I'm an Info Sec dude - DNC Hack was Russian - Proofs

I love you guys, but when poltards weigh in on this with the le 400 lb guy meme, I feel I should pass on some truths and proofs for the brotherhood, Shadilay...

> DNC hack stopped for one day - a Russian military holiday
> URLs used for the spear phish have been used against much lower profile Russian enemies for a number of years
> Russian vernacular used by the perps
> Guccifer 2.0 couldn't answer basic Romanian questions when he did a webcast at a London Info Sec conference back in September / October.

I can provide references for most of this if anyone is actually interested. In other news, if you think the Rooskies aren't using Sup Forums for propaganda you're wrong. Pay close attention to the Syria General threads, how quickly they get filled with meme materiels.

This is my job and I can stick around for an hour and discuss this with anyone who actually is interested.

INB4 they didn't hack the election. They DID, it's just that Hillary is such a turbo cunt they didn't even need to. Also, I'm fucking delighted about Trump and Brexit and all that /pol stuff, I'm really only doing this because I don't want to see any of us get wrong footed.

Other urls found in this thread:

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Nice proof you stupid cunt. Fuck off

Where is your evidence?

So what if it was the rusians. They hacked some retard's gmail account and exposed corruption that the public had a right to know of. They deserve a medal.

>INB4 they didn't hack the election. They DID, it's just that Hillary is such a turbo cunt they didn't even need to.

>btw they totally hacked the voting machines l8r lmao

Yeah, no. Stop saying HACKED THE ELECTION. They used a phishing scam to access Podesta's emails. That's it. They tried to do it with the RNC and couldn't find anyone dumb enough to fall for it.

fuck off kike

Russians literally hacked the election

The KGB hacked directly into the voting machines and tampered with the results

That's why Hillary lost despite getting more votes than Drumpf

Take this shit back to plebbit.cum/r/politics.

>incorrect use of shadilay
>all caps of inb4
>turbo cunt isn't one word

your kike is showing, you clearly aren't from here.

Google log in page is now proofs?

What a strange place 2017 is.


>stealing emails takes more than 1 day

>1 post by ID

Can someone explain to me how a phishing scam is considered hacking rather than just taking advantage of retards? Cause I don't get it.

>Where is your evidence?

OK user, I'll start with the Guccifer stuff...



When you guys say "the Russians hacked the election" do you mean they hacked the emails? If so, who gives a fuck? We've seen already the USA does shit like that. Even to Germany.
Or do you mean the Russians hacked voting machines and changed the votes so trump would win? Big difference.

Daily reminder

there's no attribution in any of the reports released by the government.

what happened was they released a document compiled from redacted reports by several agencies, recommending vendors on how to secure against "russian" malware.

the media picked this up and ran with it and blew it up into a huge story about how OMG THE RUSSIANS ARE HACKING OUR ELECTION

meanwhile, the people who could correct tihs record remains conveniently silent on the issue

Nice meddling in US politics, hmm?


So what you are saying is that nothing relevant happened at all. Literally nothing.

Damn Somalis are really fucking ugly

>>incorrect use of shadilay
>>all caps of inb4
>>turbo cunt isn't one word

yeah, I'm only here a couple years m8. Anyway, thanks for not being in London. It means a lot to me you sub human criminal genetic dead end.

us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

>links to a blog

Hmm okay

If I wanted a LARPer I'd just wait for the next Anon5 thread, at least it'd be interesting

Now fuck off

LARPing threads should be auto-culled

Russians should be given the Nobel Peace Prize then. They are helping to save western civilization from true evil.

>Can someone explain to me how a phishing scam is considered hacking rather than just taking advantage of retards? Cause I don't get it.

It is THE way you hack these days. The Phish is going to either allow you to run an exploit, or more likely, just harvest the login credentials for the target. Both are absolutely hacks.

Being dumb and falling for a phishing scam doesn't equate to getting hacked by state sponsored Russians

>unironically living in london

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> DNC hack stopped for one day - a Russian military holiday
Doesn't prove anything. Even if in your simple brain that proves the hackers were russian, it doesn't prove they were state actors
>> URLs used for the spear phish have been used against much lower profile Russian enemies for a number of years
So because a russian has done a spear phishing attack once all future spear phishing attacks are russian? That's moronic
>> Russian vernacular used by the perps
Doesn't prove state actors. Could also be a red herring
>> Guccifer 2.0 couldn't answer basic Romanian questions when he did a webcast at a London Info Sec conference back in September / October.
If you think this proves he's russian, you're an idiot. But granting that is proof he's russian (it's not), it doesn't prove he is a state actor.

