Is the white race even worth saving? We are the biggest sodomites and hedonists on the planet...

Is the white race even worth saving? We are the biggest sodomites and hedonists on the planet. We are totally apathetic to the fact that browns and blacks are taking over our countries. Our art has totally degraded. We constantly sing the praises for democracy despite the fact that democracy is at fault for our situation. We do not nothing to stop depravity or protect ourselves. Non-whites do.
We are weak and have degenerated beyond repair. We deserve this.

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fuck off jamal!

>fellow white man...

No guys im not Jewish. You cant blame the kike for everything. Whites did this

We are being manipulated

The white race is the most tolerant, advanced and basically created all the technology we got.
They just keep forcing us into wars and make sure that we don't unite and that's what stops us from development

Thats not a good thing hans. Tolerance leads to death. Not a fallacy it is reality. Tolerance for non whites has led to them slowly conquering our countries. Has led to the rise of atheism, sodomy, porn, hedonism and other depraved
behaviours it's because of that tolerance that we deserve to die and we will die

>White race isn't worth saivng, guys!
>Oy vey! I swear guys I'm not jewish!

Joking of course. I'm just showing who's interested in this kind of conversation.

>biggest sodomites and hedonists
you mean got and baby fucking AIDS ridden niggers?

Well it seems to me that the liberals pushing their progressive madness are really just a minority but a minority who hold a fuck ton of power.

Think about it, say the wrong opinion and a brigade of mutlicolored hair freaks come down on you, your job and your family and ruin your life.

Up till now they go almost exclusively after whites but they've been going after minorities with the wrong opinions with the same fervor, if not harder, because who wouldn't hate to see a slave walk off the plantation to be a freeman?

Weird times we're living in, they're practically fascist but no one seems to have problem with it

>They do it so it's fine if we do it too
We are supposed to be superior so way can't we act decently? Why are we on the same level as niggers hell we are even more depraved. No niggers have gay pride parades in their countries? Do they let whitey rule them? No in Rhodesia and South Africa they fought and the whites gave up. We are depraved and weak.
Hmm I think some Christian conservatives would also agree with me.

fuck off ireland. You're the niggers of Europe. You wanted to stay in the U.N. your people are the drunks of Europe. The lazy potato eaters. The angry violent troublemakers.

Not the white people are the problem. The blonde people are. While the mediterranean built everything, developed the culture, etc. now the blonde cucks are destroying all.

It's not just liberals. It's whites as a whole. Conservatives do nothing to stop depravity. Gay pride parades should be attacked. Sluts should be ashamed and banished. Niggers and browns should be forcibly evicted but no whites do nothing. We are too weak and cowardly to do anything. Instead we rely on democracy which hasn't worked in decades and never will work. Democracy benefits leftists and minorities alone.

Saw this same exact thread of "is white genocide deserved"? earlier on.

Seems to be a new demoralization/shill tactic.

Where'd you get the script OP?

Considering how depraved and disgusting Europe is I consider that a compliment.
No all whites are depraved it's just a matter of degrees at this point.

Common filth.

> but no one seems to have problem with it

Lots of people have a problem with it, but when the fascists control the narrative don't be surprised when it seems no one has any issues.

>a minority who hold a fuck ton of power.
Pretty much all of government and media are self-hating leftists who despise their own people and their inherited culture and heritage.

Of course when their vanguard, the Muslims, get any sort of true power in order to act as they wish through the system (rather than being defended by cowards within in), these people will be the first to go. Useful idiots always are.

I've got a particular disdain for muslims, my folks immigrated legally, they learned the language and assimilated quite nicely although they didnt let go of their food.

Muslims on the other hand, no matter where they go, we must conform to THEM. No assimilation, they don't drop their language or their little desert death cult, they bring and they dont let go.

Its unfair and ridiculous that they don't want to assimilate and get away with it, it ruins the fabric of our society and the moment we give them and inch, they take a mile.

Democracies don't work because they always turn into a mob rule, a republic is better because it evens the field and allows things like Trump to happen.

Whites don't deserve genocide, they've created most of the things we har today so we know the great potential thats within them, the world would be a darker place without them speaking figuratively and literally

Thanks for being based buddy, wherever you're from (Mexico)

If you're talking about gayness, it's more common in blacks and mexicans than whites in USA. I am guessing based on what I've read and experienced, that arabs are also more likely to be gay.

If you're talking about apathy and/or "tolerance" you're right, whites have been brainwashed.

Tbh, there is a bit of truth that the White race, when combined with Christianity, is too tolerant. White's as a race seem to posses by far the most empathy.

However, a couple counter points to keep in mind.
1. The flip side of empathy is that they are also capable of greater levels of race unity and race level action. When pushed far enough, they unite and are capable of impressive feats of both ingenuity and genocide. For instance, Blacks or Asians would never be capable of fully uniting around a single purpose, whereas Whites can, is pushed hard enough.
2. The races are steadily combining over time. Is this necessarily a good thing? The answer, like most answers, is both yes and no. While we don't want to completely lost our genetic lineage, it can be beneficial to pick up some of the characteristics of other races. You just have to be really, really careful about proportions here. Consider America, we are slowly absorbing the Asian and Latin immigrants into our White racial majority. (Btw, the White 60% stat is complete BS, Whites will be the majority for the next couple centuries. The stats are pushed in order to promote the agenda that the White race is declining, which is not really the case. Assuming we can turn some factors around during Trump presidency.)

