Aus/pol/ - refugee bashing edition

fucking nothing is happening in our country lads, when will politics become interesting again?

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that wasnt the image i meant to post...


It used to be the same here
There was no development for years and suddenly they started to blitzkrieg our country with migration floods, extreme leftist propaganda and laws to stop us from criticizing the regime

Enjoy the coming diversity

We're done mate. Censored shitty internet. Legalised mass spying. Alco / Ciggie laws. Both parties doing same shit. Government of private school mongoloids. Asian take over. Reefs gone. Bush is going. No jobs. No exports. Crushed national psych. Zero alternate media.

My 2cents: We allowed to exist for Pine Gap

refugees are good though

We are too effective

Western Australian state election in March

There is plenty of work to do lads..
>Memes of new Corey Bernadi Conservative party need to be made
>State and Federal Anti-Discrimination laws must be abolished
>Muslims must be deported Mosques shut down
>Kick out Globalist multi national corporations
>Look into Nationalizing the the Big four Banks via Bond issue to Australian citizens only
>All investments and loans must go thru our Nationalised owned and run Banks

I'm with HER

Lads which is better?

Pauline Hanson's One Nation or Bob Katter's Australia Party?

I really like Pauline's rhetoric on immigration but I dont really now if she can handle the economic side of things and given how we are moving more and more into the shit it just cant be ignored. Katter seems like a political vet, his party manifesto is pretty dam Nationalist but again i dont know wether he can cope with the economy.

I really cant be fucked voting for Liberal or Labor anymore and the Greens can go fuck themselves as usual.

Pity that cunt Rod Culleton made such a mess for them over there.

Katter is good but they have been around for ages and have gotten nowhere and they aren't going to start getting anywhere now.

One Nation has the momentum so we need to get behind them.

Fair enough, Im definitely voting One Nation in the W.A elections.

What the fuck do i do lads im Labor man at heart but i don't want any more muzzies coming in?

Same mate, exact same fucking boat as you. I dont buy into Conservicuck America. I like affordable education and Healthcare but Socially i am conservative.

I wish there was a part that was
Economically like Labor
Socially like the Liberals

I'm voting One Nation until Labor stops fucking selling us out. If O.N gets enough votes it will force the mainstream parties to adopt a more harder approach to immigration. Just like Donald Trump did for the rest of the world.

>i want my country to sell everything for a bunch of (((upstanding politicians))) and tell me to get fucked when i lose my job because of a surprise shit storm

Vote One Nation. They fuse (old) Labor economics with sensible Nationalism and anti-immigration policies.

Convince your mates to too buddy!

Vote Brexit!

really anyway i can view any of there policy's through a non bais source ?

There truly is no spark of greatness to work with towards a brighter future in this cuntry; just a flat line of mediocre faggots from coast to coast, with some singularities of cuckoldry and misc. mental illness in the major southern cities.

m8 just listen to them speak. They tell you what they stand for.

calling people names is how we got trump in dick head if you want me to be sympathetic to your cause use your fucking words cunt. ?


You don't actually understand any of the problems we face, you don't actually understand the solutions, and you reject any authority that could make you useful despite your shortcomings. This place could be a White paradise, but not with you in it.

It is interesting you fucking drop kick. Ever heard of economic policy? be thankful we don't have any real social issues that are facing us.

im breaking my own rule here but jesus christ you fucking reek of entry level pol-sci class knowledge.

I'm gonna go for a late night run to Macca's soon.

What should I get?

Do you actually believe that your responses constitute consciousness? Do you think that accusing people you don't like of being pseudo-intellectuals is somehow creative or unusual? Are you actually convinced that you are anything other than a chatbot in a human costume?

You should get glassed by a nignog in the parking lot.

Half you cunts should ask how much your parents got paid for having you. Literally welfare children because Howard gave money to your parents for votes.

Alot of you cunts need to wake up to yourselves and see whats really happening, instead of the narrow shit you're seeing on Sup Forums.

