First happening of 2017?
Probably not in our lifetimes, but damn 2017 has some promise
And the last
I can't live without Italian Women!
pick one
I'd be much happier if it was located in Africa...
Anyone know just how much ash a super volcano is capable of putting out? I wouldn't mind another mini ice age, seeing as nigs and kebab have -50% cold resistsance.
well at least it will wipe out Naples
Campi Flegrei is dangerous, but not a supervolcano.
Last eruption was 500~ years ago, by comparison Yellowstone erupted 600,000~ years ago.
If it does erupt there will definitely be a year without summer.
but user, imagine the carbon levels. Run away GLOBAL WARMING.
then the retards that are our state leaders would invite more refugees ...
We ask Donald for the biggest fan he can create. We put the fan next to the vulcan.
We blow the ash to africa, "they" die, we got rich fields for growing food
Plz kek, i am so tired of life, i only love you and >>her
finally, just end it
Shit reporting, there is no "super volcano" named Campi Flegrei, that's the name for the region, which has 24 volcanos, most of which are underwater.
Key paragraph from the story:
"The scientists caution that it's possible nothing will happen in our lifetimes. They say it's impossible to say with any certainty when an eruption might actually take place. More monitoring and study are needed, they say."
In other words, nothing to see here. Relax, faggots.
we must cool our planet to keep the antichrist frozen and fund zero point energy so we dont melt the ice caps sorry europe but it was all part of the plan, its to thin out the shitskins populations, and europe is the sacrifice to the almighty, you are all doomed
praise kek and go down laughing and without fear my brothers
>Oh vey, Africa is now incapable of sustaining human lives, we must let every african in. REFUGEES WELCOME!
How about no?
Putin hacked the volcano.
Holy shit imagine the grease fire. Itll never go out. Fuckin italians
You should get into white women then.
>Anyone know just how much ash a super volcano is capable of putting out?
No, and nobody really does since it happens only once or twice per million years. But real scientific models show it wouldn't be as devastating for the whole world as people like to think. Not a single time has a major extinction event been started by a Supervolcano. The region where it happens would be pretty fucked tho.
>may be
It's not happening. Fuck you gypsy.
If digits the volcano will go off this year
praise Kek