>Cologne Police defends use of racial profiling to stop repeat of last years new year's rapes

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the critics will be silenced when the numbers come in

its 2017 Germany. little less Trudeau, little more Wilheim

>Take proper actions to defend people
>Methods work successfully

The unapologetic moral cowardice of the modern left astounds me.

>The unapologetic moral cowardice of the modern left astounds me.

I consider myself center-left, but there is no way I will be voting for any party on the left this year.

They've been blocking legislation that would facilitate the deportation of asylum seekers whose application has been rejected.

Even if you're not against refugees per se, I fail to see how you can defend THAT.

The left's open borders fetish is just fucking insane.

Clearly they would prefer that hundreds of German women become rape victims than refugees are a problem.

I feel so fucking sorry for the police.

Last year, they faced a massive shitstorm because they failed to do their duty.

This year, they did everything right and prevented last year's assault from happening again, and now they're facing a shitstorm for that.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Addendum: Judging by Facebook comments, the majority of Germans seems to side with the police on this, which is kind of a relief.

The entire world is waking up, there's no room for leftists in the future


I see no contradiction with being more on the left AND being tough on criminals, especially foreign criminals.

The big failure of the far-left is their misconception that foreigners are the weakest group in a society and therefore deserve prioritized protection.

No, the weakest group are law-abiding lower class citizens who have no choice but to subject themselves and their children to foreign criminals. It's not like they can afford to move to better neighborhoods.

Same for reddit holy shit

You JUST know leftist wanted the police to focus on white men and when all would have fail then blame the RAPE CULTURE which is an invention of the WHITE MAN

>I see no contradiction with being more on the left AND being tough on criminals, especially foreign criminals.

Sorry but no. You need to concentrate yourself in a camp.


Front page of one of the most "staatstragend" (being in favor of everything Merkel does) leftist newspapers. A three page article about how the migrants are shit for our society.

We're close to 4th Reich now boys

If you think you DO understand them, ignore me,but if you were saying 'insane' because you don't get their motivations, allow me to give you some 'leftist enlightenment' into their reasoning.
I remain neutral.
"Open borders" makes sense if you buy into the concept of international socialism, which may be flawed, I can argue for or against.

Nevertheless, under international socialism,

the claim is
the PARTY is
the biggest broadest 'prole' commoner populist block,
the 'democratic group' that should be best protected/represented/served by the political class/caste
'The worker'
so, by international socialism, it is ALWAYS explained that 'rich elites' control most systems, and democracy is the best method for not being ruled by rich elites (which you will NEVER be. If you think you are, you're probably not).

The many get to outvote the few, in functional democracy, and their needs SHOULD be represented democratically.
They (the leftists/ int socialists) argue that obstacles to the mobility of labor, a common 'class' that 'we' all belong to, and have more in common with than the elite,
are obstacles to democracy

and in voting against the mobility of labor,

we are voting against our common interests, and those of our 'class' brothers in other countrys.

I don't hold this position, but I will speak in its defense;

"In order for capitalism to continue working, in order for the elite to maintain and derive value from their assets, we MUST suffer an attack upon OUR living standards, and war is a natural follow on to this path.

It will be not the rich elite doing war with other rich elite, but instead the commoner, the working class, that are expected to fight and die in the name of the elite and their assets.

War is never in the interests of the common people, and enriches only a few. Under Marxist teachings, we would prevent the grotesque inequality that calls for war as the only outcome."

This is my guess as to the rhetoric they believe.

And on top, they all have to work on New Year's Eve! Probably every year now, because I don't think next New Year's Eve politicians will say "ok everybody is integrated now, police can party at home".

I'm not reading all that drivel you commie

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Nearly two years later they realize uncontrolled immigration isn't good? WHY NOW?

Statistics say most rapists are African. Police tackle the problem.

But sounds like women prefer to be raped than for the police to do their job because of feelings of some other SJW shit.

So did you germans invite as many foreginers into your country as possible so you didnt need to invade african to kill them all this time?

The left is dead, I agree. Europe's future is bright and far right.

Three years later they admit the afd are right but the afd are still Nazis for having the foresight?

We are sneeky, we learned our lesson. We'll have our world whilst playing the victim this time. Don't worry, we are the master race, you'll be safe under our control.

That sounds like a religious position.

