Let's say that your country went full nationalistic in 2017. What then?
Let's say that your country went full nationalistic in 2017. What then?
Other urls found in this thread:
Czexit, purge of the current government, reunification of Czechoslovakia, rise of V4, superpower by 2020
You would know what would happen...
oh and I almost forgot, WALL between us and
I don't see a nationalistic USA in this way. In my opinion it would keep being Zionist and help Black Americans.
My country is becoming nationalistic, but not sure if it's good, cuz the government isn't working for the people.
Half of the world would get conquered again.
It is good I think. Maybe India will really fix its shit this time.
I'd join the death squads.
Mogilev people's republic and belarusian fascist memes in russian media
SIEG HEIL, wish it would happen.
Probably not, there seems to be too many diverse ethnic groups with different interests that probably can't get along that well, if strong nationalism happens than an authoritarian state will likely come into power, but trying to sort out policy between different groups with competing visions that don't get along in the first place is a recipe for failure. Not to mention that you have some super elite castes like the Brahmins who have an unbelievably disproportionate amount of influence compared to most others, and tons of poor people without any power at all in the lower castes and the massive inequality is rife for promotion in the hands of a powerful nationalist state.
I was joking, a nationalist America is bound to balkanize though sooner or later, white peoples' patience with blacks only goes so far, and the Zionism is similar, as people become more nationalist and balkanization occur they're going to ask why the fuck we're giving priority in our policy to a nation besides us.
Well that's easy. If you go full nationalistic you have to purge foreigners, else you done nothing at all. You can call yourself nationalistic as much as you want, but unless you remove foreign power and establish native control, you ain't got shit. Always deport foreign civilian population, but bosses you need to punish.
the UK would be no more
Indonesia would be colonized in weeks.
>What then?
Then we take back Greece of course
Germans always make same mistakes. Instead of killing Zion leaders, they allow them to escape to USA, from where the Zion then strikes back.
is this before or after we reclaim instanbul
We'd lose half our population and the nothing.
Turkey better fix its own ISIS problem, they are blowing you up and shooting you over there.
>What then?
deport illegals, tighten conditions for existing migrants, destroy liberals, and vote conservative
We start marching to retake jerusalem.
>Christian democracy
>Liberal conservatism
I don't know Germany, you got political parties with those words for decades now. Don't you think this democratic voting nonsense has gone long enough? You need control over politicians to do their job, no better way than with guns to their necks. They are too comfy right now.
>take back
wtf, you're already a nationalistic nation
Our modern heavy industry is lightyears ahead of what we had during WW2, with the added bonus of having to fight against armies composed by xirs and ahmeds.
Ofc Spain, Portugal and Greece are already included in the alliance. We will genocide the cancerous anglo whitebois along with their puppeteers for good
Eh, women would get the compulsary military service too? Borders would be controlled more tightly, shengen would be axed a bit?
Maybe someone would re-istitute the old militia system and reservist activity would kick up a bit?
>We will genocide the cancerous anglo
FFS its the iron curtian and the axis of evil all over again.
>thinking portugal/spain would side with italy
Well from all nations on here I think we are one of the most nationalistic ones.
we are nationalistic already
what we do is survive.
its a miracle algeria is still standing in this high tension jew pressurized world.
no really we will invade france,god speed. and make it a racaille colony.
>inb4 its already the case
your the most nu-male country for sure.
neutral much? the only reason you general get left along is theres fuck all there apart from chocolate, mountines, watchs, and pocket knifes
>implying the west won't just claim there proxy states and crush the muslim nations, and then start fight amoung there selfs again
We'd be fucked. America is a nation of mostly idiots. The last thing we need is to close ourselves off from the rest of the world and pretend that we have some sort of national culture. It would give the redneck inbreds too many ideas about their own worth.
>99% Muslims country, 1% Jewish
Yeah, Allah comes before country, real nationalism over there.
Good, fuck France
american civil war
america really needs to sort out there flag burning problem
Do want.
Hard Brexit, Farage as PM, Mosley rises from the grave, fascist UK, Anglo domination of the planet once more and this time we snuff out absoloutelty sickening Krauts for good.
