>having a dog
>Put it in a Christmas sweater
>get mauled
Serves them right for being retarded
>still cherry picking
>nobody posted that image yet
You could try not owning a retarded breed of dog that takes understanding to master, or not trying to make animals wear clothes.
as long it is not a fighter breed you will be fine
>totally nothing to do with the autismo owners im sure
>not eating dogs
No shit. There's literally hundreds of sweater deaths every holiday.
Dogcucks can never recover from this.
>put sweater on a dog
>named Scarface
how about actually picking a good dog breed?
This might sound weird but I've always wanted to try dog or cat. I wonder what it tastes like.
>Not training and socializing your dogs.
My doggo is 95 lbs. If I tried to put him in a sweater he'd kick my ass. I try not to do things he doesn't like because he's my friend and I'm not stupid. He treats me with the same respect
>dog named scarface
>doge clothes
>owners are pic related
The most powerful race strikes again
Serves them right, fucking cockroaches.
>He treats me with the same respect
You'll get you'll ass kicked eventually.
someone post the graph. pitbulls have killed more people than every single known breed of dog have wounded people combined.
>trusting the pit-jew
Not even once senpai.
>not having chihuahua
shit taste
That is cute looking dog though
thank god I didn't have to worry bout my dog mauling me whenever I did stupid shit with/to him.
must suck living in fear of your doggo
actully had to put down a pit that wouldn't stop eating my chickens
Eaten chinese? You've had cat
>dog called scarface
>"pit bull"
what a surprise. retards need to stop buying dogs as status symbols
People who even contemplate getting a pitbull should have their voting rights revoked
Spics shouldn't be trusted to own or care for an animal.
He dindu nuffin
He a good boy
it's her fault for being a skelly, should bulked up and maybe she could have put up a fight desu
If you're on mobile and a large pic appears blurry and unreadable, then you need to "disable mobile view" at the bottom of the page. Then open the pic again (or in a new tab).
You own fat chihuahua?
What is it with spics and violent breeds?
Let me tell you: drugs and/or human trafficking.
If you see a spic with a pit, they are criminals. They have these dogs for protection, and a first line of defense against police.
The surest sign of an illegal alien prescence in your neighborhood are wetbacks with big dogs.
Couldn't a man with any half decent strength just wrestle it? How did it manage to attack 3 people in a family, get stabbed, tasered, shot with a tranq dart and a shotgun? Seems like those degenerate cunts treated the animal like shit then let it go mad so they could have some drama.
It's nothing to do with the breed. It's the people. Same rules that apply to guns, knives, trampolines, cars.
>trying to put clothes on a fucking pitbull
good, retards can only learn the hard way
I was actually thinking the same recently. It crossed my mind while getting Chinese food since there are rumors of which places have dogs in the freezer.
We got in a fight when I tried to take his couch out of his room. He won.
Pitbulls are savage af
>nothing to do with the breed.
Right and when niggers commit crimes it's nothing to do with race is it?
Pitbull owners usually fall into two catagories: (white trash + Jigs) and cause fags (blame the deed not the breed). I don't really care what happens to either.
Mate that's not a picture of a doggerydoo, looks more like a scaly-splasher-gnasher to me
>Having a pit bull
>Doing small dog shit with big dogs in general.
Come on, man. Pits are used as fighting dogs for a reason. Also, when you try to do shit like "Sweaters" and "hugs" to dogs, they tend to get uncomfortable, if not scared. Yeah, you can desensitize some of them to it, but to start throwing sweaters on a pit once a year (or maybe even for the first time) is just a stupid fucking thing to do. If you don't get big dogs comfortable with what you're doing when they are pups, don't expect them to be ok with it when they get older.
>He eats watermelon!!
Pitbulls really are the niggers of dogs.
i just wish thier owners were killed more than randi little kids were
in my hometown, one of these nigpups bit the end of a friends kids nose off
a different dog attacked some kids playing basketball and crushed one kids eye socket -cheekbone ar area
they are indicative of how far we ve fallen in anerica society that in middle class neighborhoods in red states , you have to worry about one of these shitheads biting have if you go for a walk.
the owners arent punished enough when somebody gets mauled by your dog. you should have to do serious jailtime if you kept a pet like that and it killed someone
ive tried it and its not that nice t b h
you know how dogs have this 'wet dog' smell? imagine that smell as taste in your mouth, its gamey and funky and there isnt that much meat.
never tried cat yet but i heard they taste sour
Satanic Steve Irwin speaks the truth.
Serious question if chinks started to torture, kill and eat pitbulls only would Sup Forums be ok with that I think I'm ok with that being pitbulls are the niggers of dogs
>mixed races are violent
More at 11
dogs aren't always big tho.
start doing the sweater thing from the time he is a pup, and he wont bite your ass when he is grown up.
pitbull apologists are the nigger-lovers of the dog world
Reality mugs a retard.
I ate it in Vietnam, it's not good. The skin is thick as fuck which is unappetizing, and the meat is kind of spongy. Weird brown shade as well. 3/10, would not eat again. Trying cat or snake next time (already drank alcohol fermented 10 years in a plastic jug with dead snakes and a fucking dead bird inside, feathers and all... vile stuff).
>Eats watermelon.
Nigger of dogs.
NAXALT, bro!
>be italian
>teach pet to attack by punching it in the back of the head
>ride them around like a fucking horse
>throw your pet's eggs at people while they helplessly watch
>expect other civilized races do this and assume all pets will turn against their owners
Fucking subhuman italians
Only if you are an alpha male living alone should you own one
>steve irwin is in hell
Fucking pitbull is almost always out when I'm taking my dog out in the morning.
