Americans shit on commieblocks and they have these



I fucking love commieblocks!

Stfu serbshit

Niggers have those. We live in suburbs

Are those the Queensbridge projects Nas and Mobb Deep were rapping about in all their songs?

are those state-owned and maintained?

So? Gopniks are slav niggers and they live in commieblocks... Do you think everything in Eastern Europe is out of concrete?

They're freedomblocks

Chicago has a bunch of those on the south side. Driving by them is like a trip to a non-futuristic dystopia. It's like judge dredd without any interesting technology to make it intriguing.

I remember living there and seeing those from my balcony during the superbowl. Everything was dark, the streets were empty, and all the windows were lit with blue light blinking in unison. They were all watching the same channel.

It was like a gigantic christmas display.

It's where we keep our slav equivilent

Whoa... really makes my brain do stuff...

I don't care

Those are nigger containment centers.

Our commieblocks are better

In such houses, we buy an apartment in the mortgage for 15 years at 13-15% per annum.

Behold the beauty and genius of communist architecture. It takes your breath away (because you're gagging with disgust) doesn't it?

those are for our niggers

We have to have somewhere to store our hitch accessories. Unfortunately the hitch accessories have to eat and shit but as a bonus they can be a nice windchime on your tree as well. All you need is a rope and a couple of watermelon tea cans

buy an apartment? why?

How can you even own that? what if they knock the building down?

Ruining architecture is the Jewish trick that triggers me the most.

We could really use them in California Bay Area. Can any Russian send civil engineers and architects to here and build commie blocks in San Jose CA, or maybe in Tracy? California is a communist state anyways so it will blend in nicely.

>suicide cube usually in the middle of a degeneracy den (city/urban area)
>having to deal with noisy neighbours (screaming kids, barking dogs)
>having to deal with petty, building politics
>not moving to a house and cultivating a little garden
>not moving to a house to buy a dog or two who can roam around freely and not be "taken out for scheduled walks"
>not moving to a house to enjoy peace, quiet, and barbecues with friends and family

That looks like the nigger housing on the Lower East Side. That isn't going to last. That fucking land is worth literally billions and billions of shekels, the Jews will have them out within 5 years.

The Roo gets it right

Commieblocks are beautiful

They really are stunning and brave.

Yeah, Housing and Urban Development.

Those are our version of commie housing.


mix of private and federally owned and managed

Agreed. Gorgeous. Simply - gorgeous.

sp00ky yet most likely true

That building you posted though in particular doesn't look bad though, it's god a good minimalistic modernist design while still retaining some unique individual character to it, it isn't like the Eastern European concrete rectangular death traps

Are these the nigger's projects?

These were made by the government right? So basically the same thing as commie blocks

>slav niggers

Ponte City Apartments in Johannesburg was far worse than any commiblock could ever hope to be, it looks like the beginnings of a futuristic sci-fi panopticon dystopian surveillance state.

It looks like one of those sci fi prisons that are cylindrical

But these are nice commieblocks desu
I like the texture and the color of them
Is apartment there is expensive?(because the location is pretty good)


they make those so you know when to make a you turn

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There's more pics from different angles too. Neat fact; people just started throwing their trash into 'The Pit' in the middle since it was so huge and seemingly could hold a limitless amount of garbage. The trash piled up to 3 stories at the bottom of the complex before needing to be removed.

A panopticon like he said you fucking plebeian

they actually considered converting it into a prison before its was remodeled and became an apartment complex again. its still like 60% vacant though

It was far worse because it got occupied by negros. When it was habitated by whites, it was a luxurious building.

Your two-faced liberals won't allow it.

They will claim

>muh environment

but the real reason is they don't want their housing values to drop desu

that has to be massively fucking loud if each floor / unit has an open window to that middle portion. fuck off