hi /pol
>> I'm good at killing people, I have no regrets killing someone when I find reason for it, even simple reason like " he's a corrupted person"/ " hes an ignorant"
>> been taking part in two military conflicts ( Ukraine and Syria(against ISIS)), just for money
>> was arrested once in France for illegal weapon possesion
>> having polish/jerman citizenship
>> I killed three people with a knife
>> I have 14 confirmed kills, but total of 30+
>> I am Christian Catholic, mechanical engineer
>> I dont drink alkochol, nor smoke, and I'm totally against any form of degeneracy
>> I have beloved one, from France, she has desise which is slowly killing her, nothing can be done, I taking care of her, trying to keep her happy, she will die in nearest 5 years.
I want to give my life some real purpose, but I dont know what to do, I have money, time, I'm disgust with the world, people
This system will collapse, I been reading posts around since I discovered Sup Forums year ago..stealing some nice looking graphics etc Lots of "sane" aware people, lots of talking, but none of you does anything about this system...
How people from /pol, want to change the world?
Also Trump might make America "better", but he wont change anything what will have impact on our daily life.
By the way - world is running out of oil, as soon oil prices will skyrocket - its over.