Canine Landser in France with his trusty Dog.
Nazis with animals
Other urls found in this thread:
German soldier in the eastern front with a reconnaissance dog.
German soldiers posing a German shepherd.
A German Officer with his pet.
A German Soldier putting a message capsule on his dogs leech.
Estonian Waffen SS volunteers playing with some stray cats.
A German Soldier giving some water to a stray cat in France.
Bumping, this thread has potential for some feels
German MG gunners of an armoured car playing with a cat.
A German Soldier realises a fox has been following the whole time.
A Waffen SS officer of the Totenkopf divison imbrases his pet.
A German soldier with his dog.
A Waffen SS officer adores his dog (which was the mascot of the company he commanded)
Two German Soldiers of a canine unit prepare their dogs for Oscar Mike
Flying ace with lion cub
A Waffen SS officer cuddles with a fox, as a magpie stands on his shoulder.
A german politician feeding his deer friend
German Soldier with a stray cat.
is this a new fetish?
A SS officer talking to a vicious animal.
Nah, it's just for the feels.
A German Panzermann is greeted with an Owl.
It hurt me a bit to look at this.
Nordic SS volunteers try to warm up a dog by adding bandages to its feet.
Justin Beaver?
wtf is this, all these pics and you dont even post the most famous nazi - pet combo.
Elvis? What the fuck is this?
A (Possibly German, but some sources say he is possibly a Eastern European volunteer) motorised infantryman stops to adore a stray cat.
A cat placed inside a German SS helmet.
A puppy placed inside a SS helmet.
A Waffen SS soldier cuddles with a duck
Vicious banter
omg FINALLY a nazi pet thread.. i thought i had to stay blue balled today
top kek
I'm into it
And done.
why are you here?
cant you just stay in stormfront?
holy fuck this is too much
A Norwegian boy gives food to a SS manns dog.
Amon Goth?
>an ANGLO posting about nazis
What happened to Europe, why France/England like German so much, you guys are declared enemies
SS Soldier with his german shepard as they raid a resistance headquarters in paris, the SS soldier is later killed during a patrol leaving his german shepard to attempt to find his killers, though his killed himself after they use a poison gas trap.
Amon wasn't that fat.
Churchill was fucking evil, he caused the war.
Thats Hermann Göring you worst Ally.
if they didnt force Edward the 8th to abdicate anglo wouldnt have fought their nazi cousins
Oberstleutnant Major Johannes "Hans" Fritz Philipp, one of the finest flying aces of WWII with 206 confirmed aerial victories pictured here with a fox.
I wonder how many times he fucked it?
It is sad to think what could have been.