Owner is a retard and only got him, because it's a symbol of being a bad ass.
Posts, talks about literally the same shit, this woman is writing about.
Pitbull already has had fights with almost every dog, that goes there, attacked mine a few times. Planning on getting a knife and gutting him infront of everyone.
>I'm not a monster, I'm just a PIT BULL
>holding a puppy
Did that pitbull-loving fuck never watch Jurassic Park?
and doing 69 with the devil
>Brenda Guerrero and her husband Ismael Guerrero,
Hitler should have won the war
A dog bred for dogfights
it fights
Nothing wrong here except for keeping that thing at home with the fgamily.
This dog exists for chasing down niggers, not for playing with children.
Shit owners.
Pitbulls aren't even very good fighting dogs, German Shepards have a higher bite force.
I fucking hate irresponsible pet owners. I've a dreadful fear of being mauled by some assholes pet chimp, if I ever met someone with one they'd force it on me with no warning then they'd rip my eyes out.
Pitbulls are niggers among dogs
you can socialize pit bulls all you want but they gets crabbier and meaner the older they get
Literally the Niggers of the dog world.
Your dog will eat you eventually
If he thinks he's the boss in the house you're fucked.
That's what I said. If you desensitize them to it at a young age, you're fine. Ditto for shit like holding their paw or trimming their nails or hugging them. They may never be overly comfortable with it, but they will never bite you over it.
But desensitizing also needs to be done consistently for the first few years. If you just throw a sweater on a dog once (or once per year) when it's a pup, don't expect the dog to be cool with it a year or two later.
Animals are just animals. They aren't born with a certain temperament. Bad owners turn them bad or good. I agree with what others in the thread are saying, that only qualified or licensed people should be able to own big dogs like pitbulls. They're big, strong, and dangerous. Sure. But that's just because of their physical build.
I have a jack russell that sometimes loves to bite fuck out of my hand when it's pissed off. Usually when it's got a bone or a treat and I get too close or try to play with it. It's fine because it just has a tiny mouth. But if that was a pitbull or a rotweiller I'd be getting fucked up. Because I'm a cunt and I made it bite me.
Pure carnivores taste terrible mate.
100lb GSD, 2yrs old has his balls. He is my little brother, could kill me if he wanted but all I have to do is wag a finger and use my grumpy voice 'show me your belly' and he submits like a baby. Training, proper handling and excess of love and respect goes a long way when they are young.
Also pits are pretty lame
muh babby
muh puppey
goocie goocie goo, give mummy a kiss
Pretty glad I'm not a dumb cunt and tried to put a jumper on a rescue pitbull ive had for a couple weeks. I've had my purebred show-line German Shepherd for 3 years and we have an agreement with each other where I'm not a fuckhead to him and he doesn't bite me.
any dog can snap on you, its just when it's a dog made out of pure muscle and a jaw like a pitbull it'll hurt more than a chihuahua going on a biting spree
>They aren't born with a certain temperament.
Horse shit.
>They aren't born with a certain temperament.
try riding a zebra, they are just horses, right?
Have a pitbull is like have a gun
If the owner is stupid and ignorant , only stupid things will happen
The breed was created for blood sports.
How do people even die from dog attacks. Lmao, just run straight at them and force your arm down their throat
Why do you dumb niggers post your subject, then reply with your source immediately afterwards?
Do you faggots think you can bump your own thread? Are you newfags that stupid?
You're retarded if you think dogs are born vicious. It's 100% to do with how they're raised. Sure they're capable of doing a lot more damage if they have biggers jaws, bigger physical build. But it's down to the owner.
Get a dictionary what does that shit have to do with temperament. Temperament = docile or aggressive. Zebras raised in zoos are docile which proves my point.
>tried to put him in a Christmas sweater
This is text book animal abuse and fashion crime.
Aligators taste delicious.
good point.
Anyone have any experience with Akitas? I'm mainly talking the beautiful Japanese breed, not the shitty niggerfaced american breed.
Well, yeah. They were pretty much bred to the numbers they've been bred to thanks to nogs. There's a reason that they are literally the cheapest dogs you can buy in the states.
This doesn't mean there aren't sweet pits, just like saying "blacks have low IQ" doesn't mean there aren't blacks with high IQs. But everyone should know what they are getting into before purchasing a pit.
And before someone suggests it, no, you shouldn't kill all pits. If you do that, then the nogs will just move to another dog breed for fighting, and ruin that breed.
certain breeds are far more docile than others. There is a huge difference between a pitbull and say, a poodle.
trying to say they will behave the same is retarded and goes against breeding science
They're doggie dindus. They're bred for dogfighting even today. Some pitbull owners are very open about it, some others are in denial.
>They aren't born with a certain temperament.
While each dog is a unique individual, different dog breeds do have different temperaments. Pitbulls are game dogs and they're known for dog aggression, tenacity, and determination. That makes their bites dangerous; they keep biting and fighting even when people try to restrain them.
>animals have no genetic disposition to behavior, if they were in the wild they would just waste away because of no owner to teach them a temperament.
Fucking hell, I know you bongs are retarded, but this is a bit much. Are you secretly Canadian?
To play devil's advocate look at the time between posts, 24 seconds. I doubt if he was trying to bump he'd post so quickly. More likely it's just a (bad) way to format their post.
deserved for having a dog breed known for being savage
sad they didnt all die
that is a bullshit table
most people don't even know the difference between a boxer, a rottweiler, a bullmastiff, a doberman, and a pitbull. if people see an aggressive dog, they call it a generic "pittbull"
>not having dog clothes.
jesus Sup Forums what is wrong with you.