CALIFORNIA YES! California Dems Legalize Child Prostitution

>Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.
>SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

Nothing to see here, goy.

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Jesus dude.

wake me up inside


What about pedophilia ?

too much freedom?

nah but really wtf murica stop ((them))

Muh illegal immigrants

We all knew gay marriage was the first step, then transexuals kids, now this. They won't stop until western civilization is dead.

are you retarded? this has been posted for days with a clear explanation as to why

>SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

>Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can't interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.

>That only deepens their victimization and renders law enforcement powerless to stop the cycle of abuse. SB 1322 is not simply misguided — its consequences are immoral.

Burgers, make #CALEXIT happen for the sake of your children's future.

Makes sense. LA has a lot of jews, doesn't it? They love child prostitutes.

So 13 year olds cannot be charged for prostitution in California. The catch is that if you pick up one of those 13 year olds to fuck for $50 you still go to prison.
You pedos don't get your hopes up.

wait a second.
Its worded that child prostitues wont get arrested and charged with breaking the law.
Sex with children still illegal.

>hurr durr you wont be jailed for being a minor trafficked into sex work

if your going to throw a shitfit about something make sure its not something fucking retarded

First prostitution was de-criminalized for prostitutes, then for johns here.

About five years between the first and the second.

Still makes it a lot easier to traffic children

Generally speaking it's on the books so the police can pull them off the street and do family background checks/put them into care. If its off the books the police can't pick them up to deal with the issues - no cause to bring them in.


What I don't understand is why they had to decriminalize child prostitution to the extent of disregarding the child's complicity.

I always thought the police had the final say who was going to have charges filed against and would not do so against obvious victims.

So basically a 13 year trafficked sex worker can no longer face jail time for being raped by a pedophile.

How is this a bad idea?

Then the grown up can still be charged.
And will be charged.
This law doesnt make it legal for adults to have intercourse with minors. Still a felony.

Child sex slave harems when?

Does that mean you don't need to go to shitty 3rd world countries to get child boypussi anymore? Good going there mmurika, so progressive

>Sup Forums in charge of understanding laws
How retarded can you be?

>Still a felony.

For now. My bet is the next great leap for the US will be adding a 'P' onto LGBT. They've just done a movement for the acceptance of mentally ill men in dresses following little girls into the bathroom, so it seems like the next logical step.

Also this seems misleading.
If an adult solicits sex from a child prostitute, he will still be arrested for pedophillia.
Does this mean people who 'pimp' child prostitutes can still be arrested. Because if it only prevents the child from going to jail himself/herself/xirself, then that might be a good thing.

I'm guessing they make it legal so that a child prostitute wont have to be afraid to get jailed if they try to contact the police. Like here in Norway where it is legal to be a prostitute, but not to buy their services.

This is basically the liberal approach to dealing with prostitution. They decriminalise it for the prostitutes but those who use the service are still imprisoned.

You beat me to it. Quality post, friend. Has California gone so far left that they've become ancapistan?

Get fucked Cali

I've seen thousands of people misinterpret this clickbait article the past 2 days. It's hilarious.

>a 13yo would give up succing you out of $50 a night.
>losing street cred by scaring away your clients
>not wearing disguises
>not instructing her to not tell you her age
>giving her any information about you at all
>not wearing a condom

Yeah there's plenty of ways around this

>support open border illegal immigration bullshit that fuels sex slavery
>legalize child prostitution

fuck you liberals

No question about that.

I dont know why people are still not burning cars and shit.

Liberals being based for once.

How many Syrian kids have you adopted for lewd purposes, Hans?

It's the classic rock CDs, they get you every time with that trick

There is now no way to get them off the street. And they can't be watched all the time so pimps are going to use children because they are easier to control and can't be arrested.

>ITT: no one knows how to read


Stockholm Syndrome is my fetish.

what a terrible idea

There's a certain disbelief and confusion in the air and people don't know what the common ground is anymore, largely thanks to the media. You don't know if everyone but you is cool with what's happening so fat chance of any riot taking place (what if you held a riot and nobody showed up?)

The US has also swapped places with you for world's number one thought crime prison. KGB has nothing on modern twitter mobs.

>California tries to protect children from being abused
>Sup Forums chimps out about it
Do you sometimes think you're the bad guys?

delete this

>gay marriage
I had nothing to do with this, Kraut.

