Why do we call SJW's, SJW's they enjoy that term it makes them feel powerful or like their conflict has meaning, We should refer to them as something that offends them. Got any ideas Sup Forums
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PC Cunts.
The "PC" stands for PC Cunts.
Anything that makes them feel powerful and emboldened to act the way they act in public is a good thing for us. They are pushing most normies to the right as time goes on with their horrific, immature behaviour. We want them to continue doing so.
So we should give them more powerful names? like "The enlighters"
Cucks and Cunts.
No, I don't want to be associated with SJWs.
they are simply commies
"Gender fanatics" is a term that fits them like a glove
That's the idea, it's ironic. Like calling a weak manlet "big guy."
Just change warrior to faggots. Social justice faggots.
Special Snowfakes is what I call them everytime
or social justice freaks for politically correct settings
latte communists
Anyone know what happened to this big red bitch is she still out there chanting for the death of all men or has she realised she fucked up and killed herself
Hmm, it needs to be a short word, like nigger or faggot or kike.
So, maybe, something to do with them being such huge weaklings, cucks and general degenerates.
Hmm, nothing comes to mind. Cuckophile?
>Why do we call SJW's, SJW's they enjoy that term it makes them feel powerful
sjw is a solid pejorative now no need for any change
If that took off, that would probably also be good.
The Nobodies
You actually make some sense OP, they don't deserve the warrior name of SJW, it could be just called SJC social justice cucks.
Totalitarians. It's time to name it. Mao Zedong said "anyone who isn't correct politically has no soul." You are being reduced to nothing so it's easier to kill you. It's totalitarian and it needs to be addressed as such so well meaning liberals start to understand what they are doing playing along.
thy enjoyit because they are retards
sjw- social justice wariors name implyes:
justice perverted by an subjective standard (in their case socialism), and the worior part shows someone thick headed
Useful idiots
I've been pondering this for a while, i work with two badge wearing, name and shame sjw's.
despite what this board believes, if your opponent has claimed your insult as their badge of honour, it probably time to move on.
here are some names i've thought about and there pros/cons.
Cuck, pro, highly accurate, well understood in our circles
Con, saying it out-loud sounds like your accusing them of kitchenwork.
Stazi, pro, compares them to militant goons controlling thought and speech
con, requires telling normies about east germany and secret police
lefties, pro, half the population will be on your side and view them with distain
con, half will wonder what your problem is with labour voters.
Maoist, pro, gets across the idea that they're authoritarian and commies
con, will often require reminder of who Mao was
Stalinist, pro, same as above
con, most people will reject the comparison (no gulag so far)
I usually call them Stazi, cause it comes accross as authoritarian and very german.
actually forget all that, iv'e just this minute heard the word Bigoteer and i think it might be perfect.
This. They are a bunch of statist, totalitarian cultists. They want everybody to be Commie worker-slaves like them. Literally a tyranny of degeneracy. Humanity will never be great if we go down that path. Sure, they will act like everything is awesome if they win. But really, it will be shit.
i like it, i think using it too often would be its downfall.
Ex. some young'n says that she wants a princess peach platformer and is immediately jumped upon and labeled as a totalitarian cultist. the inevitable blowback leaves anyone using the phrase totalitarian cultist looking like a fanatic and renders the value of the insult void
> SJW term is working
> oh vey, quick pretend it isn't working
nice try faggot