Hanson has done nothing except pass everything for liberal. No policies, nothing. A useless party that has no clue what direction it wants, much like both the majors.
>Disarming law abiding Australians is not in the national interest and will do nothing to reduce crime.
>Australians have the right to defend themselves and their families in their own homes.
>Instead of selling public assets to curb our debt, One Nation proposes cuts to politicians lurks and perks, and more accountability of travel costs and expenses.
>One Nation also proposes a cut back of the number of state and federal politicians. Each politician costs the tax payer $1 million per year, this includes their staffing expenses, superannuation and more that they are entitled too.
>That at the time of purchase and signing the contract, the sales agent (or if a private sale the solicitor handling the conveyancing) must sight documentation of the purchaser being an Australian citizen by way of Passport, birth certificate or permanent residency documentation, which would be noted and signed on an appropriate form by the licenced sales person.
>All new housing developments, regardless of the number of units, must have half of the stock sold to Australian citizens or permanent residents.
>Foreign investors who have bought property in Australia illegally, would face forfeiting their properties, and the real estate agents who sold them, heavily fined or loss of their licences.

Foreign students who are found to have bought properties and not living in them while studying will forfeit the property.
>Foreign students who do not sell their properties within a year of leaving the country after finishing their studies will also forfeit the properties.
>Multiculturalism has failed everywhere. It is negative and divisive, a weight that is drowning our once safe and cohesive society. One Nation will abolish multiculturalism and the Racial Discrimination Act and promote assimilation, nationalism, loyalty and pride in being an Australian.
>As a government policy, multi-racialism encompassed measures to destroy the Australian culture. It played a large part in migrant selection in an attempt to prevent them from assimilating into Australian society. Exactly what was done and admitted to in England.
>One Nation intends to abolish multiculturalism and the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 based on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as it is unconstitutional. We would replace it with a policy of assimilation in which it will be made clear to all those applying to migrate to Australia that coming to Australia is a privilege that gives them an overriding, unifying commitment to Australia, to its past, current interests and future first and foremost.
>They must accept the basic structures and principles of Australian heritage, society and culture, the constitution and the rule of law, tolerance and equality, parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and English as the national language. Whilst they may come from other countries and cultures, loyalty to Australia and Australian Nationalism must come first.
>Surveillance cameras to be installed in all Mosques and schools. Mosques to be open to the public during all opening hours
>Stop further Muslim Immigration and the intake of Muslim refugees until we can assure the safety of Australians
>One Nation believes in balanced, zero net immigration (subject to review depending on economic conditions),

war with indocunts when

>Implying I'm getting out of the car or live in a Neighbourhood with niggers

big mac with bacon and egg. medium fries, medium oj. mcflurry with apple pie thrown into it.

t. ex-mcdonalds employee.

so were both hypocrites andddddd we cant be sure that were actually to people having a conversation.

8/10 i took the bait and you avoided making any form of point.

Itt's early days, cunt. If she does half the shit that she says she will on her webby then she'll be the greatest PM in Australian history.

fuck me im blinded for never reading in to one nations policy's.

Get a strawberry sundae and an apple pie and smash them together

2 50c cones is the only real choice

You don't grow up to be big and strong like me by picking medium size.

>fucking nothing is happening in our country lads
good... let's keep it that way

They are pretty good. I wish it was white Australia policy tier immigration but we'll see

>What should I get?

You will get mugged by Sudanese gangs, 100% chance forecast according to 10 news.

The media don't talk about the Sudanese problem at all.

Good chance for qld this year too

It looks like it will be mate.

I just read through some more of their policies. Most seem like common sense. Medical pot, jobs backs in Australia, a great stance on immigration, less regulations for the market here, and theyre not fucking religious. I vote LD but I will be adding these guys a second preference from now on.

fuck this is another trump situation tho theirs no way i can openly support with out being labeled a dickhead by every one i work with.

