When is Francis gonna retire

When is Francis gonna retire
We need a new Pope

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Burk or gtfo

Satanism is where it's at.

Burke is a good bet too

>nigger pope


First thing he would say is "let catholics brothers from Africa come in Europe :^)"

That would be a problem but there is a black legend in the church. The black pope would lead the church to an end and this is why you may never see a black pope i your life.

I hope for an far east pol tier based pope.
He would be perfect: racist and bigotted, but not subject to critics because of his ethnicity.


And all the white potential replacements willing to worhip fags as false gods re better?

Are there any potential asian cardinals?

Australian Pope next pls

>not based Bishop Williamson
Never going to happen but a man can dream.


they will do it i can already smell it

Let him, as the church falls the next pope will be the one calling for a crusade to maintain power.

A shitskin doesn't magically become acceptable if it's anything but muslim.

We need a pope with some fire in his belly. Call a crusade against Islamic aggression in our countries. Then use all the gold they have to pay for the legal fees to get the people off the hook.

Pretty sure there's a black cardinal who is based, he's conservative and traditional, the exact opposite of Francis.

The LARPing is all well and good but it's starting to approach absurdist levels. I get the impression that most people who talk about modern crusades haven't ever stepped foot inside an average NO parish.

It will never happen. People will leave the church in droves.

Card. Sarah. The African Bishops are generally favoured among neo-Caths. A little digging and you'll be sorely disappointed.

I hope you're thinking of Cardinal Sarah and not of Cardinal Turkson.

I know sometimes I confuse them too.

The only relevant Asian Cardinal is Cardinal Tagle. But you don't want him to really be Pope, he ain't that bad, but there are a lot more Traditionalist Cardinals from other parts of the World than him.