Neat I hope your country returns from the brink. Every year we stray further from 2015's light.

I'm fine with taking pragmatic actions like this as a progressive. As long as you don't PR snowball it so all xenophobic casuals pick up on it and reinforces racism even further making it hard for those that actually want to integrate.

How many want to actually integrate? I think most want their own ghettos which isn't integrating at all.

Because Merkel will turn far right for two months in order to be elected then keep barbarians coming.
The right did this two times here in France, and people are still retarded enough to keep falling in this trap, i guess Germans won't be any different.

Or to get the AFD elected wich might be (((compromised))) ( don't know much about it but wouldn't be surprising)

You know if we actually controlled our borders and actually kicked out illegals there would be (almost) no need for this.

>certain group of people commits lots of crime
>be more attentive towards that group


You know if you stopped being a cuck there would be no need for borders or kicking out illegals either.

>all you gotta do is heat up the ovens again

>claim this, claim that
>in theory

that's the problem, leftist do politics with emotions back up by theories instead of dealing with reality.


Captain Sweden NO!

>Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Doesn't this play into the "You know what, they're going to call us racist regardless, lets do it anyway" scenario?

Works for us tbqh

Germans just deploy a small armed force in every single public space 24/7 and everything will be okay.
Anti-immigration nationalist BTFO

How well is integration going in Sweden?


>Be german police
>Don't racial profile
>Shit hits the fan
>Racial profile
>Hardly anything happens
>Get shitstormed by germancucks SJW
German SJW are almost on sweden level.
The police didn't even use the word "Neger"(German for Nigger)! Just a short version for North african. And the fact that not the same thing like last year happened, proves that they did the right thing. And that those Untermenschen are really only here to commit crimes...

>da holocost didnt happen, da yaws lie! D:!!!!
>lololo heat up da ovens AGAIN!!!@111one! xD


Theu're lying, it's because they're just saying this now because the election is coming up. As soon as the Merkle is voted back in, they'll go back to loving refugees again.

Can anyone guess the rest?
Gas the " "

The left was staggered when Brexit happened. Now the left is on the ground bleeding after DemocRats lost every branch of the U.S. federal government and a net of 6 state governorship. It's up to you, Germany. Cast of the shackles of the EU and Merkel. I believe in you. This August, I believe in you.

Looks like shes into scat



OMG this is second Holocaust!!!!

>that ex-Communist rhetoric

Gandalf, that's not what Western Leftists believe. They probably only passingly believed that during the Cold War and only in secret. Modern Leftism is postomodernist drivel loosely based on reductio ad absurdum Marxism
>the white man kept everyone down
>the reason why PoC didn't get anywhere is solely because of the white man
>therefore it's completely justified to destroy everything that's ever had anything to do with European white culture
>we must let all nonwhites into white countries to punish ourselves for our ancestors being so """evil""' and simultaneously show these people the good life that they've always been denied (never mind that they'll run it all to the ground - remember, their culture is automatically better than European culture because they weren't the ones doing the evil oppressing).
>Work? Working class? What's that?! Nevermind, I have yoga at 12 and after that I'm going to post my blog about how street lights are racist or something like that

>new munich police chief obongo umbando promises a more open and tolerant approach to policing

thank god

Everybody hates niggers

why hang a puppet?

it's a traitor before being a puppet, therefore it should get the traitor treatment.


Is it finally happening?


They hope that Germans are dumb enough to vote for them again.

And if you do Hans you need to get gassed.

>massive amounts of males with no female escort
big red flag no matter what race.

Sup Forums has always known racial profiling works
When we see numbers that 2% of them are black but are committing 40% of the crime then we fucking decide to profile
As cucked as we are we are not fucking america.

No you're fucking worse then America.

Keep telling yourself that.
That is the only reason you guys are the first to shit on Germany or Sweden

Hope Trump can save you but I think you were lost long ago.

I realize we have our problems. But sometimes something needs to be done about those problems. And if it was possible to nip it in the bud before it ever began, that is the smart thing to do.

>yes and yes
You can't fight the media (state) brainwash anymore. Germany died 70 years ago - it just hasn't been buried yet. Nuke us please...

