>soviet union
>outlawed homosexuality
>had strong nationalism
>killed degenerates
>stopped immigration
Socialism is the future of Sup Forums
Socialism is Sup Forumss true destiny
> jews at power
> killed intellectuals
>outlawed homosexuality
>had strong nationalism
>killed degenerates
>stopped immigration
fuck off libcuck
So, where do you work?
>>had strong nationalism
>>killed degenerates
an office
>this is what brainwashed americuck college commies actually believe
wew lad, real working class individual here.
And what are the "means of production" to you, personally, as a person who works in a comfy environment?
>>stopped immigration
Um no, they stopped emigration, not immigration.
>degenerates got gulag/executed all the time
>national bolsheviks apparently aren't nationalist
what r u talking bout m8
So cute yet so retarded.
>he is nazbol
im real nazbol
you fucking faggot
Stop that larping, the damage communism has done is still in effect in many European countries. It's always commie larpers from countries that were not affected by it.
People starved to death, everyone was poor, it sucked.
We might not even reach western quality of life in few hundred years.
>killed degenerates
By 'degenerates' you mean millions of working class people? Wow socialism sounds great and the free gibs without working as long as I am card carrying member of a party is making it much sweeter.
i think it's a problem that globalism has taken industry from my country and forced nearly everyone to have office jobs that produce nothing of value. nationalism and socialism are solutions to these problems. as for your question the 'means of production' i don't operate those as I don't produce anything, which once again I think is an issue not just for me but for many others.
This is pol.
Is all about larping.
But you are right, Commie larping is the most retarded larping of all.
USSR gone 25 years now. Sane people celebrate this.
What do you name as degenerative action in USSR? You could be a gay, pervese pedophile and not get executed if you kept it low level, EVEN MORE, if you had ties to the nomenklature or the party (then you could get away with pretty much anything)
Degenerates were those who committed anti-soviet actions, which is against the state rule and ideology, nothing about social preferences
Btw there was no nationalism or race and there never will be in communism, just the one and only poor plebian mass
I hope that communism comes to your neighbourhood and one day you see Jashawn, your local abo, and Alex, the poor trailer-park trash banging on your door asking for you to take in 2 families and give up 90% of your possessions to the state, because your dumb ass has too much
Socialism is not a solution.
The ALP in our country gave up nationalism for socialism after Curtain.
Was not good.
>obese faggot who was too lazy to go out of his mom's basement talks about socialism
In USSR you would've been killed for being a human trash and rightfully so
>faggot leftist preaches for things he doesn't take part in because he's too busy being cozy in his office
Working in a factory currently, don't give a fuck about your greedy kike antics. Go back to /leftypol/, cunt.
No, Gulag was mostly for people saying shit about government. Degenerative maniacs were in power. Also, nationalism in any form was banned, the only nation was a """"Soviet Men"""".
Well actually, funny thread desu.
*too lazy to go out of his mom's basement to vote for Sanders
Keep taking, I'll get the helicopter.
The USSR was based. Hitler even said Stalin had made his own form of secular fascism before Stalin made Hitler butthurt.
Also slavs are the superior race. Germans are huge cucks who were about to become communists.
> stopped immigration
Yeah by building a wall so people can't get out
Kys faggot commie nigger
So many communists. So few helicopters.
Of course you do. A rich office rat taking money for nothing talking about plight of workers. What else is new in communism?
> stopped immigration
Fuck you, Soviets flooded Estonia with immigrants.
Oh yeah? And who is going to buy the thing I work for me?
you should ask those 60 gorrilion how socialism worked out for them
The Bolsheviks were only narionalistic when it suited their agenda. Otherwise the goal was internationalist bullshit.
FUCK fascists and FUCK rich people, my comrades
>FUCK rich people
The Best Korea is waiting for you, tovarisch.
If you love socialism so much come to Brazil :)