When did you stop watching TV Sup Forums?

When did you stop watching TV Sup Forums?

Pic related is shown on Australian free to air

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when i learnt how to torrent really

when I was a teenager.
and that is literally cancer.

for the most part i never watched tv. occasionally i'll watch a show, but i don't actively watch tv.

When they started making boxsets

I stayed attached to sports for about 5 years before I finally gave that form of pathetic niggerworship up.

before that, I hadn't enjoyed TV at all for over a decade.

>buying media

Unaustralian mate

don't watch it since 5 years ago except some rare shows, and never watched it once since 2 years

when I got my first broadband internet access.

ca. 2010

>Propaganda for two non-whites racemixing
I support this

Thats one good lookin brotha


you wish

i would support the shit out of that show. getting niggers and whatever kind of brown she is fighting each other, leading white lefties closer to the breaking point by seeing the rational response to race mixing from non-whites. subversive as fuck. don't you understand what our role is in this bizarre reality we memed the world into? we the nu-jus mother fucker.

Not so fast

The one on the right is clearly a mutt of some kind

white boys cant compete

Thanks Sweden.

I think by 2010 I was already over with it

5 years ago when i was 16. It is full of shit. I only open it for a music channel as i have my dinners.

At like, 12, when the internet became more entertaining with fewer ads.

Black men have superior speed, strength, intellect, reflexes, personalities and lets not forget their huge virile BBCs

White boys need to start taking female hormones so they can be useful as living cocksleeves at least.

Gotta have something to look shmick on me shelf

are you that same cuck who posted that gay nigger with a cucumber in his long john's?

Our reality tv shows always have one nignog too. To fill quotas I suppose. They tend to be the first ones the get kicked out.

That picture shows nigger barbarism quite well. He's the only one not trying to cover his nudity at all.

Or he's not ashamed of his penis size like white boys are?

Nothing is worth paying for anymore

I watched the Young Pope recently, just finished it an hour ago.

Why get made over this TV show though? Are you worried about the low IQ idiots who see this and say "now that I've watched this TV show, I want a black man!"? If they really are stupid enough to let something like this influence them why even bother worrying about them? Worry about yoursel.

Youd do well to stop get uppity about such meager shit.

>muh digg
That's literally the only 'quality' of negros. Their intellect and 'personalities' have been proven time after time to be subhuman. They are not particularly strong either, nor are their reflexes any faster. They are good at running though, but most primitive animals are. It's just so ridiculous how a race can be known solely for their stupidity, laziness and "muh dick". If you had any brains, you'd realize how completely and utterly embarrased you should be. White people fly rockets to the moon, while black men mumble about their dicks and rob convenience stores.

>t. inbred white boy

Of course he's not ashamed. Because he's an animal. My dog is not ashamed of his nudity either. The nignog should be, but is not. Can't expect anything more from a primitive animal, I suppose.

>When did you stop watching TV Sup Forums?

Do you really believe any of them are ashamed?

Loom at what show they're on, they know where they are.

Swedish white chicks love slav cock more than black
We are the alpha males they crave for

Being inbred is far better than being a nigger. Although niggers are so awful at life that they used to starve most of the time, keeping their populations low. So you're both inbred and a nigger.

checks out

Boy me and my niggas are running a train on your girl as you type that paragraph.

All we need is our BBCs. Be jealous, cracker.

Who could be behind such garbage?

I only watch sport occasionally, never watch any TV broadcast. People I know actually think the evening news is the critical source of news haha.

>poo in loos


I saw Toddlers in Tiaras and saw a fat blob wrecking her child to a cheerig audience. I called my cable company and never so much as bought an antenna since.

I've pirated things and been really shocked at how pozzed ahit has gotten. It has just kept getting worse to levels I am shocked people tolorate.

>When did you stop watching TV Sup Forums?
I didn't watch tv for years unless at work, watch it a bit now since the tv is on constantly at home(mostly news).

I was at work last week eating in the break room when ABC ran a commercial for a tv show called "black-ish" then one for "fresh off the boat" and finally a tv show called "the real o'neals" started. All 3 of the shows had some title referencing non-white culture(blacks, chinese, irish) which just pissed me off. Then while listening to the opening monologue of o'neals, this teenage boy voice said "after my parents divorce and my coming out as gay..." and I got really mad after seeing the actor was playing a 14 yr old. Thanks for promoting cultural marxism amongst kids ABC! They truly are the family channel.

About 5 years ago. TV is very expensive and sitting on your ass watching other people do things is a degenerate waste of time. Nothing is better than the confused look most normies get when you tell them "I don't watch TV". It's like their lives revolve around screens.