So what do I do lads, I won't state my age, but I'm young and I'm looking for a job.

hint; didn't finish year 10, dont give a fuck though, i'll do any decent job/trade whatever

what's a good trade to get into? i want to do something with my hands, minus jacking off rich melbournites

Yeah it sucks, I get dirty looks when I say I didn't vote for labor or the fucking greens.

I know a few of my mates openly support her. We need to be seen supporting this. The policies are more in lined with me than any other party and i want it to happen.

yes QLD is a go for ONE NATION.

Why do I feel like I have already read this post tonight?

>didn't finish year 10,

start of with something shitty like being a dishwasher at a cafe or resturaunt then start learning how to cook and work your way up.

Do a bridging course and go sparky, fridgey, chippy. Driver for the mines to but might not be sustainable.

I hate to say it but you've really fucked yourself over by not finishing Y10.

As others have said, dishwashing, maybe scrape up some cash and take a bartending course, or forklift driving... something like that.

Boys the shit the media says she says about climate change is wrong right..?

because i posted it in the last thread and i got ignored :(
nah nah can't work at a cafe, it's too poofy
ah yeah, sounds good. i've been around boats all my life so i was also thinking about being a tugboat driver? who knows though. i'll look into the bridging course

Anyone see Turnbull dancing with the Jews celebrating Hunnakah. So disgusting

My boss votes one nation

Feels good man

Friendly reminder that One Nation is already polling at 7% in the house of reps

could i get into a trade without y10?

>a few of my mates openly support her. We need to be seen supporting this
yeah... "fish n' chips" leaders work are proving to work real well
>1. Negotiate Free Immigration Agreements (FIAs) with compatible countries to allow unrestricted movement of citizens between those countries.
>2. Replace the current points-based quota system with a tariff system where immigrants pay for the right to become a permanent resident (PR) in Australia.
>Under the LDP policy, FIAs would be negotiated with countries that share our basic values (rule of law, democracy, market economy) and only in situations where there is no expectation of a flood of immigrants in either direction. Citizens of countries with which Australia had a FIA would be entitled to reside permanently in Australia while retaining the citizenship of their home country, and vice versa. (Non-citizens of these countries would not have the same entitlement.)
>Currently Australia has a FIA with New Zealand. Likely countries for additional FIAs include Canada, Singapore, Japan, the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Not sure that's a very good idea mate.

fuck mate ya can but they really want you to be year 10 minimum.

you could always do the 3 year stint in the army. and have them pay from you to finish school and start uni.

Mate as long as we protect the reef and go to nuclear power she'll be right. Limiting cars in cities and replacing with trams would be alright to. I think the climate change rhetoric is drummed up to appeal to the bleeding hearts because everyone loves the environment in Australia but it's not so fucked since we're relatively small. Look at Norway for example with recycling.
>#Essential Poll Federal Primary Votes: L/NP 37 (0) ALP 37 (0) GRN 10 (+1) ON 8 (+1) NXT 3 (0) #auspol


Looks like both houses of government go back on 7 January 2017

Yeah but I think you need to of completed year 10 to get into the army, i'll just see if i can get into a trade, if i can't get a trade by may i'll go to TAFE.

Problem with this is allowing this to other countries who don't have strict immigration policies.

so if we get immigrants in its only the rich ones?

also would I have a better chance if I've got a white card already and transport?

i've got a little postie bike i get around on

yeah, I saw it. Just ensured I'll be voting One Nation next election.

One Nation is almost our third largest party despite having Pauline fucking hanson at the wheel. Could you imagine if we had someone like farage?

shit man if TAFE is an option for you then get stuck right in to that.

hit up your local recruiter tho remember the job of those guys is to find ways to get you the fuck in, good luck lad.

