wow, tickled my brain
Wow, tickled my brain
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course /lit/ would say they have an IQ of 9000 because all they do is pseudo-intellectual dickwaving, it's all a conspiracy.
t. /x/phile
>actually thinking that is real
god......maybe its true even so
Some /lit/fag made that
> /lit/ believes they have a Mensa-level IQ from jacking off to Catcher in the Rye
>liberalist board has the highest IQ
>Sup Forums is in the dumps
this made me think
Yeah no take those bars and shove em up your ass
>le dumb meathead meme
created by the nu-males you hate
what about crossboarders
Wow, tickled my brain
>inbate 6 gorilion hours in paint
What the fuck are you talking about? Speak in English, I don't understand your cryptic meme-speak.
>Sup Forums listed twice
of course you don't you're iq is near retard levels
>users are identified by the boards they visit the most
OP here in case you couldn't tell this is a troll thread
second Sup Forums is for anime fags
>inbate my blindness and incapability to notice names under graph...
>insults someone for not understanding the ironic memes that trashed this site in the first place
You're making an arse of yourself, more than usual.
/wg/ is two digit as fuck
lmaoing at you're inferior intellect
>visit both Sup Forums and /sci/
>of course you don't you're iq is near retard levels
Fucking dead.
Brexit appears to be too late, as this is the UK we now have.
U forgot the bottom retard
D-don't worry Sup Forums. We're still with you.
try reading the thread a 2nd time
i know retard
Is /lit/ just Sup Forums with books?
This is fake, I think people would remember taking iq tests
yea basically
now if u get the botom so i can go post on on lit thks
After the /r/the_donald influx, Sup Forums's iq has dropped significantly. I wouldn't be surprised if the average iq is now in the 70 range which is considered to be mentally retarded
>above 120
maximum kek
i`m doing it
>posting the edited version
good job, OP
you forgot to edit top labels
kek i'm the /lit/ fag that posted it, found it somewhere. just posted it for shitposting purposes tbqh
u forgot the stop
fucking gypsy
Sup Forums and /lit/ browser here, feeling ambiguous here desu
nice meme.
edit? No, that's just because it's really hard to find the original these days.
>/fit/ is actually smart
I'm sure this is accurate!
fuck i did this for no reason
Can someone pls explain that fucking book to me. I read it cover to cover and then threw it across the room - I was so fucking pissed off at how shit it was.
People would probably believe this if /lit/ didn't somehow have FUCKING 147 IQ.
You fucked up OP.
/po/ confirmed masterboard
He thinks /lit/ is liberal. Get fucked.
Go read a book.
Well, at least you didn't fuck it up, your version is better.
Checked and kekd my friend
I know that feel
fit and tv after Sup Forums? yeah, no.
What the fuck anons, catcher in the rye is disillusionment kino.
Making a thread about Catcher in the Rye will get you rekt in /lit/, (assuming you'd get any replies. That user doesn't know what he's talking about.
Lit and sci are definitely smarter than the other boards on average.
>abstraction = intellect
/lit/ is basically "Bogdanov affair: the board"
Holy Fuck, Its like a mixture of reddit-tier white knighting and Sup Forums Autism....
this image was created to bait /sci/.
the more you know
The smartest guy on the board fucks up his attention to detail?
>thinks lit is full of white knights because of that macro
Need to get on that Schopenhauer's "On Women" breh
>le sour grapes man
>Aristotle explains in the Politics the great disadvantages which the Spartans brought upon themselves by granting too much to their women, by allowing them the right of inheritance and dowry, and a great amount of freedom; and how this contributed greatly to the fall of Sparta.
>May it not be that the influence of women in France, which has been increasing since Louis XIII.‘s time, was to blame for that gradual corruption of the court and government which led to the first Revolution, of which all subsequent disturbances have been the result?
>/r9k/ to intelligent to make the list
So I guess wizard powers are real.
>fucking /lit/
>Sup Forums 125 IQ
t. Sup Forumsentooman
It's a joke and an insult
They can't use proper grammar, and you expect people to believe they are smart?
>Google Weishaupt Plateau because think 120 IQ is some sort of bigger subdivision in Gaussian distribution
>only results are from fucking 4channers asking what that plateau is
Why do you make up words? It just discredits your memes.
/lit/ isn't all that liberal, there's a few marxists there but no more than any other board.
>Trusting a picture someone made in paint as adamant proof that Sup Forumstards are retards
>>Trusting a picture someone made in paint as adamant proof that Sup Forumstards are retards
It's almost like they really are retarded