Take THAT, Sup Forums bigots! Diversity is the future!
Take THAT, Sup Forums bigots! Diversity is the future!
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pol btfo
Where is the dad?
When I heard about this movie, I said, "I bet they'll have the storks bring babies to two faggots or something." What a surprise
>keeping each culture alive by protecting it's people and values are not diversity
>mixing everyone into a retarded brown piece of shit is
It's black, it does not have a "dad"
>Raising another bird's son.
Pick one faggot
well I just won't see it then.
>posts cap from pirated shit
fucking niggers i swear
uhmHUMH excuse me? What "culture" do you evil Yakubian white devils have??? Hold that L BITCH
although I do think the fact that they're mixed is far worse then them being gay
>Get nignog off the street
>Pay him with crack to pose as a doctor
she a strong whyte wymyn who dont need no man
>Racist and Homophobic.
I'm sure he's talking about the majority of black people.
I actually just watched this and these deliveries just flicked through at the end so i didn't get a clear look at the parents. but there were single mothers and fags.
Overall the movie had a pretty positive view on having children, there was one scene where the female character hears the baby crying and her mind starts flicking to girls protecting their children throughout the ages.
Overall i thought it wasn't that pozzed, i actually thought it must have been released a few years ago because it wasn't that jewish.
Sup Forums is fucking finished.
It's all over.
What do the storks do with aborted babies? Deliver them to trash dumps?
Ill take outliers for 100 Alex
They're getting a bit better at the game, they've learned if they don't do it with subtlety, it'll flop.
kek wills it
Does it mean your smartest people are on one level with our average doctors?
Since when are blacks so tolerant of homos?
i watched this movie and i think the ending was not that bad
>storks deliver the baby
>single mum says she isn't ready and that she does not want the baby
>they just throw the baby into a meat grinder
>''my body my choice'' everyone laughs
>credits roll
Holy fuck look at that paragraph, did i even go to school.
> @nobrains
anyone smart enough to become a doctor is WAY beyond looking down at people because of skin colour, you are a bad person in their eyes because he is richer than you
every time
>anyone smart enough to become a doctor is WAY beyond looking down at people because of skin colour
you must be retarded
>There's a literal amazing brain surgeon with experience in even more complex operations than brain tumours
>stock footage of niggers who are likely not doctors.jpg
7/10 bait you got there, mate.
I lol'd
Drop them off at your mum's place
Blacks probably are dumb, that's how statistics work. A random nigger will probably be stupid. A nigger doctor probably got some help through affirmative action and quotas, and I'd certainly rather have a white one (or even a chinese)
wtf I hate pro-choice now
The negrosphere would chimp out if that would be a black woman with a white husband and a bunch of mixed kids. they all fascists themselves.
>black doctor
Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take Asian or White only.
are the storks just randomly giving babies out to different races?
i wonder who could be behind this.
>Diversity is the future!
I sure hope that's the case. The only thing that'll ensure diversity is having designated living areas on the finite space on this planet for all the different peoples with everyone trying to change that being immediately slaughtered on the altar of progress.
>affirmative action make them good docta
Those unemployed nignogs who answered a Craigslist ad to pose in lab coats from a shitty stock photography prop room make a good point
but where did he get the bike from?
One of life's facts.
Wowee, another movie to add to my "censored" list that my kids will never see.
It really annoys me how obviously this is a stock photo
I can't stop laughing at that pic, holy shit.
I believe we call them black citizens.
Nigga are apes da hood.
Same applies to white people.
Normal outstanding white citizens
Then you have white trash inbreds
>whyte wymyn getting blacked
Every fucking time.
Malcolm X really was right about black inferiority complex...
It's like niggers know they can't be normal people if they don't imitate white people.
had black doctor who was an associate to the pulmonary surgeon who worked on me come see me before i was released. i was having some problems with fluid buildup. instead of checking to make sure i was on lasix, he just told me i needed to limit my fluid intake to a couple of cups of water a day.
my cardiologist surgeon blew a gasket when i asked him about it.
Have actually seen the film and it wasn't that bad, at one point a black baby nearly got left alone to fall off a platform and was nonchalantly saved.
can you explain in simple words what was wrong with what the nig said?
i speak even less medical english than i do medical polish and that says something.
Blast it with cobalt duh
Diversity is the codeword for white genocide.
The normal intake of water/fluids per day is what, 8-12 cups. Because of the fluid retention I was having, due to my weakened heart, my legs were swelling and I had a risk of the fluid starting to affect my breathing. The correct thing to do was to give me a strong diuretic, water pill, to remove the fluid I wasn't getting rid of normally, while drinking enough water normally for my body to function correctly. The black doctor was wanting me to drink a fraction of the normal water intake instead.
After seeing those stats on med school acceptance, it would take me being unconscious to accept a black doctor from now on.
Meanwhile in sing the Gorilla character is in a family of criminals and his dad goes to prison during the movie, he never gets out.
Turn it around, i want more diversity not mono-brown.
died of AIDS
>what is an outlier
Also, why compare the black doctor to an user. Compare it to a white person who has the same profession.
>anyone smart enough to become a doctor is WAY beyond looking down at people because of skin colour
Holy shit this.
They care about the difference in brain structures, and hormonal differences that create a propensity for violence.
Melanin is nothing, compared to neural genetics.
Dont forget to vote one star on imdb
yeah but mothers cross their fingers. They know its hers.
What about Israel doctors putting negroes on birth control in secrecy?
What about Sweden sterilizing gypsies?
>implying that my kids would want to watch gay shit like this
> pic
I... the... what?!
Exactly this.
Anybody that has watched Scrubs knows surgeons are retarded
Holy lel.
Shut this down !
propaganda book about nazi concentration camps
this is SS?
>everyone black and shitskinned
Well, it's a stock photo, so he must certainly is just a dumb black dude.
it's just some holocaust evidence that proves it happened goyim
perhaps not your own kids but I'm pretty sure your wife's son wants to watch it
Outliers and lower standards for blacks to get into college.
directed written and produced by Nicholas Stoller
>mixing everyone into a retarded brown piece of shit
That's not how genes work
what a fucking surprise
the SS masterbated their jewish prisoners to death, didn't you know user?
I now understand why Russia has homosexuality propaganda laws
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
Blood loss is hardly a concern while removing a brain tumor. The brain really doesn't bleed all that much and there's no worrying about hitting a nearby artery if you're operating on a brain. The big problem is that even the slightest miscalculation and you've just brain-damaged or killed your patient. Of course, this is assuming the tumor is even operable in the first place; in many cases it's simply going to be impossible to remove the tumor without killing or brain-damaging the patient, simply because the brain is not an easy thing to operate on. I guess lefties don't mind if someone gets brain damage though, because it means they get a new member in their ranks.
What is it with niggers and loving dick?
ok you are right i dont know to remove a brain tumor while minimizing blood loss ok now are you going to help me change this water pump from your car? Oh shit you dont know??? Hehehe you so dumb lol lmao nignog btfo
Author ends up being exposed.
But that was funny to read again after a few years.
>2 white male gay couple
Gimme a toitl
>niggers posing as niggers posing as doctors because of affimative action
Thats some 2nd level Jewry
who are you and where is my doctor?
Every white kid under the age of ten utterly despises non-whites. Especially blacks, indians, and chinks. Anecdotal evidence I guess but I live in suburban Ohio in a "diverse" area. Diversity is failing dramatically and it's beautiful