This is disgusting. However I will say that it's probably so that kids who are clearly already fucked in more ways than one don't get even more fucked by being sent to jail.

That being said it's still disgusting. They should make it a requirement that police HELP the children and take them somewhere safe, not put them in jail.

Okay this time you got it wrong, faggots. Here I thought you were on the ball, but no, just hyperbole.

>children cannot willingly prostitute themselves
That's a fairly accurate statement.
>they will be seen as victims
They most likely are in 99% of situations.
>will have previous criminal records wiped
Sounds fair. We don't convict children because they cannot fully comprehend what crime they committed.

You don't see the implications this brings? Human trafficers can now freely display child sex workers and nothing can ever be done about it since it's no longer illegal for kids to engage in the conversation of offering sex for money.

We have this exact system in Sweden for all prostitution, it's a complete and utter failure. It makes it extremely hard to target 'pimps' because what they force the girls to do is not illegal in itself, and the system can no longer help the girls either because again, it's now legal. I'm telling you from a country with actual experience, this does in reality make it easier to sell kids.

That makes sense.

Except it's still illegal for the traffickers to do trafficking. It's only protecting the child sex slaves.

>this is now legal

>The US has also swapped places with you for world's number one thought crime prison.
Thats an interesting conclusion you made.
Its known that in the USSR people got declared mentally sick and locked up in mental Asylums, if they critizied the goverment too openly.

Still, thats not possible in the US, right?
I mean you dont get locked up for political views, like in europe for denying you know what.

>There's a certain disbelief and confusion in the air and people don't know what the common ground is anymore

What about common sense, political indoctrination can only go so far, and instincts still prevail as a rule, despite of what someone in a university tells you.

jesus christ you guys believe anything

lol enjoy getting prosecuted on a federal level for sex acts with a minor

Except it's also now much easier to do the illegal trafficking since the children are more likely to go back on the streets

also for the legalese incompetent the minor wont be prosecuted or held accountable

>Get them off the street

And into a jail cell, after which theyll have a criminal record that will haunt them for the rest of their lives?

The cops can just call CPS to bring them into state custody

What the fuck is wrong with that country. Thats disgusting.

>Still, thats not possible in the US, right?

The free market found a more efficient means of repression: mass social attacks through twitter and other media that can ruin people more efficiently than having to ship them off to a gulag.

>What about common sense?

'Common'. Perception is reality, and when CNN is telling you that only deranged people are freaked out by transvestites you might not mention your antipathy in case you become the 'deranged' person.

That's why I alluded to the Russian thought crime stuff. You don't speak your peace because you don't know who will inform on you. Only difference is the horde does the work now and not the State.

it only means they can't punish the children trying to sell sex, they'll only come after the customers. isn't it similar in sweden?
also it's illegal for an adult to even TALK explicitly to a person under 18 under californian law afaik

Friendly reminder that if you seriously think this means fucking children will be legal in California, you have proved yourself to be way too retarded to function in a democratic society and should do us all a favor and just end your life right now.

Because they will be under psychological help and not in prison? Kek.

The Jewish porn industry needs to be destroyed and the leaders hanged.

Read the god damn law, it's not legal.

this fucking new Sup Forums

And how do you target the traffickers if you can't reach the girls? Remember you can no longer bring the girls in, even for questioning, girls abused by human traffickers avoids police for other reasons, they will never willingly talk to anyone, so how do you crack down on traffickers when their work is not done openly and the girls do nothing illegal?

I'm telling you, this is how the law works in Sweden and no human traffickers are ever punished unless they fuck up majorly. It's not just immunity for the girls, it makes it less risky for the pimps, plus it expands the online market since it's no longer illegal for prostitutes to advertise online.

It has to shock conservative values then be posted on some Twitter account while blaming (((them))) and mentioning another item in a slippery slope argument.

>old Sup Forums

You can't bring the girls in, so how would you help them? Ask them on the street? How naive are you? Go ask a prostitute on the street right now if she wants help, please go ahead, I'll wait right here. No? Ok, so how do you reach the girls then since you can't do anything she doesn't agree to?

>mass social attacks through twitter
I heard that before, but are all employers so concerned with what people write on twitter?
You need proof for certain alligations, and a twitter post is something everybody can make.

>That's why I alluded to the Russian thought crime stuff. You don't speak your peace because you don't know who will inform on you.

