Is this board entirely ironic...

Is this board entirely ironic? Because if not it is very saddening to see that people actually beleive the bullshit spewed here.


Mmh, Let me tell you about ze Jews, ja?

You sound like a kike, I hope you get gassed.


had to be a fucking leaf

Fuck off faggot

Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the most basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species.

Low effort shitpost as expected

Someone cut off internet access to Canada

>1 post by this ID

Oh hi Mark Goldstein...

We need to just clear the country out. I don't know why the people in Canada exist. Nobody cares they exist, so who would miss them or even know they were gone if we just extetminated the entire country?

Can confirm OP is a gay-loving Jewish faggot.

It is sad that people like you still don't see the truth. This is now a redpill thread.

Well you know what le holy roman empire guy said about anonymous imageboards




>Tomny Wiseau picture

He lives in a tree and so is too stupid to troll

Jews do own the media and hold a lot of political power
European countries should have the right to defend their cultures and societies
Countries should serve their own national interests first and foremost

Other than that I disagree with Sup Forums on pretty much everything

What if i told you blacks have a low iq? Is that bullshit?




entirely ironic?

No. I'd say this board consists mostly of unpopular fourteen year-old boys for whom fascism is their own personal "then they'll all have to respect me" fantasy. (Just look at the huge number of non-political "women are sluts, why won't they sleep with me" threads)

Then you have people who have reasonable political ideas in real life but come here because spewing racism is funny.

But the number of people who are both educated on politics/economics and agree with the typical Sup Forums ideas is likely in the single digits.

You should speak to an african about their beliefs.
Quite shocking.

>replying to obvious troll
REDDIT THAT WAY--------------->

My girlfriend tells me Sup Forums has made me narrow-minded and racist.
This is because I've started to mention the fact that cultural differences can actually lead to different behavior instead of just saying all people from all races and places can be idiots.
Now I still hold this opinion, but apparently I've become racist for not just pointing out the wrongdoings of white people, but also of people of different ethnic heritage.
I'm apparently narrow-minded because I sometimes mention that immigrants have done some stupid shit, which she then makes into me saying all immigrants act like idiots and that I'm racist.
Ffs, my stepbrother is black and one of the nicest persons I know...