Yeah but I don't root for the destruction of the others.
I want america to be great.
americans want germany to be cucked

That is the problem with you guys
NO long-term plan

What are you going to do if your wish comes true and europe dies down?
No more immigration from europe but mexico, africa and china stay strong and pump out babies like on a factory line.
You think your demographics aren't affected by europe?

But No. You would rather completely vanish in the future if it means you get to see europe burn down.

I don't want Europe to burn at all, but when you let this blatant shit happen, I start to think you aren't even worth having around.

>perpetrators are 99% Niggers
>profile Niggers
>it was success and immediately filtered out large dangerous groups

you say that, but if that were really the case we would've seen a lot more profiling already. Its not like shit like this only became an issue in the last 2 years

The jews though. Remember who had us (((win))) WW2?
Honestly When I see the state of my country nowadays I'd rather live under (old)german rule.

>"In order for capitalism to continue working, in order for the elite to maintain and derive value from their assets, we MUST suffer an attack upon OUR living standards, and war is a natural follow on to this path.

So the basic, refined concept from this is "things must be fucked up for communism to rise. So to do that we need to devalue the common laborer enough through uncontrolled migration that he would team up with the invasive workforce and kill all the elites."

Read the thread instead of skipping through the end. The reason it happens just now have been plenty evoked.

Your life is so much worse.
I have been to london berlin and new york
You haven't ever left america

America is so much worse than europe. There are no no-go zones in London.
as terrible as european capitals can be they are utopias compared to your shitty country

You are using the wrong ruler. Don't look to europe and tell yourself we are worse off
you are so much worse off.
The crime rates that SHOCK us would be an improvement for you.

You are in the water drowning and pointing at our ship and telling us we have a hole somewhere.

You are the new Africa and just like the old Afrika you are telling white people to piss off.
Have fun with that.

finally some good news out of Germany, now hurry up and get them yellow crescent moons;;;

>There are no no-go zones in London.

im just saying if this was so obvious to the german authorities this would've happend sooner. I dont think theyre doing it cause it makes sense. I think there's something else behind it.

It all originates in the USA fella.
All this sjw leftie shit is all on you.

I've been everywhere in America, you only visited one place.

political correctness is bullshit and dangerous

>>There are no no-go zones in London.
There really aren't.
And I am willing to admit that Berlin and London and even Moscow are Europe at its worst and that still beats america by miles.

There are. Just as in Paris and in Berlin

I am just comparing places

But capitals are europe at its worst. New york is your worst? I would've thought detroit would be even worse.

[...]Regarding no-go areas in London, Rob added: "With gang crime in London, there are areas which you wouldn't go into as a pair of cops in a car because of the fear of having things thrown at you when you're driving through certain estates - bottles etc.[...]

Blacks aren't as violent as statistics would lead you to believe.

Americanized ones anyhow.

Our statistics say otherwise.
Maybe violence is more normal in america.
More part of everyday life.

The left has been subverted by foreigners, they are complaining the loudest.

Police did a good job. Everyone complaining about this should be put in the middle of the mob.

i see you have not been to london hans

Could be.

It was like berlin. Kinda feels the same honestly.
It was shitty don't get me wrong. But compared to New york I felt safe in London.

Godspeed hans

I think what he means is that, in a society where there is 1 violent criminal per 1000, if blacks are 100 times more likely to be violent criminals, then 9 in 10 blacks aren't violent criminals.

If you have a test for criminal violence that has 20% false positive rate, and 10% of blacks are violent criminals, then roughly two-thirds of the blacks who are found to be violent criminals will actually be innocent.

The wind has changed. 2017 will be the year of the uncuckening.

>mfw NYE 2017 police will circle the Nafris again and put them into busses and drive them to the airport and fly them home

Yes they are.

Normal amounts of violence only.

I doubt leftists think that much. It's all feelings

>if this was so obvious to the german authorities this would've happened sooner
OBVIOUSLY not. That's the fucking point, do like nothing happens all year long, elections happen, pretend to protect the people, get elected, let'em be rapes.

The problem is that germans (like french) are more afraid of getting called fascists than FUCKING DIE, so they won't elect who ring the alarm all year long and instead will RE-elect whoever the fuck pretends to "have changed" on election day.

In 2017 all women on new years eve will wear burkas so racial profiling won't be necessary anymore.

B-But it's 2016+1


English version

just wait til the eternal German has had enough and screams "JETZT REICHTS" and then preheats the ovens.