Why is "Cuck" an Insult Here?

Hello. Can any of you explain why you use cuck as an insult and what it's supposed to say?

I never understood the cuckold meme. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but if your wife is cheating on you she's a horrible person who goes back on her promises and you don't deserve that kind of treatment.
I know it's supposed to be emasculating and embarrassing, but the way I see it you're just laughing at another person's misfortune that isn't their fault, it's kind of like laughing at someone because a tornado hit their house. Just mean and not funny.

So what is the reason for the use of "cuck"?

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off shill.

Tiddies or fuck off

>I know it's supposed to be emasculating and embarrassing
you got it

tits or fuck off, roasty

A cuck is someone who willingly lets their wife cheat on them, and enjoys it. Not just someone who got cheated on

"you're just laughing at another persons misfortune" no no, it's not bad luck. they allow it and encourage it to happen.

Cucks are people that don't have that are so emasculated they let their wives/gf cheat on them.

It's more than just being cheated on, it is being inadequate, and being willing to accept that instead of doing something to fix it.


cucks or cuckolds are people who ALLOW their significant others to cheat on them, unfortunately it became a buzzword just like every other insult on this site eventually does

fuck off roastie

this is a boys club


Show boobs, then we'll have a conversation.

Cucks allow their wifes to have boyfriends, usually also economically supportting them. Very pathetic to sustain a whore imo

No the classic definition is any dude that's being cheated on.

Show your tits.

>I know it's supposed to be emasculating and embarrassing,
So what is there you don't get? It's emasculating and embarrassing. Some degenerates also do it willingly, like the one in your picture. Then it's emasculating, embarrassing and disgusting.

A cheating spouse can happen to anyone, the cuck embraces his spouse and forgives them for such betrayel.

A cuck willingly invites another male to come in and pound his wife while he watches on, in emotional agony.

Much like the white race is destroying itself by willingly inviting in lesser races to their countries to breed, leech off of the welfare system, devalue the labour market, and destroy the traditional family unit that made said nations so great.

Cuck is guy who was deluded by his wife that letting other men fuck her is good thing.

He thinks that whatever wife proposes and thinks its making her happy he is obliged to respect while not other way around.

He is deulded to point to sacrafice everything for VaginaJew

Cuck is BetaBux male on steroids


Hm, throughout the requests for tits I'm starting to understand. So you insult it as a personal choice for fetish purposes rather than a misfortune.

I would argue that people should be allowed to do what they want with their lives, but I think arguing this on Sup Forums would be a mistake

Read the post in the picture.

>teehee I'm just a guirl that hasn't watched david attenbourgh

Its about supporting a species which does nothing to advance your genetic kin fag


The insult is that if you're a cuckold you're less of a man. Men are supposed to be territorial and to let another man enter your territory (much less get off on it) is a sign of weakness.

Ah, always interested me that you guys compare black and brown people to animals to insult them while also comparing yourselves to animals to justify your worldview.

Just read this post:

>comparing yourselves to animals to justify your worldview
You mean why being a cuck is bad? Hardly need to justify anything shit is vile for most men, no need to really go in and explain it in detail.

Whites are animals. Blacks are insects.

>you guys compare black and brown people to animals to insult them while also comparing yourselves to animals to justify your worldview.

Thats funny. Almost as if we're part of the animal kingdom.
You'll always find people on the left to be more snobbish in this regard.

>Oh we can see a difference between these subspecies - save the red squirrels!
>No - not listening. Those red headed people and negroes are EXACTLY the same

Also you'll find that your side is more then happy to compare
> yourselves to animals to justify your worldview.

>Animals can penetrate a male butthole
This means that being gay is natural
>They do it by force
Oh this means rape is natural

women cant in responsibility
cucked man failed in responsibility for his woman
thats why you cant understand

It's used to refer to voluntary cucking

ha nice try Tarquin its root is in the relationship to the word cuckoo so you'll find the reedwarbler doesn't know shit

OP will probably try and bring some weak shit into my kitchen so this is just to have on hand

On race

Bill Whittle on Violence and Race

Douglas Whitman on Human Biodiversity

“Racism” in the Animal Kingdom

Mohammad Ali talks on interracial relationships

Yeah I thought thread would run out of fucking steam

>no tits

Woah steady there boris why don't you just hack here computer. Sure theres plenty there.

a cuck enjoys it and invites it upon themselves
i.e, a person who is in favor of letting in a bunch of mexicans in to fuck their wives and take their jobs and actively fights for their right to, is a cuck

Also watch out for Russians OP


it's irrelevant what other people do, including your wife. If you let something happen to you, as a man it's always your fault

It relates to someone being forced into a situation where you are forced to carry anothers genetic lineage/responsibility

Sorry guys but our governments are all cuckholding us this very second

...while at the same time being cuckholds

hmm I suppose that saying the word is an attempt to bring the reality of the situation to their attention

>Can any of you explain why you use cuck as an insult
if your wife leaves you you're lucky
jump and be joyful

>maybe it's because I'm a woman

Merkel don't you have more important things to be doing?

>Cuck Apologist

its in insult, nobody cares what the definition is. its like calling everyone a nigger even though they aren't black.

Well its less drastic for a woman because they rate 80% of men as
>below average

So its about having more sharks in the shark tanks. They think they have more chance of getting a 20%er to bite them if they let more sharks in.

