Who here /ancap/?


>what are oceans

What about us being stuck on planet.
We are separated from other planets.
Fuck planetiolism, we are all aliens!

I don't see any buildings either, do you?


>I can't see territories from space so borders don't exist

Go tell that to a mountain lion.

We are all animals you dickhead.

>what are mountain chains
>what are rivers
>what seas

Space is a social construct.

Excuse me you are using gendered obscenities!!!

good, I hope you are posting this from a laptop made of sticks and twigs in the middle of the woods

Continents, Oceans, Mountain ranges, Rivers, Hemispheres

Should we go on ?

You stupid fucking retard, ancapism has NEVER been about open borders and we have never supported them.

Finland has a closet ancap as traffic minister.

>literally using the name aliens made up to take the piss out of us in bad sci-fi movies

>OP is not a human he's an earthling
>a chicken is an earthling
>OP is a chicken

>traffic minister.


Space is free too why dont you fuck off there

Fuck off globalists shill


I don't use earthling i'm non -binary citizen of the rock .

I certainly see a border around Australia. It's called the ocean and its guarded by the Australian Navy and Poseidon.

I don't see any sphericalNess
We're all flat earthlings

>new zealand map cucked AGAIN
cannot make this up

No because I'm not mentally retarded.

>athmosphere clearly defined
>protects from radiation and meteorites
>not a border
reely maeks me fink

>I don't see any borders
And I don't see any people.
Are you sure you exist?

Man I approve of this, please consider it europeans, since you are taking so many rapefugees, you could take few br neets.

Isn't the north korean demilitarized zone visible from space or something?

really makes you think

I don't see any more than two genders, do you?

>who edgy teenager here?



Lets see you earthling it up in North Korea.... I'll wait