That said I still stream a sports game from time to time.


>Swedish Intellectuals

Pretty sure there's a similar show in the UK
More or less stopped watching tv when I joined the forces, just read a book and you'll actually learn something. TV is now just a way to tread water throughout the day, there's little quality left to bring to the table now.

I forgot to add that the o'neals show is also promoting pederasty, this was the part I saw:


The young gay boy has an older male mentor who is also gay.

>It's like their lives revolve around screens.
Watching some of these tv shows tells you where their values come from. They digest and repeat the shit on tv, if the tv shows move further to the left, so does the audience. I wouldn't be surprised if most of Sup Forums doesn't watch tv, either because they got sick of it or the absense of tv allowed them to form their own opinions outside the psychological framing tv uses to push it's agenda.

Is that why he has the superior woman?

Over ten years ago, once you get away, then come back you can see how clince and dumb it all is.
I was at a friends house and he flipped on the end of some show that's all hot right now, there is so much artifice, and "real-ism" in the true meaning of that world. TV is so bad for you.
have you noticed people that which a lot of TV seem to be over emotional? Like they are replicating the drama they see on TV?
'Oh, that's how I am spooked to act"
Movies aren't that much better

>d I still stream a sports game from time to time.

but you still watch it though? ok

>They digest and repeat the shit on tv

That part is so infuriating to me. It's so obvious it hurts. I want stand talking to people who are just drones for CNN, etc. and merely co-opt whatever talking point they're pushing as their own.

Never watched tv.
I played vidya gaems and watched anime

I don't watch TV either. Don't watch sports at all, even though I used to play all year round in high school. I know people who know every single football team's score for this season, know all the players' names, etc. and are always plugged into ESPN. I can't imagine how much television you need to watch to know all that shit. What is the point?

It seems like mostly older fat men who wanted to be good but never got their break and live through the players on the TV while drinking their sorrows away. It's just a fucking game...

One way or another almost everyone in America is tuned in to the electric Jew. Children watch cartoons, teenagers watch MTV, men watch sports and women watch reality shows.

I share the household with my parents, so I am forced to watch it. Usually I just laugh at the shit that box spouts. Lights my life up.

what a weak bait, sven

>go on a show called dating naked where competw naked
>covering up your genitals
Hes the only one actually playing the game

We had this too. Was/is called Adam and Eve. Concept coming straight from the Toothpaste.

>niggers have superior strength

Ah so that's why whites (mostly slavs and nordics) dominate every strength competition



lol i couldn't help but watch the show in my hotel room
>they always find the most suave athletic black guy possible
>they find the most socially awkward but still good looking white guys
>entire show consists of jew & white girls fawning over the nigger while the white guys shoot themselves in the foot
i don't even own a TV

Lost interest within five minutes of that show because of the censors. What's the point of cock teasing tits and ass only to have annoying censors the whole time.

god help america

Sweden will be the one white country to fall. The majority of good people already left in 2013 or are just turning 18 and getting done with school before they leave.

The only competitions they win are for running and jumping, what you do to avoid police, KEK



Absolutely no




I just can't take Australian TV seriously anymore. Everything here is pure shit.

It's exactly like that here too.

My TV broke in 2000 or so and I didn't immediately buy a new one, then over time noticed I didn't miss watching TV at all. I was at university at that time and always had something to do. The Internet was also already around in a way pretty similar to what it's like today. IRC and stuff was better entertainment than shitty TV. I was playing a lot of QuakeWorld.

Why do you care?
They're not white.

Not even remotely ashamed of my dick size because I'm bigger than average, plus I'm not a subhuman monkey like creature that commits tonnes of crimes in other people's countries because my people aren't capable of building our own. It hurts to know that you're inferior doesn't it? Imagine being so low down on the evolutionary food chain that your one notable positive is an above average sized penis. Niggers are truly animals

The only TV I was these days is the NRL. It's my escape when I want to leave politics. It's remained fairly non-political so its refreshing and I can shitpost on Sup Forums

I haven't watched television in about five years and I haven't been to the cinema in three and I don't miss either.

I had ads with a passion and do not think I will ever go back to something that forces them down my throat.


Here i am sitting watching old Silent Witness eps I downloaded off iview

Why do you do these things Sweden?

2006, pretty much cold-turkey. I came back from a two month holiday through Europe and have just used the internet ever since.

It's so strange when my parents come for a visit, the rubbish they watch in the evenings - complete role reversal.

