I'm on day 5 of nofap and constantly thinking about juicy pussies and meaty asses pounding on the pixels of the screen

I'm on day 5 of nofap and constantly thinking about juicy pussies and meaty asses pounding on the pixels of the screen.

How do you pol/acks resist these internal kikeservative urges?

cold shower and leaving Sup Forums

i resist the urges by a carefully crafted set of physical operations that begin with the unzipping of my pants and the whipping out of my cock and the steady but rhythmic pulse of my hand traveling up and down the shaft of my penis.

Nofap is a product of the jew, fapping is healthy and reduces your chance of getting prostate cancer. Kike want you to stop so they can make shekels """"""""""""""""""""""""treating"""""""""""""""""""""" it

why are 99% of porn companies owned by jews then?

literally the only ones that are not are based in japan

Just don't fap to commerically produced or directed porn, and the jews don't profit.

Have a gf. Go outside and talk to the first women you see. Just be sure she is around your age.

Nice try Scholomo.

>Implying kikes don't run hospitals and pharma

Stick to amatuer

Yeess, porn is good for you, trust me, goy.

literally the only argument for fapping is muh prostate cancer
isn't it weird that wanker used to be an insult?
now everybody thinks it's healthy to be a loser

It goes away after a few weeks, and then you'll be disgusted by the idea of pleasuring yourself to another man with a woman that you desire. It is the epitomy of cuck behavior, jerking to porn that is. Just get a fleshlight or sex doll if you have a thousand dollars to spare. Those things are hot as fuck.

Try to cut down fapping to just once a week user, and try to do it to companirles not owned by >>them

There's no point of doing no fap other than just to see how strong your willpower is to restrain sexual urges. If you think no fap will improve your life, you might as well rub one out right now. And I'm not talking about porn, just fapping (in moderation).

Aside from the mental effects such as people who fap more have lower levels of depression. If only there were someway that you could search for the health benefits...
Wanker is an insult because it means you can't get a woman. Double nigger

I fapped 1 or 2 times in 5 months since I moved in with my gf
The "bad" part about masturbation is not the act itself, but the porn. You will see significant effects. I have a higher sex drive and a harder and more stable erection. When I was seeing my gf on and off for a couple weeks at a time, I watched porn when I wasn't with her. Right after that I had trouble maintaining an erection and my cock wasn't as hard as it was after not watching porn for 2-3 weeks. It does change a lot. If you must, watch porn in "moderation", like a treat once a week.

>make shekels """"""""""""""""""""""""treating"""""""""""""""""""""" it
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............................its free???????????????

you know there is absolutely no benefit from NOT jerking off, correct? If anything, blowing a load provides a temporary burst of testosterone and ups your levels.
If you are miserable enough in life as rest of us on here, why deny yourself the one pleasure the Jews can't take away (yet)?

Wear a cuck cage.
Mail the key to yourself in the most delayed way you can.

Focus that energy elsewhere. Use it for something productive. Staring at a screen won't do anything.
Or get a gf, whichever works best for you.

NoFap philosophy in a nutshell:

>masturbation not "real"... because it can't result in pregnancy
>masturbation makes you a loser because you're believing in something so obviously fake
>quitting masturbation will make you somehow more successful in general and with women

Now here's what's wrong with that:

>sex with condoms, with girl on pill, somehow more "real"
>also won't give you adorable offspring because "muh feminism"
>now you need to buy someone dinner and give of yourself emotionally every time you want to bust nut

>go post on Sup Forums about how redpill you are

literally nofap is just jew trickery to make you more dependent on the jew's greatest ally: the bitch.

> nofap vs. girlfriend

False dilemma.

fuck a girl

>jews don't want you watching pornography
>jews don't want you to start a family
>jews don't want your life to revolve around sex

So are you some sort of troll?

Or are you a genuine poster who feels bad about being a hedonistic, sex obsessed millenial while coming to a conservative board, and so you need to make up these wierd arguments so you can front as a conservative to fit in and be a special snowflake despite acting like everyone else in your generation?

>prostate cancer is incredibly common

>living together before marriage

Enjoy hell

Just ride the impulse you feel for fap but don't eventually it will go away. Also try to find something to do like sports

>promoting MGTOW

lift something or do any physical exercise.
you become stronger and your deviant sexual urges go away for a while.

>not living together before marriage

Enjoy the surprising incompatibility you'll discover after being tied down by a legal contract.

yeah blistering rebuttal there Herschel.

you must be one of those alpha ubermensch who have all the success with the ladies.

Fapping is ok if you do it to your imagination like it is meant to be, this way you won't develop unhealthy fetishes

So the solution is to completely remove yourself from interactions with women?


kikes always cover both ends of the issue.
Fap to porn >>> become cuckold blacked faggot dependent on BBC to cum
Don't fap to porn >>> prostate cancer need to buy jew medicine.

the only way to survive the jew is to marry a wife who lets you rape her whenever you want

only if it's a shit deal...

if i bump into a girl at a party, then have 5 minutes easy conversation then get head>>> fuck yes.

if i need to date for 3 years before she will touch my penis then hard next.

oversimplified example but you get the drift.

Makes sense. Why is it called MGTOW then? Implies no interaction with women

Jerking off, especially with porn, is a pacifier which makes you week and effeminate. You do not pursue relationships and interests in real life but let yourself and your senses be dulled and numbed while time flies by. It makes you avoid conflict or submit in them like a cucks that western libfags have become.

masturbate is like using cheat code.
what is the point of playing game if you will just cheat?

in most cucked countries, almost all sex is a shit deal... the example of 5 minutes conversation > head almost never happens except if the girl is super drunk or you're an actual alpha thundercock type.

99% of guys out there in relationships (even with high status girlfriends) put up with an insane amount of shit for so little pussy.

most of the time, masturbation is just better. more attractive woman, no foreplay required, and no one knows your dick as well as you do.

also, fuck MGTOW. it's got a few kernels of truth, but overall the movement is a bunch of manlets who are just too angry about all of this

don't hate the player, hate the game.

There's only so much one can do, user.