>Or do you mean the Russians hacked voting machines and changed the votes so trump would win? Big difference.

Just the emails / Google docs, AFAIK.


>there's no attribution in any of the reports released by the government.

I read one report, and there is no attribution, they do list public and private sector bodies who assert it's the Russians tho, and if you want to do the legwork the attribution is detailed there - Dell in particular.

So literally nothing then (if true)

Thanks for correcting the record

where is the proofs?

>Giving away details means you got hacked

Fuck me you are stupid.

It's pure propaganda and false flag from the left.

right so, lets modify the scenario to test this assertion.

lets say Podesta wrote his login and password on a piece of paper (bad move) and someone (a journalist) finds this piece of paper, logs in, and see all this news worthy material (cheating on debates, illegal collusion between campaigns and super pacs)

has the journalist "hacked" into the email account AND is it a state sponsored act of war by the journalists country of origin?

of course not

DNC hacking is not the same as the election being hacked.
Go back to playing Watchdogs.

>This is my job

>they didn't hack the election. They DID
Voting machines were not connected with Internet and Trump won by electoral votes anyway
The only way we could hack the election is replacing all electors with our agents
In other words suck a dick filthy paki

Firstly, the DNC emails were leaked by an insider, not hacked by anyone. The Podesta emails were hacked.

Secondly, about those facts that you've presented:
>Weak circumstantial evidence
>Circumstantial evidence
>Weak circumstantial evidence
>Very weak circumstantial evidence

So you haven't placed the Russian state at the scene of the crime. What you've done is shown that it's likely that the leak may have involved one or more individuals from Russia. We need actual proof of some kind (especially when you're talking about taking actions against Russia), or we end up with another Iraq WMDs situation.

Thirdly, nobody "hacked the election". Hacking the election would be secretly messing with ballots, machines and vote tallies, not providing (real and relevant) information to voters. And as we found out from the recount, the Democrats were the only ones who were objectively and directly falsifying results.

You've no proofs.

You must substantiate your claims based on imperial evidence sir!

>DNC Hack was Russian - Proofs
>doesn't post proof

kikes made this thread million times now, always they say "proof", they do alot of kike shittalk garbage but no proof..

so it's nothing, good to know

>So because a russian has done a spear phishing attack once all future spear phishing attacks are russian? That's moronic

M8, this is probably the most convincing point of all. The web infrastructure they used for the phish has been used for 3-5 years already, ALL against enemies of Russia.
What's moronic is thinking someone would false flag by spending years diligently attacking your allies - many years before the election.

I'm cringing at this post and your life Mr CIA.
>Look guys I'm one of you I said shadilay hehe please spread this around like you did pizzagate
I know you thought it might work because of how popular FBI user was but it isn't going to stick, maybe CNN can help spread your fake news though.

>Literaly to smart for him

Julian Assange says it's a falsehood. He leaked the info, he should know where it came from.


You're just going to ignore everything else?

I already know your guccifer "proof." Several of them are deep state references. Russia isn't the point.


>Russia released the real emails proving corruption in the US Gov
wtf I hate Russia now

Public polls have shown that the vast majority of the United States do not belive this story.

No one likes you CIA.

No one ever will.

No one lives the CIA.

Just die already.


trump won xaxxaxaxaxa )))) trump president )))

everyone above my post is a russian using a proxy, even OP

A military holiday means a day where members of the military dont go to work idiot

Do you have proof of this?

>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
>Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff
Trump and brexit and all that /pol stuff

That made no sense at all.

>Julian Assange says it's a falsehood.

Fucking really m8, of course he would deny it? I what circumstance would he say 'oh yeah, well done, that IS my source'
Also, Assange probs doesn't know who it is anyway, why would he?

The fact that it's more likely than not, says everything.

While I'm inclined to agree, they have very little damning evidence.

Timestamp to prove youre CIA not some NEET?

Where are the proofs?