Imagine if your child turned up on a show like that. The only understandable reaction would be deep shame

about 17 years ago, every now and then i watch the (((news))) only to get disappointed at how much they are lying

I stopped when I realized I could choose the content to entertain me elsewhere instead of having it chosen for me by politically correct TV corporations.

Around the time youtube started to put out longer videos and I started listening to podcasts at work. That's when I cut the little television I did watch out of my life. Family Guy or films on tv late at night. Probably properly stopped around age 16.
The only people I know who watch it are clueless women.

Christmas television was abysmal this year. The one time of year my family actually watches the same things, and they all agreed it's never been as bad as it has been now.
The BBC didn't fork out for any original Christmas programming. I hope it's a sign that they're going under. They've been asking if people have a tv license on Iplayer for a while.

I'm on holidays visiting family, they all have foxtel and even it has adds. It's fucking shit

Cancelled TV about 4 years ago. PC hdmi to LCD tv with streaming since then.


when I learned that most stuff on estonian commercial TV is geared towards normies. Our government-funded TV channel provides more quality stuff, like political debates and documentaries, shows about estonian history and culture etc. but even in the debates, I can't stand the politically centrist daily topics

>lets talk about gay marriage again for the 100th time, should we pass the cohabitation law in the parliament?
>let's talk about how corrupt some of the estonian politicians are
>let's talk about local russians
>let's talk about how bad russia is and how based NATO is for the 100th time
>let's talk about local russians again
>let's talk about why brexit and trump happened in the "WOW WTF IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD" tone for the 100th time
>let's talk about local russians some more
>let's call nationalist conservatives and social demicrats at the same table and have them discuss immigration and muslims together for the 100th time
>let's break the news to talk about local russians once more
>let's talk about why we should tax the shit out of alcohol and why it's a brilliant idea
>let's ask national conservatives in the show again and ask them what they think about hitler, neo-nazism, muslims and trump
>let's discuss how putin funds right wing
>back to local russians again, what do they think about this and that or this, let's ask them if they want Putin tanks here or no
>let's talk about america a little, let's laugh about their gun laws
>hey guys, how about gay marriage? let's ask this local christian nutjob what he thinks about gay marriage, and let's have those social democrats in the same show to watch the lefties chimpout on them and laugh at the christian nutjob for being a christian
>let's discuss if estonia is nordic now
>hey wait this local russian guy said he likes estonia now, that's nice
>but this local russian lad over here wants russian tanks here
>hey guys what about gay marriage, are we nordik or not??

>Pic related is shown on Australian free to air

i watched that show once. its shit cause they blur the tiddies. whats even the point if they blur everything and i cant have a wank to it.

i still watch COPS every thursday. love seeing niggers experience justice.


since when, ante?

>slag / roach / faggot dating
>SBS Liberal-land
>"look how rich I am!" channel
>shitty (american) cooking
>shitty (american) reno
for fucking years
only thing you can watch is 24 (((news))) or alahuakbar
maybe Q&A when it comes back

probably around 12 or 13, once we got our first internet connection (in 1996) i spent my evenings there

>nobody knows if sven is taking the piss or being serious here

Sounds like CSPAN.

Do people really think our gun laws are too loose?

I find them quite restrictive



>pudgy butterface fridgelets deserve 10/10 handsome built tall men

Now THAT is the real brainwash

compared to Estonia, where you have to get a medical examination for mental illness or chronic diseases, where you have to be either the member of the Military or a hunting club, where gun stores are very restricted and few, and you most certainly can't have guns everywhere outside your land, military bootcamp or shooting range... yeah, they are quite loose compared to us.

But I also get why america needs them, because to overthrow a tyrannical government. We don't need this one in Estonia, since if there is a tyrannical government, it's gonna be Merkel, american drones or Putin that will take it down, but in USA, the superpower of the world, it has to be people themselves who take him down.

Also in Estonia, we can't have russians getting their hands freely on guns, or even estonians for that matter, to shoot at them, this would cause a diplomatic incident and Putin tanks to arrive in a hurry.

But america is a different case, so yeah, I don't joke along with my compatriots about why america needs guns



Probably 10 years ago? Not even because of conspiracy stuff, shits just outright boring and ads are annoying.

That was very well thought out and helped me understand another view point that isn't mine (culturally).

I also am humbled by the faith you put in the American citizen-rifleman.

>seeing someone in full Nat Geo
>this is somehow supposed to elicit attraction
>despite people (males) getting bored of what they see resulting in most relationship breakdowns



we get the same shit here in spain, but without blurring out the naughty bits