Sweden is lost


They wanted this mayhem.

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Fuck.Its not even that bad in our cities

Looks like a fucking war zone.

Step it up, Sweden. Jesus.


>better than boring old safe and quiet Sweden.

come on now

Rape and murder yes. but the niggers dont fucking burn the place down on new years eve

Yes it is, not because there's too many niggers, but everyone still wants the niggers or pretend they do as if it's going to be possible to have a normal life in the inevitable niggertopia result.

We could easily just bunch em up and send them back tomorrow. But it's never going to happen. The same thing will happen with Norway, and probably finland and denmark as well. If at a slower rate.

At least we're not UK level quite yet, and we're not put in prison for discussing the problem if we mind our tounges and keep quiet about the kikes.

ahhhahaa that's fucking gold

remember this bullshit:


We have literally imported a bunch of wild animals.



no longer part of sweden

Im gonna bet its those fucking afgans again. They are almost comically bad, they are hated by literally every other ethnic group.

nuke yourself

what a cuck


It gets worse.. in addition to what looks like a middle-eastern air raid in no-go zones in Sweden, I was at a new years celebration in probably the whitest most upper-class area in Stockholm and despite this it was filled to the brim with degenerate, foulmouthed leftist scum. There were faggots and dykes everywhere and they were obnoxious as hell. Even though they probably claim to be environmentalists they left mounds of garbage when they stumbled off drunk and high. Someone needs to set up death camps, and quickly.

I swear in future Muslims will own Swedish slaves if something does not change.

>mfw every leftist I know says we should try to be more like Sweden

looks fun

Sweden may be fucked but Finns are also kind of....

Aren't there any rules about shooting off fireworks in city centers in Sweden? I know niggers don't care about the rules, but this is a city fire waiting to happen. Although, Malmo burning down would be a net plus for Sweden.

>selling explosives to muslims
what did they think was gonna happen?

Greenies I presume


>climate refugees

Swedes are already slaves to muslims and niggers on welfare, thats why I chose to be a neet.


I just don't know what fuels the leftists.. All they see is the

Just some fireworks, why are you so scared Björn? What will you do when they get RPGs?

>literally nothing

This stuff always went on in poor neighbourhoods all over the west before migration.

Actually looks pretty fun desu senpai

Didnt see any black niggers , but a hell of alot of sandniggers.

Sweden isn't lost.

It's pretty fun when there's no sandniggers trying to stole or rape you youtube.com/watch?v=h0McnGldMTo

stockholm syndrome: youtube.com/watch?v=RqaIgeQXQgI

watch the last minute or so to realize how bad things truly are


it's fun when done within the confines of homogeny nobody wants to celebrate with invaders. you dont see me crashing sunday bbqs in ghettos so stop crashing our NYE celebration.

Virtue signalling is the only thing that fuels a leftist. It's 100% of their motivation.

not one swedish word uttered, only arabic(?) screaming

captcha: click all pictures of fireworks. kek

my heart breaks for that kid in the lower left corner
he's literally watching his future being sold by the people who are supposed to protect him

Svens like it

Fucking kek, we're living through the same twilight zone friend.

I can't hold back my shit eating smile whenever I hear one of them mutter that bullshit, it just makes it so obvious they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about outside of buzzfeed videos

reminder that even in our worst times of racial unrest, the police stream in and make sure the negros never leave their own neighborhoods. This is like Jamaica Queens or Mattapan spilling out into Boston or NYC.

Baltimore doesnt count of course since it is one open sewer

I love it when people tell me that and I reveal my power level and crush their dreams.

It's worst than I thought. Feels truly bad. Did the savages rape somebody Svens?

What does it mean by "revellers"?