So what ur saying is they exposed honest to god written emails by a satanic faction in charge of my republic, gotcha.

despite the evidence not released its pointless to attack the "russia did it" meme. We should be lauding the hackers for their exposition of corruption. It's what Obama promised but never delivered on. ITS WHAT WE ALL VOTED FOR IN 2008

great proofs

No one believe you except for butt hurt Clinton losers trying to spare her a long prison sentence.

...also I'm gonna need some proofs.

>I already know your guccifer "proof." Several of them are deep state references. Russia isn't the point.

wtf is a 'deep state' reference?

In any event, I think it's reasonable to assume that he isn't Romanian.

Also, if you were Rooskie intel - Romania is exactly the sort of place you would false flag from.

So everyone just abandons their post and everything grinds to a halt for 24 hours?

Do you think that no one is manning the missile defence system during those 24 hours too? Great, why don't we just wait until this holiday to invade then? :^)

Or do you think that it's maaaaybe possible that low-level grunts get the day off, while very important and critical employees and operations continue as normal?

>we're not all russians on proxies, totally!

>all these Russians on proxies spamming "proofs"

Are you guys just fuckng memeing or what?

Putinz did it! Putinz did it!


Like fucking children.

Also...I wanna see some proofs.

You're just not smart enough to understand it

Do you even realize that Drumpf's entire presidency is illegitimate because of these hacks?


>Timestamp to prove youre CIA not some NEET?

I'm not CIA, I work in the private sector. I considered working for the uk gov but assumed they would all be cunts and pakistanis in intelligence at this point. No thanks...

>hurr dey stop on da military holidey
That's no proof, just indications. Seems too obvious which makes me think of a false flag.

Stop LARPing you fucking faggot.

If you really work for some information agency then you people are way dumber than I expected.

>inb4 everyone who disagrees with me is russian shill

Lol I know y tf would they want proof

Are you meaning something by this heh?
You don't know my country of origin mate.

It's the Russians, only they could use Phising! It's so advanced, and I'm going to say something "stopped" somehow when I have no information at all about that except the lieing kikes at the CIA!

Go die in a ditch, you have less than nothing. That guchifer guy wasnt even involved in this parade of fools.

is this the way canadians talk?

So you are CTR?

So you admit that you've got no proofs?

>tfw too smart to believe in the bullshit posted by faggot OP

I'm CIA.

>What's moronic is thinking someone would false flag by spending years diligently attacking your allies
>What is the Bay of Pigs


Eh, no, eh...heh...what're you on aboot?

>They are helping to save western civilization from true evil.
They helped Trump because they think America will be weaker with him as our leader.

Chutiya public.

>That's no proof, just indications. Seems too obvious which makes me think of a false flag.

Yeah, it's circumstantial. I led with it because no-one has mentioned it on here yet.

The main proof here is the links they used and the registrars of domains used in spearphishing, I'll try and dig that stuff out now...

Now prove they give this info to WikiLeaks.

I will call my brother he is a samurai you Jew.


None of this means that the Russian government, or even Russian people. Every last bit of what you are saying could be a total smoke screen. This kind of evidence wouldn't be enough to try someone in court, let alone get a conviction.

>The main proof here is the links they used and the registrars of domains used in spearphishing
that would BARELY prove the hack came from russia. Where's your proof of govt involvement?

>The main proof here is the links they used and the registrars of domains used in spearphishing, I'll try and dig that stuff out now...

So you think that whoever did this is smart enough to hack the US government, but they also couldn't possibly hack into some shitty personal domains, and therefore the registrar must automatically be the hacker?

110% accurate.

If they did help trump, of which there is no proof, it would be because Hillary was trying to overthrow Assad due to a pipeline deal Syria had with Russia that Syria chose over one from Qatar, who funds her.

You don't really know shot about what's going on do you

>It means a lot to me you sub human criminal genetic dead end
I fucking knew australians were the worst scum of the british empire.

LOL (my sides)

It's definitely nation state level espionage. That Guccifer thing is BS. The level of technical ability is much higher than anonymoose retards on the Internet downloading malware from the darknet.

I can't say who exactly did it but the cybersec companies say it's linked to Russian groups Cozy Bear and Lazy Bear based on method of operation, malware style and the IPs of command and conquer servers.

Did they falsify the content of the emails? No? Don't care, give me Hillarys head on a platter.