Based entirely on the people who post here on Sup Forums, which country do you hate the most?

Based entirely on the people who post here on Sup Forums, which country do you hate the most?

For me, it's hard to choose between UK, Austria and Switzerland. There are these extremely annoying, anti-nordic/germanic Jews posting with British, Austrian and Swiss flags, so I'm torn between them. I hate them all equally.

My favorite countries here on Sup Forums are Finland and Germany.

Sweden obviously and I would if I am Swedish also.

Swedes and Jews bad news.

Canada because our shitposting has made it basically impossible to have a normal discussion under the leaf banner.


Turkey and Canada.

Low quality content comes in fair even from us and Canada.
Happy to call it a draw.

For derailing threads, I get a bit bothered with the "rare" comments when it's a semi-rare such as Greenland
Not hating the rare flag poster, just the off topic comments


Except us

Nordic countries are mostly irrelevant. Sometimes Finland disproves this general rule, and whenever someone from Faroer is posting.

Turkey is really shittier.

Romania is annyoing as hell.

Any lesser SA country is also irrelevant.

Canadians have always been bitches. I remember back in 2011 they were having a post-Trump tier breakdown all over Sup Forums after Harper got re-elected. They're the worst.

Leafs, swiss, and most of all australians.
I fucking hate australians so much.
They ruin this board.

Sure we're annoying... How is your new marxist president?

Leafs are mostly all whiny SJW types with no real world experience and stunted views. Brits are way too arrogant, their crocodile mouths overload their canary ass,I don't notice anyone else being as gay.

Don't hate any cunt here on Sup Forums to be honest. No, not at all. Every each of you got a few good posters and a few bad as well. It's hard to say.

Going by that criteria, my own.

>I fucking hate australians so much.
>They ruin this board.

S-sorry, mate.

stormfaggots and holocaust deniers need to go back, regardless of nationality

we rekt you in WW2.

Outnumbered us 3 : 1 in PNG and we still won.

I love every single one of you glorious bastards.


Austrian and Danish posters are consistently the most sensible and informative, Mexican and particularly Turkish posters are massively butthurt sub humans. Throwing in an honorable mention for Brazil because my online experience with these people has been so horrid to the point that if I was ever in the position to do so, Brazil would be the first country I nuke. But here on Sup Forums brazilians are sensible and red pilled

Brazilian posts are among some of the most unintelligent, illinformed and ignorant. They are the worst.


judge an user not by the color of his flag, but by the content of his post

We have a right to be arrogant.

Amerisharts for sure, most (not all) are just pompous self absorbed twats who seem to think the world owes them a fucking reacharound.

I'm Turkish, but hot diggity dawg do Turks post some of the most cringeworthy stuff.

Canada for conten.
Poos because India is a horrible place full of subhuman street shitters, hairy feminist women and acid throwing retards who worship cows. Also they can't handle bantz and to an Aussie that is the worst fucking crime of all.

>why is this gypo shit looking down my alley
Return rightful Hungarian clay and fuck off


favorite countries are finland and australia
most hated are leafs, turks and faggots that talk shit about germans and nordic people like you said

>not recognizing pasta
fuck off



Germanic is not same as German

brits and americans are constantly taking credit for all of their country's greatest achievements, but are (judging by the tone, content, and quality of their posts) most likely white trash basement-dwelling NEETs

Australia and UK have some good bantz despite the shitposting. Canada and Germany are the two worst nations, they always post like SJW faggots with the occasional tryhard stormfags mixed in. Ireland comes in a close third, especially that one faggot that brags about poisoning dogs at every opportunity.

the fucking israel sweden is just a suicided nation and the jews control the agenda


nobody talks shit about flemish and dutch people, everybody talks shit about germans

Was expecting a lot more america hate.

To be honest
>a fucking leaf
isn't a meme, it's reality, they always make such cringeworthy posts trying to be clever, I never know if a leaf seriously believes what he is typing, or if he is just trying to re-enforce whatever weird culture stereotype that they think exists on this board. leafs are literally poes law at this point.

Americunts, they dont know what they talk about, they dont even bother to know what they talk about, yet they feel obliged to express their premature opinions. Imagine an australian poster who took himself seriously, thats the american poster.