Who here would vote for the Death penalty for Treason,Subversion and Foreign Spies?
>If we are to be seen as encouraging our youth to better themselves through further education; which ultimately, Australia will benefit from, then surely, we must do so with financial assistance that not only eases the stress of the financial and emotional burdens of juggling part time work AND studies, but also enables them to retain their dignity and independence.
>I call on the Government to assist Tertiary students with an allowance equivalent to the dole; based on the assessment of an individual’s assets and income - regardless of whether they are living at home - and non-inclusive of their parents’ income and assets.
>This initiative will have the additional benefit of freeing up casual jobs; currently held by Tertiary students, and provide incomes for single parents and other youth looking for casual work.
> We cannot ignore the facts. Australians have a right to know the full impact of CSG and ensure that it doesn't become the next generation asbestos.
>One Nation opposes CSG Mining until there is substantial evidence that it does not affect people's health, the environment, our farming and water.
>Support reliable, low-cost power generation. This has previously been Australia’s strongest competitive advantage.
>Support renewable energy that does not impact on the environment and encourage research in the ability to store energy at affordable cost to households and businesses.

She doesn't have anything about it on her website, its the one thing I'm not liking about them, we're fucked either way.

A jobs a job mate

A lot of people I know vote Greens/Labor (work/uni, yeah I'm a fucking hipster cunt), I vote libertarian or now ON, libertarians have the best economics while ON have the best immigration policies, I also enjoy freedom and less regulations

>compatible countries
We have Brexit happening, so deportation soon I reckon, hopefully they will fix their immigration soon.

Libs are currently letting every rich Chinese person come here and buy all our fucking houses, it cannot be worse than that.
I also don't think they would be given a citizenship, but its not like we're bringing people freely from 3rd world shitholes.

If those countries get their shit together, then I could see that policy working out.

Catchya mate

I think the convict report goys mentioned that PAULINE said if bernardi joined or something that she would step down, would he be any good?

Looks good. I obviously didn't read enough and missed those points.

depends were you live (city get a rail card or bus pass)

country keep ya bike or look for a little 250c there cheap as dirt (anywhere from $400-2000) and cheap to run.

I'm a boilermaker by trade and I wouldn't recommend it, shit pay mostly unless you score a gig in a hell hole desert or a government project.
Trades I've worked along side of that you should look into are electrician, plumber/gas plumber. Check and see whether your state electrical maintainer has an apprenticeship program and see what ones they are offering. If you get an apprenticeship with a GBE you will be set.

No way hes not a Jew

I'd rather have death penalty than paying some crims life imprisonment.

Show your uni mates the shit about uni allowances too, it might sway some.
> Citizens Initiated Referendum will allow Australians to petition the government and demand that a particular issue be put to a binding vote of the whole electorate. The petition could relate to a new law or a law already enacted, or to change the Constitution. This is democracy at its best. If Australians collect 2% of elector’s signatures in the form of a petition asking for a referendum, the parliament is obligated to enforce it as law or it must be put to the electorate at the next general election. If the petition is to change or alter the constitution is must be put to the people in a referendum.

More direct democracy too.

fuck me didn't think she would be down with so many socialized ideology.

Katter is based, but he has been ignored for decades because traitor politicians sell out our manufacturing and agriculture for short term profit and city people don't even know rural exists. They think food just magically appears or something.

University allowance only for stem or degrees in fields deemed increasing or needed. Otherwise every shit will go to uni and do pointless shit.

Needs more :DD thrown in
>Development and strengthening of public, financial and other institutions in order to protect and stimulate industrial development, in particular, the basic rural, small, medium-scale and labour-intensive manufacturing industries.
>Fair trade and not free trade, with support to protect our vital manufacturing industries.
>Tariffs: If we are to protect our manufacturing from further decline, closure or going offshore then we must re-introduce tariffs. We cannot compete with countries that pay slave wages, under poor working conditions.

She's literally natsoc mate.

You don't actually understand what hypocrite means, do you? Why don't you go look the term up, and if it doesn't conform to how you've undoubtedly used it for years, do us both a favour and go stand in some traffic.

Would vote DP for any current crimes that can give a sentence over 10 years

Bernardi is based but I fear he isn't charismatic enough to lead the party. Still would be a step up from Pauline though