Fuck Germany and fuck Germans.
I think it would be more like Turkey —Erdo-con's base of religious morons who think they're bringing the nation back to God but in reality are just driving everybody with an IQ > 100 to flee as soon as possible, and setting the stage for economic collapse a few years from now. That's what our hicks here in the US would do, too, if they had the chance. Luckily, at least here in the US the hicks don't form a majority of the population. But the problem in the US is, out of the people who are NOT hicks, we have too many low-IQ gangbanger types who are even worse than the hicks.
The hicks are fucking dumb as shit though - they complain about the coastal elites and they don't realize that without the coastal elites, the US would be falling behind the rest of the first world already.
We would invade the non-country new cuckland and genocide all kiwi doll-bludgers.
Either that or straight up caliphate and hitting the self destruct key on Europe.
Fuck any European who's not anglo you're all scum on our boot heels.
This to be quite honest is long overdue, absoloute non country that I always see talking shit on here to overcompensate.
Possibly, I feel like America, at least its white population, is mind-numbingly patriotic to a degree which I can't imagine from almost any other country, which I don't feel is really all that different than being nationalist, it's just that it doesn't connote in ethnicity in America or American politics, although it's moving in that direction and will probably be like that in 5-10 years.
Make them pay for it
one nation one people one flag one religion.god bless
thats our pledge
algerian are obviously nationalistic,
the fact we exist is due to the raise of nationalistic mouvment in the 20s and the mass redpelling by coffe shops and madrassa and scout camps reviving our identity (which whites badly need) creating a generation to break free from colonization. and thus the generation after lived good.
our nationalisme doesnt start world wars that result in another world war, i am looking at you serbs and bosniaks
> i know you are slovakian.
and there is a general feeling that we owe our existence to the patriots. god bless.
if whites do 10% of what we done they will skyrocket into perpetual golden days
Load up on guns. Fascists can't be trusted to keep themselves from chimping out.
America's already one of the more nationalist countries, even if the country's official policy doesn't reflect it the populace is freakishly patriotic. If anything the rednecks getting more power would detract from the spics who are a lot stupider which sounds wonderful.
yeah and no welfare at all. No jobs and generally no money available in switzerland for foreigners KEK
Why would you come to switzerland where there is probably the highest wealth of the average citizen (apart from singapor or some other tiny country where statistics fuck up)
>literally nothing except chocoöate and cheese
Agreed. I keep encouraging liberals to buy guns. Not because I want liberals to be on top, but because I want a balance of power between liberal idiots and right-wing idiots in which neither side dominates the other.
millenials sure arent.
>gif extension in jpg
why you do this andreas
When a rich sheik comes from other country and gets served, that's not nationalism. When every Muslim can migrate to Algeria, that's not nationalism. Religion isn't nationalism, it's exploitation and giving you brain damage there in desert, when you got nothing and then you die for Allah.
I agree Algeria got lot lower crime than most of Africa, on that you might be better, but nowhere near without crime like real nationalistic country should be. The closer to nationalism you get, less crime you have simply because people are native, they work with each other, they don't shit where they eat.
Came here to post this
We need fascism just until we regain control of our land's self-determination.
>No jobs and generally no money available in switzerland for foreigners KEK
KEK is that the resin, roughly 25% of your inhabitants are foreigners? You WISH there was no jobs and welfare for foreigners, in reality you're just as cucked as we are - only with a shit tier accent and ridiculously expensive cost of living
Young peoples' political opinions are meaningless. They haven't matured and basically just pick and choose random ideological elements and can switch major opinions over the course of a couple days. Eventually as they age they'll more than likely gravitate towards their parents' views since ideology is heavily heritable
This. Fascism can be used as a stop gap for radical change, like in Jin-Roh.
Hmm... I'm very doubtful that fascists would give up power willingly once they grabbed it. Doesn't fit with the whole fascist ethos.
Worked for Spain
Dont offer them citizenship makes it easier to get rid off them when they become jobless.