Men I think we viewed 60% of current women as above average so god know if they were all healthy then we'd be pretty content with the options before us

it's always a good deed to teach men about getting as far away from women as possible
you guys just preach dependence
dependence on who the dumbwhore you've married is going to fuck like you should care in the first place

Cucks are the lowest form of life, who willingly become parasites, bottom, passives and submissives that goes against human nature to dominate and control things.

Cucks should be shamed, then flayed and left to dangle from lampposts around the world as a warning.

don't forget that cucks are degenerates, the problem is when they get hold of global politics, which they have. the problem is when they can vote and are able to enforce their degenerate lifestyle on unwilling people because of democracy.

Dogs and wolves are both animals and part of the same species. Dogs are used to civilization while wolves aren't.


fuck off nigger cuck

Do you think you're on plebbit or buzzfeed, saying that you're a woman and expecting some real response?

Kill yourself, faggot.

theres a dead man walking here

Bow out if you want to


>if your wife is cheating on you she's a horrible person who goes back on her promises and you don't deserve that kind of treatment.
>another person's misfortune that isn't their fault

The "cuckold" meme is about consensual cuckolds, who WANT other people to plow their wife. Not "misfortuned" people who get cheated on.

>You can't disagree with the CIA or they will blackmail you

Fuck moanin joe. He has learned nothing. I see have not missed anything in two years.

It was from moot trolling the board by having an audiotrack about cuckolding play for a few weeks. Word filters made a popular insult into "cuck", and it just stuck after that.

I don't care if you have got digits
You're objectivity wrong

If the milkman impregnates your wife without you knowing and you end up raising the child
Guess what.
You're a cuckhold.

Cuck became a meme when Sup Forums found out moot had been cucked by his gf, which led to him taking revenge with Sup Forums harbour. Now it is a general term for people who don't care about race.


>your country


>I know it's supposed to be emasculating and embarrassing, but the way I see it you're just laughing at another person's misfortune that isn't their fault, it's kind of like laughing at someone because a tornado hit their house. Just mean and not funny.

Where the fuck do you think we are? Schadenfreaude bitch. Your misery is my entertainment. Tits or GTFO!

It is almost the same as numale


Neber 5get

ask your father

why isn't a question here it is because this is no safe zone for one said zone is in reddit if you don't like it here well then it's a-okay you can always leave and never return.
because i CAN, because for me it is fun, i never said that i am a very good person i don't care about that, and i will continue laughing at people who are misfortune just because i like it

The gf thing was afterwards. Cuck became an insult after moot decided to have an audiotrack about cuckolding play on Sup Forums, and the wordfilters filtering "fag" (i think) into "cuck".

>Goal is to reproduce
>Fail to do so
>Fall so low to do anything for a woman
>Get humiliated by raising somebody's offspring

It's just being a sucker. Why promote failures? All three people involved are fucking failures.
Run away father, single mother and a cuck. They don't represent anything that could improve this society if not the opposite.

Sure its a nice narrative but that was HIS revenge after we basically kept calling him a cuck after his gf was tied into the whole gamergate thread deletion thing

Source? I lived that hell.

Research the cuckoo bird. it has a deeper meaning then you might think.

If you find out you're being cheated on and don't immediately kick her cheating whore ass out on the fucking street you deserve to be gassed

just my opinion :^)

The entire ideology of the left is based on swallowing minority cum

Literally cucks

>you're just laughing at another person's misfortune that isn't their fault

Well there is where you are wrong darling. It is entirely their fault (in almost all circumstances). If your woman cheats on you it means that you have not driven enough fear into her. You understand this because your husband does the correct thing and gives you a regular beating to keep you in line, this is good and proper.

So, willingly or not, if your wife cheats on you it show that you either made a poor choice in partner (you're a cuck) or you were not masculine enough to prevent it happening (you're a cuck).

Pic related is an excellent illustration of the cuck meme. One feels a natural revulsion towards the cuck. He has managed to get a cute gf, but for some reason has foregone his duty to protect her, his urge to dominate her, and his natural territorial instincts and invited a shitskin into their home. Why? It is hard to fathom, but one can look for clues: the effeminate posture, the nu-male hair, the dead eyes, the averted gaze, the fake, self-righteous smile. When this trend is extrapolated to the national level, it means racial suicide and cultural death.

cause it means you're too much of a weak cowardly beta pussy to satisfy your wife and keep her in check

A big part of this goes back to when /r9k/ briefly held the cultural reigns of Sup Forums. This was back in 2014 or so. It all really started with the JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP meme and evolved over time as anons started using the JUST meme to insult each other. Eventually cuck came to be born out of this.

Now, as for why people call each other cucks. Part of it has to do with insecurity on the part of the one making the accusation. They're sexually insecure beta males and know that other sexually insecure beta males will be bothered by being called a cuck. That's only for the autists that are actually serious about it though. 95% of the time it's just people trying to make each other mad with no real rhyme or reason behind it.

I also agree about it just being mean. I prefer the more innocent days of Sup Forums where people weren't trying to be as ugly as possible to one another.

You asked a question and got an answer.

ask your mother and her husband

Cuckold always was an insult, especially in southern Europe


Why is cocksucker, cunt, prat, imbecille, and so on an insult??

All human beings are animals. Basic science.