
Do these work it is it just another scam?

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probably not but they probably also have side effects like adderall

It depends. What's certain is that talking about "nootropics" as a whole makes you look like this and grow a fedora.

I've only tried Noopept and Modafinil.

Noopept works, but not for long (half an hour ish?) and the measurements you have to take are so tiny it's a pain ti measure before taking.

Modafinil works. It gives me motivation to do work and I can happily spend 10+ hours of HARD WORK on a single thing without getting distracted. You also do not feel the effects of tiredness and can stay up 50+ hours with it, although you begin to notice your body not working as well around that time. Also, if you take too much you will be pooping a lot.

TL;DR Modafinil is the shit but don't abuse it

No, wouldnt use it.
You should understand that the Brain has a certain Balance, when it comes to Neurotransmitters.
Everything that alters the functioning of these Neurotransmitters long term, may result in serious side-effects.

You want to become smarter?
Use everithing that increases the Blood-flow in your body.
Guarana or Hibiscus for example.
And exclude Nicotine and Alcohol.

I use red reishi triterpenes and it definitely helps. It's reduced my anxiety huge amounts. Just make sure to buy ethanol extracted versions.
I used st. johns wort for a while because it supposedly has memory enhancing effects but it gave me weird heart palpitations and I got a little worried. Plus it has extremely long biological half-lives so when you get side effects it takes like a week to get rid of them

I also use biochanin a for memory benefits as well as skin/hair benefits but that's a different issue than nootropics.

Were you smoking weed at all during the same period?

A 10 mg daily oral dose of methamphetamine hydrochloride has greatly helped me coping with chronic depression and my cognitive abilities. It is also very easy to synthesize and can be economically produced in small batches for personal use.AMA, I am a chemist.

I occasionally smoke weed, maybe every 3-4 weeks
It was alcohol that triggered the heart palpitations though, not weed.

st john's wort interferes with a shit ton of drugs for whatever reason

Someone explain to me what the fuck you guys are talking about, what it does and where to get it

All drugs are unatural and degenerate. They all have side effects thats bad for you. If you take pride in your body only take what the doctor gives you in case of emergency (never take for mental problems).

I work in the IT industry and pretty much everyone is forced to use drugs like these to compete now a days.

Here are some reviews:
It's definitely potent, take too much and you'll have a heck of a headache. Like the earlier user, wrote this drug is a time shifter / focus enhancer. It just didn't do too much for me, but I've heard great things. I would recommend giving it a shot.

I took the time release variant. Very potent and effective for me. It provided mostly energy, enhanced mental state, and a small bit of focus. It can be quite expensive though, like Modafinil, since it requires prescription.

Noopept + Choline
This is a really nice stack as well that I've found success with. It's important to take them together since Choline provides basically the fuel for Noopept to do its thing.

Anyways, good luck.

I'm sure you're right about the alcohol - weed can interact poorly with St. John's wort as well though.

>And exclude Nicotine

>Nicotine is frequently used for its performance-enhancing effects on cognition, alertness, and focus.[38] A meta-analysis of 41double-blind, placebo-controlled studies concluded that nicotine or smoking had significant positive effects on aspects of fine motor abilities, alerting and orienting attention, and episodic and working memory.[39] A 2015 review noted that stimulation of the α4β2 nicotinic receptor is responsible for certain improvements in attentional performance;[40] among the nicotinic receptor subtypes, nicotine has the highest binding affinity at the α4β2 receptor (ki=1nM), which is also the biological target that mediates nicotine's addictive properties.[41]
When will the anti-smoking cucks learn?

I take noopept sometimes and phenibut. The first phenibut dose is amazing but you build tolerance fast and aren't really supposed to take more than like 4 grams a week. It also supposedly multiplies the effects of alcohol but I can't verify that.

Yeah at the time I wasn't taking anything else though.
I only started taking reishi triterpenes after stopping st. johns wort.

St. Johns wort is the only herbal thing I've ever taken that has legit caused health concerns without requiring an actual extract. Every other herb I've experimented with I extract specific chemicals via soxhlet extraction. St. Johns Wort is the first thing to cause me actual health concerns and I did nothing but use the powder.
Would never take that shit again.