Soviet thought crime stuff, please.
Its nothing Russia came up with.
Wouldnt like that on an achievment list.

yes and what lawyer will represent these minors when they are brought in for being out past curfew?


One of the factors that made this law happen was they were saying that this is aimed mostly at the sex traffic industry with Mexico. It doesn't criminalize the child, but gets the adult. Funny that California insists that there's no problem with Mexico but they need this law.

They are still victims of rape you fucking moron. Do you seriously think they will just be left alone to keep whoring themselves out? Kill yourself. Seriously, there is no hope for you.

Yes it's similar to Sweden, that's why it's proven to be a failure if you actually want to protect the girls and women. There are other alternatives to prison, it doesn't have to be either or, you could keep it illegal by the books but add a clause to provide something other than a prison to the girls, such as an institution for girls in need of a carehome but still secured for everyones safety, yet make sure it's illegal so you can forceable reach the girls.

Prostitution happens openly here on certain streets etc, or online, including by minors since it's not illegal to offer sex for money, only to purchase it. It's a human traffickers dream, and I promise you that these people in Cali will be cheering when they realize they can expand their market with less risk and greater supply of girls since they won't be taken off the street.

>forced prostitution narrative
Those gals earn your salary in a week. For a an hour of "sex" in a condom.

great, love to see society making progress.
does anyone have that picture of a guy shooting a horse in the face but it's face is California?

can't wait for legal lolitutes phampie

That made no sense, never have I stated that child prositution is ok in any sense, fucking swedish illiterate retard.

You do realize that we have minors being pimped out in this very moment in Sweden, openly on the street, and there's nothing the police can do about it? Do you fucking realize this you imbicile? What the fuck is a social worker gonna do to a kid that is subject to human trafficking when you can't even foreably bring her into custody? Why do you think the police ignored 1000s of cases of migrant minor girls being pimped from refugee centers in Skåne, driven off by men to be sold in the cities? Because it's not fucking illegal unless she willingly goes to the police or they catch a buyer in the act. Fucking retard who defends a system so flawed, sad.

April 19 of 2019. We need to meme California out of thev union. It's an odd time for voting so the turnout will be very low. The state doesn't require ID to vote so it could easily be steamrolled out. The Mexicans will be voting to get it out so they can take it back.All right minded people should be voting to get it out to save the country.

#CalExit. We need to make this happen

Doesn't this just mean that the kids will be treated as victims, instead of criminals?

>bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18
Because, in this situation, they're the victim and not the criminal. They need to arrest the people who forced them to prostitution.


No girl is going to fuck this up for herself to jail the person GIVING her money.

Adults hate pedos.
Not the girls that get dick AND money from them.

Yet again I'll ask this simple question that no one had an answer to, including Sweden since we have this very system already in place for all prostitution.

How do you crack down on the traffickers if the girls are untouchable? You can't even bring them in from the street for questioning unless she willfully agrees to, but that's so far from reality, they avoid police for many reasons.

The girls are your only reliable way to get to the traffickers, but now they are taken out of the picture, so how does this help the situation? If I were a human trafficker I would be cheering at such a proposal.

Where's that picture of a staircase with immoral topics written on each stair and the guy stepping over more stairs

Good good, next is pedophilia

>That made no sense, never have I stated that child prositution is ok in any sense, fucking swedish illiterate retard.

Did I ever claim you did? How fucking retarded do you have to be to call ME illiterate in the same sentence you imply I said something I didn't? Jesus fucking Christ.

>You do realize that we have minors being pimped out in this very moment in Sweden, openly on the street, and there's nothing the police can do about it? Do you fucking realize this you imbicile? What the fuck is a social worker gonna do to a kid that is subject to human trafficking when you can't even foreably bring her into custody? Why do you think the police ignored 1000s of cases of migrant minor girls being pimped from refugee centers in Skåne, driven off by men to be sold in the cities? Because it's not fucking illegal unless she willingly goes to the police or they catch a buyer in the act. Fucking retard who defends a system so flawed, sad.

Source: Let me reiterate: Kill. Yourself. Now.

But will it be legal to fuck them?

>How do you crack down on the traffickers if the girls are untouchable?
How do you find out who the murderer is if the victim is dead?
You investigate. You don't punish the victim, you go after the criminal.

If the victim isn't willing to cooperate (for fear or another reason) it's the police's duty to find out the criminal by other means.