Why do you hate blacks?

Why do you hate blacks?

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y dont u?
it's cause ur a genestealer arrent ya?

Because i didnt like GTA San Andreas.

I don't hate blacks OP. It's not their fault that they're stupid and ugly and violent. That's just the way God made them.

Jews, on the other hand, have no excuse.

that's a shitty reason



They're also ugly.

It actually makes sense because there are no irl niggers in russia ruining everything

All the white people I know are poor af I don't even have a job and I still buy whatever I want. Must suck to be white in America working hard for us nigger feel good huh come fink my sink whitey scum plumber

White boys are funny and stupid like the kkk, and fags

plumbers make good money you retarded nigger


I am black.

Fekete Pákó, "hungarian" "singer"

I don't.

I also don't hate low IQ.

I'm a person that doesn't hate many people, I go on Sup Forums to understand hateful people.

one of his songs. it's lyrics is basically:
nigger:"give my your tits"
white woman:"no"
nigger:"give me your tits, you son of a bitch"
woman: "no"
rapes her anyway



I feel nothing but pride that Sup Forums hates Canada.

It's a combination of us being the best shitposters, and Canadians refusing to swallow edgy Sup Forums memes because they think people will like us more if we make posts like "Fucking niggers amirite?"

Our refusal to go along with a culture as retarded as the one as Sup Forums is what makes us great. I would rather Canada be known as the country unafraid to piss Sup Forums the fuck off, than a country that's respected by Sup Forums as "based". If that happened I would truly know Canada had lost its way. We're willing to confront our politically correct opinions, but we don't LARP as stormfags to be more popular.

Wait, niggers are the biggest cancer around but GTA San Andres was an enjoyable game

I'm not kidding, I'm really proud of you canucks for pissing Sup Forums the fuck off.

Sup Forums is retarded and deserves to be pissed off. Why do people actually want to be popular among Sup Forumslacks? They believe in edgy as fuck troll politics. When Canada is pissing off the left and the right it will have gotten to the place that will bring it into a golden age, it's a little overwhelmed by SJWs now, but soon.

Nah, nobody likes you. Even normies hate Canadians now.

They never even think of the Netherlands. Maybe because you're a country that can be saved by Canada and thinks nothing about stabbing them in the back to make Sup Forums laugh.

My first opinion as a kid was ok, but then a realised how much i hate the characters in SA.
There is nothing similar for them even among poorest of russians.
Playing an american or italian in GTA 3 or Vice City was like God Blessing.

oh yeah, its because they look and smell like ass

I'd rather be irrelevant than be Canada. Most people think you guys are Americans nowadays and most normies hate America.


There seems to be little middle ground with blacks.
They're either based or scum.