I've taken chemical extracts far beyond safety thresholds of studies and have nothing bad happen, but st. johns wort is in a realm of its own.

So schizophrenics should remain in a state of psychosis and hallucinations forever according to you?

I googled what you guys are talking about and some require medical certificate to purchase. How do u guys get your hand on these drugs?

Yes. Anti-psychotics are only convenient for the caregivers, they are absolute poison.

Also, couple quick updates.

For those seeking to relax or get a good nights sleep, Phenibut is effective and very potent. Don't take it to get high though, it isn't that type of drug.

Also, little secret for anyone in need of energy on the cheap. I discovered Bronchaid about a year ago. You can just walk into a Walmart and ask for it at the drug counter. It's really, really cheap and is essentially Ephedrin, a powerful CNS stimulant that has been outlawed here in the States.

>He fell for the schizophrenia meme

>When will the anti-smoking cucks learn?

Fuck you first
Second, I smoke myself. Not much though.
Carbon Monoxide reduces blood flow in your body, so it reduces blood flow to your brain.

I'm also a smoker..
it's fucked because walking away from computer to smoke when working ruins your productivity.
Need to quit .. no one can say smoking is a good thing for anything.
If anything it masks depression as it gives you something to look forward to.. your next nicotine hit. It's legal drug you use to avoid reality.

when you quit nicotine you lose all those benefits and you end up with brain damage

No, but you will tell me now i persume.
Go ahead Dr Med ___Insert_Name___
enlighten Me
Now that feel, reduced it to a level where it doesnt bother me too much.

Maybe just don't have a shit lifestyle instead.

I might try that but it seems like the kind of thing they'd know what you're gonna use it for.

>Now that feel, reduced it

Dear lord no.
Its a fucking disgrace and going to keep blowing up in peoples faces.
Picking and choosing online is one thing, but drug dealers give people this shit on LSD tabs and in powder as coke.
I personally test every 'street' drug I intend to use. I have had to dispose of a lot. People have died from being told its LSD and its high doses of these brain altering chemicals.
Honestly if you just do drugs your a fucking idiot. You think people in china don't mind cutting in a little caffeine powder to swell their profits. Usually they cant even sell them in their production countries.
Fucking idiots fucking their brains up on basically anything they get told it helps.
Look up placebo effects. That's what most people are actually getting as effects go.
Do you idiots also smoke the fake weed with this shit sprinkled in?
People are blinded thinking 'Limitless' is real.
Please someone, why the fuck do u think you need 'nootropics'.
Why aren't they testing for these drugs in sports and mental competitions, world championship of chess is notorious for testing, as with most major sports.
So where's all the ultra smart people taking them?
Do you use these and admit to using other drugs as well?
Do you knowingly use these drugs without having an honest and clear understanding of how they work?

Modnafil works. We would pop a few before night patrols in Iraq and come down two-three days later. I have to take Pregabalin, Clonazepam, Opana IR and Opana ER now, due to fucking my back and knees up from being two decades of being Airborne and 75th.

Haha, ok, judgemental much? For the record, I primarily use the phenibut and ephedrin for my wife, since women are just naturally crazy unfortunately.

For the record the majority of drugs I noted don't have any significant negative health affects.

Walmart literally doesn't give a single shit. They are the best place to score quasi-legal drugs or drug precursors such as propylhexadrine which is an even stronger CNS stimulant.

Where do you buy them?

what the fuck brains can have sex now??

I get most Nootropics, nutrients, and powerful stuff like 5-HTP / Phenibut from LiftMode online. The drugs like Ephedrin or quasi legal stuff is easily available from Walmart.

Just reduce step by step. Dont know how much you smoke, but smoke 2 cigs less every day for a week, next week 3 and so on.
Do workouts instead of smoking, push ups and stuff, not much of course.
You will come to realise that your food will taste a lot better and you'll be more "energized" in general.
I also started do drink more coffee and tea, a lot of herbal tea.

What about chewing tabacco? Is it safe?

I will test this.

