>stole math, medicine and algebra from the arabs

>stole gunpowder, paper and printing from the chinese

>stole cuisine and spices from the poos

>stole land from the indians and aboes

>stole resources from the africans

>stole democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans

>main religion (christianity) comes from the middle east

why cant white people do anything themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:


>singapore was stolen from white british

Even if the root of what you say is true, you could follow up each and every "stole" statement with "mastered".

>not improving the fuck out of it

use it or lose it faggot cuck OP

Pythagoras was Greek and born 1000 years before the Arab expansion caused by Mohammed

>i didnt infringe upon your copyright sir, what I did is merely *inspired* by your design---

We aren't so proud we can't take other peoples good ideas.

Gee, it's almost like Western civilization embodies the very best aspects of mankind.


He says using a British invention

Literally all wrong.

Invented literally everything in modern times. Sent humans to space, to the moon, and to the bottom of the ocean. Created modern society and civilization, dragging the rest of the world with us.

You're welcome. Now get back to your 80hr per week manufacturing job. I need my cheap gizmos.

ur pretty retarded cuck math nigger


>why can't white people do anything themselves?
Posted on a site founded by a white man using a computer invented by a white man connected to the internet created by a white man

>stole gunpowder, paper and printing from the chinese
You meant they made deals

>Posted on a site founded by a white cross dressing weeb appropriating japanese web culture

you are welcome

Yeah but whites did it better.


>stole math, medicine from the arabs
>Checks flag
Okay, user I know its not written in Quran but Arabs stole those things from US INDIANS.

>calculus is an arab invention

See you keep saying this word "stole" and I think the proper word you're looking for is 'Improved', greatly improved at that.


>Turned arabic shitty math into good math using cutting edge stuff like values of zero

>Inspired by Gook Ping-Pong-Boom, Europe develops the weapon which dominates warfare over the entire globe for the next 400 years and the foreseeable future.

>stole cuisine and spices from the poos
>threw em in a trashcan where that shit belongs

>Stole africans from africa, made them into the still thoroughly shit, but obviously superior basketball americans

>Looked at democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans
>Decided fuck that, lets do a republic

>main religion (christianity) comes from the middle east
Nigga, this is your only point, but it doesn't make sense for it to start anywhere else. Where was it going to originate, are we go full mormon on this fucker, and go USA because I live there? Nobody still around with legitimate claim to the fertile crescent circa 0 ad, because the area has been decimated by Europeans, Mongols, Timurids, Huns, just about everybody.

So you basically said we are able to take things and run with them so the fuck what. Without western INNOVATION all you dumb motherfuckers wouldnt have cars. internet, light bulbs, cameras, pasteurized milk, and so fucking much more dude. Western Europe brought the light into this world. And just like usual its other cultures that say they should have the credit. Thats like saying a gunsmith who made a pistol X years before Y war should get credit for winning Y war when it was his apprentice who developed the gun that won Y war and the apprentice just ripped him off. The apprentice should get no credit in your logical pathway.

>why cant white people do anything themselves?
They can conquer the fuck out of you

Thought experiment:

>you wake up black, where do you live?

Changes are you picked an ex-colony force in the West.

>Now you only get to pick in Africa

Changes are you picked an ex-colony like South Africa, defenitely not Ethiopia that was never conquered but had famines, coups, wars and genocides.

>Now you only get to pick in the Middle-East

Changes are you picked colony force Israel where you have voting rights, freedom of religious, rights to criticize your government and a clean, healthy and safe life with free healthcare and education.


They stole them from the Greeks as well.

Zoop zoops gunna zoop.


I know, they took our number system and passed to west claiming it their own. Nobody contradicts it now since they have a tendency to blow stuff up on contradiction of their beliefs.

You act like all that is proprietary.

Go get caned, you freak.

Whites are the master race, accept it

>stole democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans

Kek low quality b8. Sage.

You mean we conquered all the losers and took their stuff and fucked their wives?

Historic revisionists, progressives and Marxists like to depict the West as this terrible force that plundered anywhere it set foot, stealing and conquering anything it touched with no remorse and no regard for human life.

The truth is that the West was this weak, poor and less numerous force but used technology, cooperation, speed and strategy to defeat the totalitarian, numerous and wealthy East that was a looming threat.
It wasn't our weaponry that gave us the Roman empire, it was our Western individualistic egalitarianism caused by our Indo-European battle tactics learned as pastoral radiers that made them hand over Rome to us as we were looked favorably upon by Romans who prefered our way of doing things over their own.

We haven't spend 500 years conquering the rest for money, we spend 500 years dragging everyone else out of their ignorance, mysticism, poverty, hunger, disease and totalitarianism because we felt it was the right thing to do because of our objectivity, our willingness to debate, our learned science and the unique Western solution to the problems of politics, market which is the product of our need for consent from our peers instead of blindly obeying a chosen leader.

We created individual property rights and the high trust society and spread it through the world, we gave women property rights for the first time in human life while we were at it.
We created the Hanja line with the Lotharingian kingdom at the bottom but England and Scandinavia at the top.

Our Protestant ethic was created out of the encouragement of the working class to adopt the ethics of nobility which we then fought among ourselves for to spread.

We did not steal, people handed us their methods, tools, ethics, philosophy and discoveries on a silver platter because we made the world better for everyone with them and often succeeded in where they had failed.

Culture matters, ours is not equal but ours is the best and the most unique culture to have ever existed.

eh theres been about 5000+ years of which western europe was totally irrelevant in the world economy... europeans got their shit together about 1500 AD and are already on the down fall.

power shift will go back to the east again in the next 50-100 years and it will be back to normal...

Be thankful we stole math and whatnot from the Arabs before they burned all the books when going full retard with radical Islam. They could have been among the most advanced civilization in the world had they kept going.

>Muh algebra
>Muh gunpowder
>Muh spices

When you have to name specific inventions/creations as examples of an entire cultures historical greatness, then it's not.


Niggers of asia.

kys singapure

how does it feel to be a bait fag?

>talks about whites

I wish I was a woman so I could have your babies.

sits in front of his LCD which was invented by white male (George Harry Heilmeier ) typing on his keyboard also invented by white male (Christopher Latham Sholes) while shitposting on his by white germman male (Konrad Zuse) invented computer about how whites haven't invented anything
face it nigger without us you would still live in a cave painting walls with your own shiw

Very funny, la. Haha ha, la. I kek'd, la. La la.

Roman's and Greeks are white to be fair here.

>stole math, medicine and algebra from the arabs
Trade of information, and we then improved upon it.
>stole gunpowder, paper and printing from the chinese
I think you mean traded, and then improved it.
>stole cuisine and spices from the poos
Bretty sure that's trade as well, and you can keep your shit curry.
>stole land from the indians and aboes
So whites aren't superior despite kicking their asses and taking their land?
>stole resources from the africans
They weren't doing anything with them anyway.
>stole democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans
How dare whites take something and then improve upon it? How dare they!
>main religion (christianity) comes from the middle east
As an atheist, I couldn't care less.

>stole math
When will this fucking meme end?
All the arabs did is at most basic ass fucking maths. ALL of modern maths is thanks to earopeans.

There is no white superiority. Only self defence from 'diversity' which is only pushed on white nations. I don't see whites trying to whiten black countries or other ethnics, just saying. It's only white nations that are under this politically correct onslaught.

Speaking the English language.