Canada oviously, about half of all leaf posters on here are leftist cucks (or trolls). Swedes on here are usually based but Swedes everywhere else seem to be abominations.

Canada and Sweden, but I'm sure a lot of the faggotry is done by proxies.

The Finns and Danes seem consistently based.

Americans are the worst posters along with leafs.
Best posters are probably Russia.

usa wins any day of the week. they outnumber any other country and can basically only talk in memes, flooding any kind of civil (for Sup Forums standards) discussion going on

leafs and aussies honorable mentions

i talk shit about belgium all the time. what the fuck is a "flemish"?

ah there it is okay, thought I was on bizzaro Sup Forums

Butthurt Axis: Mexicans, Turks, Indians, Argies, Brazilians, Russians who use proxies to post homoerotic pictures of a sweaty Putin working out without a shirt on and spam their Amerishart meme that never took off like they wanted too

Canada is the absolute worst, 2 in 3 Canadians here are either faggots or trannies.

Russhit mongols with proxies

Legit mongol in mongoland

Have you accepted big black cock as our lord and savior?

Says a greasy penny sniffing Jew

Germany. They are full of krauts.

you must be a proxy, no guns stating nor data charts attached about what countries are white

>Britfag detected

I'd bet that alot of that comes from none-whites and homosexuals posting from Toronto.

Go fuck yourself Paco. You mexican posters are the worst

I would say Sweden, but Nigger-Leaf exists... so gotta go with Canada, that guy alone makes up for half of their shit posting.

Americans make up most of pol and are mostly shit posters but hide behind their majority and claim minority flags are shit posting.
Like they do in any other setting.

This is why.


Humorless, miserable cunts.

Turkey is bro-tier

Australia and Canada. Shitposters and hat tippers.

Germany and Russia are smug and fun.

>Swedes on here are usually based but Swedes everywhere else seem to be abominations.

Swedes who post on Sup Forums are often quite radicalized by all the shit going on here in Sweden. We are facing extinction.

You're welcome

90% of the anti-americanism stuff comes from Russian SVR who abuse proxies on here.
I can't explain the leaf posting though. It's just really weird how nearly every single one of them only post things to antagonize other people.

Tuvalu posters are the fucking worst

i feel you adolf. there's just no end to them

>Canada and Australia
Because when America shit posts and is called out, their only working rebuttal is
>A FUCKING_______

>My favorite countries here on Sup Forums are Finland and Germany.
All Europe. Specially Sweden

Go home roach


Some sort of pancake.


now blow away


How bout you blow me, American fag lord. Your country is literally a meme

Your are and fucking moran

dont invent conspiracy by russian hackers, your country is genuinely filled with retards, the hate from the world is a natural reaction

Germanic goes all up to Iceland

Sounds gay but i like them all?

if this is true, then you are a meme's hat... which seems like enough to just stop posting.

Go back to culturally enriching your country

>tfw Americans hate liberal retards who invent threats
>tfw American poltards invent threats to play victim here

i see nothing wrong with this canadian post. why you so hated?

Americans love memeposting and never ever check sources or facts as long as it fits their world view.

Canadians post b8 for Americans for easy (You)s, they're their enablers.



the day of the Rakening can't come here quick enough.

And dont get me statted about some deluded israeli posters who feel they are part of the white power/nationalistic movment here, bringin the ashkenazi/sfaradi bs to entretain bored nazis on pol

I've never seen an intelligent post from canada, they are a nation of retarded cucks

Someone posted script in pol to get more (you)s
I get double (you)s every reply since hiroshimoot brought (you)s back

After having sex with a black man my ass started bleeding. Is it possible I caught ass cancer due to unprotected sex?



I like UK, Austria and Switzerland should be nuked though.

I love those posters. Some Israelis are fucking based (even unironically supporting Hitler and denying the Holocaust/wishing for a real one).

Americans for the ignorance desu
They're the only ones on this board manipulated enough to defend their country/government 24/7 and follow every ideology

I-is it happening as we speak?

Of all the insults that people throw around around here that one hurts the most. :-(

Have some double (You)'s