I've stopped smoking a few times.. for up to a year.. but then I fall into the trap of getting upset about some bullshit like a break up and thinking "hey didn't I feel better when I smoked"and force myself to get addicted again (pathetic)

Caffeine isn't that great because for me it's something I drink when u smoke each morning and afternoon.
Excercise helps.. but that helps in all sort of situations where you are trying to get your mind over something (woman included )
Taste and energy does come back though.. problem becomes after is having too much fucken energy

wtf I love nootropics now

There is also a book and audio book that will help..
Allan carrs easy way to quit smoking
It is so successful that it has been translated to every language possible.
He talks to you as a smoker and not as a degenerate.. tells you to smoke as you read the book and then inserts some NLP and red pills about what you are doing slightly and slowly to reprogram you.

Hardest part will probably be, if you are at work and yor collegues ask you to make a break.
Or to go drink a beer or something.
Know a lot of people who only smoke at work or when drinking alcohol.

>Caffeine isn't that great because for me it's something I drink when u smoke each morning and afternoon.
Yes, know that. Coffe and Cig, its almost a ritual.
Herbal teas are very good at detoxifying.
But there is nothing that will give you immidiate results, since its a change of lifestyle in a sort.

Chemical production has exploded in new superpowers of the world. Everywhere you would buy these drugs. India China are big ones. You have to understand how huge this market is, they make pills for certain things without even knowing how to market them.
While not in the US or most European countries, we gave these countries a new technological revolution. It will be greater than the industrial revolution we had, that and tech production (electronics mostly). With more skilled and educated workers these countries will flourish, especially if they maintain the millions of labor intensive material production.
China specifically, has a new low level entry job that is proving incredibly profitable, and employs hundreds. Literally they just strip chords to recycle all the electronics, down to the copper wire in your headphones you threw away. Your computer you recycled.
These drugs are a complete afterthought, they're sold because of overproduction and to expand markets. I'm sure multiple are used and labeled for separate ailments.
Please look up facilities where they make these pills, tell me if you see any advanced dosaging techniques, any long term testing counterparts.
They make this shit knowing people will buy it.
Its not going to solve your problems.
Look up PLACEBO pills, you'll see what your brain has the power to do.

you should find some links on here faggit .com/r/afinil/

Honestly its so fucking easy even with just a google search.

They're a scam. Chinese lead peddled to retards.

t. Novartis Chemist

Those first two aren't Nootropics. Those are real, prescription, medications.

This thread is about the chinese lead you can buy at online fedora stores which supposedly "boost" your """intelligence"""

You don't need drugs to compete in IT. Unless you're just stupid

t. Novartis Chemist

>work IT industry
>need drugs to compete
You really don't.
I wonder who is behind this post. Got shares in those companies have we?

thanks for the info so far

anyone tried MK 677?

Scam. Well, they do have certain affects to possibly make you feel more focused or energetic, but you're far better off taking the longer path and just practicing the shit out of whatever it is you're trying to learn. Also putting yourself into the right mindset whilst doing work helps keeps you focused.

There are circumstances where Nootropics are required, such as jobs where extreme accuracy or efficiency is required and if those requirements aren't met people will die. But if you're just some NEET sitting at home playing vidya, wagecuck or studying at university, you do not need to take substances to accomplish your daily tasks.


I picked up some pretty cool noots a while back, I would say they work to some extent.
given that you do your research, noots can add to your productivity.
Make sure you select noots that are not dependence build, steer clear of any compound with mu, kappa, or delta opioid effects (they create the worst dependencies with bad withdrawals).

Yeah, they work, BUT:

>have to test different ones to see which is right for you
>if doing a "stack", have to test multiple variations

You're spending about $500 just to find out what works for you, and even then, the benefits are small compared to say... adderal.

>I'm a flaming faggot AMA,



Invested in Novartis a few years back. Got a nice return. Thanks!

>taking meth for depression
what the fuck cunt

got this and a brand new chromium and cobalt hip at 45

The fucking state of some of the posters in here. These sorts of threads attract the kind of faggots who literally live a degenerate, drug-centrist lifestyle.

If you're on benzos chronically for long enough the back pain won't be your biggest problem.
physical benzo dependence can get pretty serious, it's too bad there isn't a whole lot else doctors can do.

Yes it works. The Indian Brahmi stimulates neurons that really makes you think.

Ha ha, leafs can't help but slide in some liberal crying

In an ideal world we would execute retards, country style
