How does one quit the Caffeinated Jew?
How does one quit the Caffeinated Jew?
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stop coffeeposting
Hot chocolate is better.
Fucking coffee gives me aids.
Start smoking.
>Wasted on underage fag with 10 year old tastebuds
Kek why???
All you need is 7 days without caffeine
PS: you will feel like garbage during that week
ask yourself what would a Vargposter say?
cold turkey
you could ease off with Tea but remember that Tea itself has fluoride in it (on top of the boiled water you're putting in)
Just stop.
Start drinking coffee
You don't
Even Japanese Matcha Green Tea? They fluoridate their water in Japan?
you just have to do it for 2 weeks
Drink tea, green tea.
You can make a ceremony with it.
Like with candles and stuff...
I don't know about that powdered stuff but leaf teas from black to green have fluoride naturally
Japan doesn't fluoridate their water, I was saying that you will need to boil water for tea and that boiling water will concentrate the amount of fluoride on top of whatever is in the tea naturally
>boiling water will concentrate the amount of fluoride
And if my boiled water contains no fluoride? Reword what you just posted, I'm having trouble understanding what you're getting at.
What is coffee even supposed to do, I can drink two cups 30 minutes before going to bed and I fall asleep in under 15 minutes.
I drink it only because I like the taste but I have never felt the slightest stimulation. What would be the benefits of stopping ?
I like this meme
Put a skull in front of something harmless looking
Just go ahead and try it, put a skull over this kitt- i mean the Feline Jew
Have fun with your toxoplasmosis. Cats literally mind control you with their jew parasites.
Kratom, my friend.
Abandoned by the Thais who were too feeble-minded to realize its value, Kratom, a close relative of coffee, is the ultimate substance for both the working man and the thinking man.
>Better energy, can plow through work without getting bored
>Painkiller but without all the downsides of painkillers
>Overall chill feeling
>Enhanced creativity without mental stupor like pot or other drugs
The only downside is that it tastes like SHIT, but otherwise it's like adderal but without that cracked out feeling, plus a nice relaxing feeling.
that's fine if your water has no fluoride in it
if you're making tea with fluoridated water you'll get a massive dose of fluorine since tea naturally contains fluorine
Because maybe he's right and you're wrong retard.
stop mormonposting
no one is going to convert to your shitty religion
Doesn't it give pretty hefty side effects when you quit?
What's wrong with coffee?
It has no known negative effects and might even have small positive ones.
>literally a matter of taste
>he's right and you're wrong
you're going to die in an earthquake soon, why should I listen to you?
Start taking Heroin.
Before you know it all your problems will go away
>it seemed like a good idea at the time :(
This, also decaf.
Why would you want to stop it, it's redpilled drug.
Prepare for pain and suffering like you have never experienced.
Goes away in about a week.
It's kind of a misconception. It's physically addictive, but no more so than Coffee. The withdrawal effects are pretty similar, but the nice thing is that its shit taste kind of prevents you from consuming enough to build up a big tolerance or get addicted.
Coffee isnt "the caffeinated Jew," it's perfectly acceptable.
Jesus Christ. Are there this many kids under the age of 14 here, or are you all just cucked faggots?
Coffee is great.
Don't fuck it then you dumb leaf
drink it
I honestly cannot take this seriously....
Do you think boys are gross too.....?
everytime you feel the need for some coffee , do a line of cocaine.
I once stopped drinking coffee for 7 days when i was fasting.
I never felt the need to drink it again, its as addictive as cigarettes.
I chase my coffee with a cocktail of some thirty assorted vitamins, supplements, and nootropics every day. And I always allow my coffee at least twenty minutes to steep properly in the french press. That is my morning Zen time, where I am free to quietly contemplate the mysteries of the universe, such as why concentration camps have no archaeological evidence to support the supposed casualty counts of the Holocaust.
I need my coffee or lattee.
I wake up at fucking 6 in the morning to take the bus & subway.
Unless I have by coffee or latte, I'm going to be falling asleep when I'm at work.
It's actually the opposite. once you're off coffee you wont have those "down" times and neither feel the need for coffee to function.
All in all coffee is making you slower, you can't reach higher potence.
I probably will start in again though. I just enjoyed it and I plan to plant my own coffee and tobacco.
I don't have a chance to stop white genocide anyway. Too many crazy leftists, too many corrupt politicians, too many business man without remorse and the other races already invaded....
yeah I'm depressed. fuck you.
How much space do you need to plant coffee/tobacco?
First, you must become a man.
Later, you realize that Sup Forums is not your crutch; because, well, you're a man...
Didn't look up info for coffee yet cause it needs alot more than tobacco. With Tobacco 2-3 m2 are probably enough for one person smoking for one year (if there is no problem).