Why are Southerners so fat, unapologeticially stupid, degenerate, addicted to welfare, and obnoxious? Is it cause "we wuz kangz of JAWWWJUH fo da evul Lincoln dun made war on us"?
Retarded Southerners
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>all that projecting
there are just as many white trash yankees as there are white trash southerners.
retarded niggers u mean?
But only one still exists
white southerners are on par with niggers.
the boogie man in every southerner's closet.
>those people made war on us
>fucking implying
I can't wait for the civil war
South Carolina legally seceded.
United States soldiers were occupying a now Confederate fort within a newly free state. They were asked to leave and they refused. So after bombardment, they were forced to leave with 0 causalities on both sides.
Occupying a foreign fort is more of a call to war than kicking you out of our fort.
The CSA wasn't recognized by anyone. It wasn't a real country.
Secession was not illegal. Get over it.
>legally seceded
>posting fake quotes
Grant and Sherman were both very generous in their peace terms and did not want hatred between the north and the south after the war.They would both hate you.
>pic related is a man who did not hate Sherman nor did Sherman hate him after the war despite previously being enemies.
well it is now pal
There were no laws at the time making secession illegal and the only precedent was the revolutionary war.
Indeed. Laws have now been made in America against states leaving. I believe Texas is the only state that is allowed to leave if it so chooses.
Yes it was. The US was founded as a perpetual union in 1781
>South Carolina legally seceded.
Nigger. The kikes led secession efforts in the south over slaves. The motherfuckers they imported in the first place.
Lincoln was Trump 1.0.
>There were no laws at the time making secession illegal and the only precedent was the revolutionary war.
There was no precedent making it anything other than an open declaration of rebellion.
But that's wrong you fucking faggot
It was not illegal to secede before the north forced their will on the southern states
Lincoln, like Hitler, did nothing wrong.
Lincoln wanted to send the niggers back to Africa. Imagine an America today with no niggers, no chimpouts, no rap music. It would be paradise on Earth. The South was working on behalf of (((English industrialists))) who wanted cheap cotton.
yup and the guy who shot lincoln was a good goy who listened to his masters.
If they were, then they got tricked pretty hard.
>south secedes because cotton is kang
>expect brits to come to their aid and break the union blockade
>instead they take the opportunity to expand cotton plantations in egypt and india and get their foot in the door of the cotton market while the south is preoccupied
The perfidious Albion strikes again!
another ''''''coincidence''''''' nytimes.com