>the more nationalistic you get the less crime.
wow this gave me goosbumps. you ARE RIGHT 100%
her is why : all amgerians addmit the were living in utopean security after indpendence. they left the doors open all the time. they left windows open. they could sleep everywhere. in the beach in the forest.
then it started degrading generation by generation. until it hit the low GUESS WHEN ? when islamist mouvment emmerged in 1989. they message was fuck you all, islam shold rule give us power you are all kaffirs if you desagree "even if we were praying more then them and they were found drinking and molesting children and fucking whores" while the simple algerian tryied to maintain a happy family.
thats put a scar on us (all our windows have iron bars, no one leave his car outside the night anymore,we lock everything before sleeping)
>any one muslim become citizen.
no thats a requirment for citizenship. so no chinese or jews)
plus you need residence for 7 years. to make it hard, there is a strict law saying no one but an algerian citizen is allowed to own properties in algeria.
the end it algerian citizen ship is shit because passport is the most useless in the world due to the 1989 islamist violence. evrything require a visa.
of course I wish that there were less foreigners but we are kindly letting all those germans fleeing their failling state and coming here for the swiss francs have part in the best economy, coming from the best culture because we know it's not only your fault that you're so cucked.
No EU-unsovereign country can tell the most democratic, self-governing country on earth that we are as cucked as they are, especially not germany
>confusing the vocalizing superiority shinning through german with a shitty accent
Gloria in excelsius deo.
Scotland is already full nationalistic, unfortunately here that means independence so we can become the new Sweden.
eerst moeten we kebab verwijderen.
we will let flaanderen join us and become the great netherlands. also remove kebab and save the african boers youtu.be
Butthurt will be Trump-tier but even worse with muslims. Also EU will be basically done for.
You see all this, Frenchie?
All of this is ours.
definetly voting for him :)
Is this after or before we take back Constantinople ?
before you colonized africa.
heard of battle of navarine 1827 .thats when the ottman became a sitting target
idd be happy if britain took it back. thatd be a better border between slavland and the cockroach investation.
>tfw Ottoman Empire crumbled, because Sultan was too busy with his harem
I can't wait to star the new crusade. After jerusalem we'll take back constantinople. Be ready.
>being happy to live in a poor cucked county whose riches have all been given to jews
>wants to do the same to my country
I knew you were fags but not to that extent.
But moro...
Spain will side with italy.
Stays the same because we're already nationalistic
Why the fuck are you bragging? They kicked you out of there
Not really, Sultans always drowned in pussy. Ironically, it's because sultans became "Mommy's boy"s. Sultans used to be sent to a vilayet (state) to be the governor of it for the duration of their childhood and would be educated by the best the country had to offer.
They stopped doing that, and stayed at their mothers' laps, then when they became men they stayed with the harem and didn't give a shit about the country that they didn't know how to rule anyway.
>"Take back Constantinople"
What did a britbong mean by this?
It wouldn't be the first time you killed non-muslims within the walls of Constantinople. Remember a certain crusade? :)
I meant to say "Şehzade" not "Sultan" in the third sentence, which means "Prince". Obviously there wasn't just one candidate to become sultan. They were all sent to different vilayets to be trained when they were of age.
>Remember a certain crusade? :)
You mean the one that was over and where you backstabbed civil remnants and then claimed victory?
We're actually still technically mulling over becoming the 7th state. So invade if you want as either way we'd become a state if shit looked dire for our corner of the globe.
Remove the Chinese and brutalize the cheeky darkies, would be nice I suppose.
You got too much nigger blood in you dude, can't you even understand what I'm saying?
Fuck off. Indonesia is rightful Australian clay
There's obviously more than meets the eye that happened behind the scenes. I don't see anything wrong in there.
> I don't see anything wrong in there.
Aaaand that's why Christians are hypocritical faggots.
War of 1812 Part II: Canada's revenge.
At least we're not savages.
We'd probably start by putting an end to the Eternal Kraut, once and for all, thereby saving Europe.
i guess sign up for military service since wars would be fought for national interest and not for profit margins of rich fags raping my country. unless i see a better way to bring net benefit to my country.
You get both sides of the coin, millennials are either 'america fuck ya!' or exude self hate to seem cool to other people. There's no in between.