Anyways, the 2nd point I was attempting to make is that the White race will lose some of its empathy while mixing with Asians and Hispanics, while our IQ will remain roughly stable. (Assuming Asian immigration picks up and Hispanic decreases, as it is projected to.) So, basically nature naturally corrects these sorts of flaws. It is a bit sad though, but it may be necessary. We may be just a bit too kind for our own good.

common filth kill yourself

It's just changing of the seasons. You think what you are seeing now is a representation of a culture as a whole you are mistaken. Point being Trump was elected despite being unpopular. USA is still a republic based on laws not democracy. The forefathers put a steps in place to keep the nation swaying totally to the left or right.

What are asking for is unlawful and we wont fall into a nazi trap shill. America will be great again and other peoples perceptions will follow suit. France is next followed by Germany.

>kike loving tv star will save you
You Americans are so fucking deluded
He's right about alot of things wish more conservatives were like him
We have the most tolerance to be sure which is never a good thing.
Democracy is not good. Why the fuck don't you understand this? It's a republic so what? your leader still has to be elected and in that election niggers, women and worthless wastes of skin can vote. Why anyone would be for democracy boggles my mind

Yes, and even if it's just 10% that'll build their future upon the bones of the cucked rest.

Yes in a white nation. In their home countries would those freaks be allowed to display their depravity? No they wouldn't because of the tolerance and apathy whites have as you mentioned.

Who is this "we"? I don't live around any bullshit, project your own insecurities to the nigger in the mirror.

Your country is cucked to hell retard

I was born here in the glorious high deserts, living in the majestic Pacific Northwest, this country is beautiful and I don't want to lose the people who made it beautiful

I said democracies are no good paddy, republics are better because they protect us from mob rule, it works in the US because we vote by states. Had our country been a democracy our elections would've been decided by Commiefornia, Jew York and Shitcago but since we have a republic the heartland had a say, I don't know what you're getting at.

Would you rather have a monarchy or a authoritarian state?

Oh shit

Yes I would rather a monarchy

common filth is literally suicidal u retarded potato

I can tell you that hajis can be pretty fucking gay, in their native shitholes it works like this, women are for reproducing, men(boys) are for pleasure.

Yes, in the sandbox they literally have a day set apart when they throw some hash in a bonfire so they can get stoned and fuck each other, its usually Thursday

So what? I don't blame him. Our current society is as depraved as it has ever been it's hard to not be suicidal

So you would rather have one family lord over everything?

I'm assuming that there would be some kind of religious backing to a monarchy, what would it be for you, protestant, catholic, anglican?

They would need to it justify their bullshit claim to anything

The thing about white men, as opposed to other races, is that while others can be barbaric in a single act they don't have the reputation for sustained cruelty and extermination.

Islam might have the Dhimmi tax, and it might be violent in a single moment, and it might be in a state of war for centuries, but I do not know of anything they have that matches the sheer disregard for human life that's equal to The Road of Bones.

I mean, there's human oppression, then there's building industrial infrastructure in order to move people to the killing-place.

I think it's that sustained, calculated, cruelty that most people aren't ready to see again.

>Bullshit claim
And being elected by the ignorant masses is more of a claim. No it isn't. With democracy our leaders have become more and more incompetent, leftist and liberal. Monarchy was a better system.
Catholic of course.

Those whites are long dead unfortunately

It's not depravity according to science to simply be attracted to the same sex or have gay sex; all primates have these instincts and there's no precedent to assume once they evolved into humans we became strictly 100% gay/straight: that's cultural hogwash and non-sensible.

The parades, culture, refusal to commit, and the general "community" of gay males are depraved. Regardless, if you view it as a racial problem then it's more of a problem for any race but white.

Nah, I still have it in me.

It's not a claim because he can be removed by the people who put him there in the case that he does not represent our will or if hes done a shitty job in the office we expect him to uphold.

Whole it hasn't been the case lately, an elected official isn't above any of us because just as we chose to put him in a position to represent us we can also choose to remove him or not elect him again and put someone who is better suited for the job.

With a monarchy if you have a Charles II tier retard in charge of things that's it, you're stuck with that mongoloid until he finally kicks the buckets, along with all the damage he'll do because he's retard.

Monarchies can be just as degenerate as a democracy or republic, except its not who gets to enjoy the debauchery, just the nobles while you wallow in serfdom, pretty much a slave to these people

But there genes aren't. They are part of us, and we are part of them.

Your Irish. You know how cooly evil whites can be, even to each other.
>You can't starve an entire island to death.

Well if we got some cooly evil whites right about now I would be very happy
Atleast in a monarchy you have a chance of getting a decent leader. In democracy no chance at all. The best you yanks can get is Trump and he's a fag, kike loving piece of shit.
Sorry where do all gay pride parades? Oh right that's white countries. Where do they execute those freaks? Oh right non-white countries. It's a problem for all races but whites are the only race who lets those freak display their abnormality like it's something normal an to be proud of.

kill yourself then let the big dawgs play