'm not interested in moving mountains. I'd just like to be actually happy. I've always been pretty skeptical of the whole No Fap thing.

Well I do like construction industry stuff. I work as a civil engineer and I'd like to eventually own my own construction company, but truthfully I haven't made that many efforts towards such a goal. Suffice to say I'd rather be the person signing the cheques and commissioning people's jobs rather than being another one of the people on site doing the jobs.

I do exercise and eat healthy. I've never had any kind of problem with being under or overweight, if anything people seem to think I'm remarkably healthy. I guess I could lift more and try to get jacked but even that would be only for narcissism of staring at my own beautiful muscles in the mirror, nothing else. There's much better things a person can do than lift things up and put them down.

I don't have any desire to fuck a woman. None at all. I'd like to be in a romantic relationship (I know I can't get this) and get my dick sucked sometimes (and lick her feet (not a sub)), but I have absolute no interest in putting my dick in a pussy. I know I can't get the emotional things I want, so porn just substitutes for the rest and works fine.

Increase muscle mass. More muscles mean more testosterone. Test is a feel good chemical for men. Buy the book Starting Strengtg, thats the single best piece of advice I can give

I found a thread on /fit/ a long time ago about supplements that increase semen volume. I dunno how truly effective this shit is but I take them anyway, feels fucking great, desu, you get the fullest erections and it increases sex drive: pygeum, maca

So these things u can find at walmart and its for prostate health, not sure even what that means but as a young guy shit makes me feel horny when i take it: saw palmetto, and fenugreek

these things will increase semen volume but dont necessarily make you hornier: lecithin, lots of water, and protein

Citruline is an amino acid that increases blood flow resulting in epic boners

DHEA is very risky imo but you can buy it over the counter in the US. do a lot of research on this before you buy it to make sure u know what ur doing, it is a steroid hormone and is banned in like every sport and is illegal in the UK / canada / australia

these are things that just make you horny as fuck but dont increase semen volume afaik - take this if you want to feel super horny: horny goat weed, tongkat ali

forgot to mentiom, dont browse /fit/ for advice, the only good thing i got from there is the book Starting Strength.

I will record these down since this post seems to have the most directly applicable advice towards increasing testosterone and sex drive. Thank you.

>I'm not interested in moving mountains. I'd just like to be actually happy.

Why'd you like to be happy? Happiness is a fleeting thing, you will never catch it for long enough to hold it. It's a meme, nothing more.

People, including you, are brainwashed so much that they feel dead inside. Part of it is happiness seeking. There is no constant happy feeling, the best feeling you can dive yourself in to is sacrificial. A feeling of sacrifice with meaning attached to it is the thing you should be seeking.

What do you want? The answer is to understand yourself, better yourself, understand the reality you live in the best you can.

Start doing psychedelics, expand your mind and join us.

Ha ha

>Sup Forums advice for happiness is taking steroids, drugs and stop masturbating while also increasing your semen volume.

Maybe consult a therapist before you turn to a white nationalist/anime message board for life advice

>Don't pursue happiness, just hit acid and kill yourself instead.

I will respectfully decline this offer, Jesus.

Well I mean shit you guys have given me better advice on literally everything compared to literally everyone I've ever known in my life including my own parents and university professors.

Why shouldn't I expect you guys to solve my soft dick problems as well?

buy my filters

only if you give me a coupon code, Alex

I jerk off 3-4 times a day and i always want to fuck my wife

I am a student who doses heavily on adderal. For some reason adderal makes me horny af. I love fucking the shit out of my girlfriend and making her titties hit her face.

I once had a girlfriend who was basically a twig with a cups. Always wanted the dick but it wasn't pleasurable as a girl with meat.

Point of argument is: you must be fuckin something nasty.

Boost your testosterone zinc and vitamin D eat some red meat or eat some eggs and exercise for an hour you will boost your shit in a few days

You don't need a sex drive to procreate. Get a woman and bang her without a condom whenever you feel the need to jerk off.
Don't buy into the whole dating shit. You just need a woman who does what you ask and you're set. Most women actively looking for men want your cash and possibly a personal slave which is the exact opposite of what you want out of a relationship that bears children.

Stop watching porn

Get your T levels checked

you dont need to fuck all the time

get a girlfriend and marry her

Yeah this is part of the reason I assume it's just me and never really cared for the whole no fap thing.

Most guys I know my age with healthy sex drives will fuck women whenever they can and jerk off whenever they can't. But generally they always feel enough motivation to go out and get something.

I don't think you understand. I haven't fucked anything in 6 months. I don't even feel enough drive to find a girl to fuck. Dating just seems so terrible.

Yeah I don't really want a girlfriend. I'd kind of like to just skip this whole girlfriend thing and just get a wife who will make dinner and have kids in exchange for me paying the mortgage and owning a car or whatever.

I mean I'm being really honest, I'd rather just focus on my work and maybe starting my own business. The human desire for companionship is just a need that needs to be met for someone to perform at their best. I'm really mostly interested in building things. Like until I get a wife I'd rather settle for a periodic whore or something: dealing with women's shit is just too much.