Starving Ukrainians forced to come to Poland

>you can see such shocking scenes everyday in supermarket parking lots, mostly in towns close to the eastern border. these are Ukrainians trading goods such as vodka, cigarettes and candy ilegally smuggled to Poland. why are they taking such a risk? "because there is no money in Ukraine". they are not proud of this but they see no other option.
>"if there were jobs and salaries in Ukraine we wouldn't come here because it's degrading. we have no income, please understand us". even if someone has a job in Ukraine, the salary is pathetic.
>"sometimes it's annoying when you try to get out of your car and they surround you trying to sell you cigarettes or vodka, but i unerstand these people. their country is at war. i forgive them because there are no jobs in Ukraine"
>"even 80 year old babushkas and pregnant women from Ukraine come here to make some money. they don't do it for joy, they do it because they have to"
>"all of this sometimes makes me cry because not everyone can understand our situation. i hope that customs officials will forgive us for what we do. if Poland won't help us, we will die"

Will Russia pay for this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Will Russia pay for this?
No, they are not poor refugees, check their slav privilege

>if Poland won't help us, we will die"

well yeah because you sided with the Jews against your own slav brothers

what did you expect


How much for all 3?


Get used to it nigger, it's your problem, not ours.

just farm... like. till the soil nigga.

shit graph, it should be proportional to population size, you have a bigger chance of being born in china or india than iceland or denmark

g-guys it was just banter, take them back pls


>their country is at war
>Will Russia pay for this?
We already paid for Ukraine all those 25 years. It's your turn now.

>Will Russia pay for this?

No, we will.

What the fuck? Are there actual refugees? Whites? Women? Those go against everything EU stands for. Quick, send them back!

>take them back pls
No. Take them. We are making new Horde. europeans not wellcome here.

actually if you had followed the Ukranian was closely,you would know a lot of Ukranians didn't want the war with Donetsk, Luhansk and Russia. Unfortunately the people that spoke out against the Maidan, were attacked or unreported.

I feel bad for a lot of Ukranians that didn't want the war, but they were led into a Western proxy war and used as pawns. Now their country is fucked and now owe billions to the IMF and World Bank, on top of having their gold stocks stolen.

>could have millions of 3D ukrop qts
>nope, lets take in millions of smelly ahmeds

I fucking hate Germany

Why can't Germany import Ukrainian cuties instead of shitskins?We'd be fighting to get more refugee quotas

Nope. They are europeans and i remember EU promising them visa-free regime.
Enjoy your new europeans.

Seriously, I hear more Ukrainian in the bus than Polish.

We are losing our country. Ukrainians are everywhere. 70-80% stores have ukrainian cashiers now. This is too much

Stop being so racist like ugh

they have visa free regime, but they cant be employed legally in EU only Poland gives them additional rights but this applies only to this country

>because there is no money in Ukraine"
Just move to the city from your shitty village, you lazy whore. But smuggling vodka to poles seems more profitable, eh?

We never paid for anything
We dont plan to ever start

Now you have an understanding of how british people feel towards poles in Britain.

Lol, brits say the same things about you.

just imagine

>go to train station with Ukrainian refugees welcome sign
>qts coming out the trains and hug you and give you kisses
>every german autist gets a qt gf
>make many white babbys
>babbys grow up smart as fuck
>qt is traditional as fug
>germany and yurop is saved

>We are losing our country
Your problem.

be thankful for cutiepie Ukranians than niggers and sandniggers

>hohols kill poles by thousands
>now poles have to give them jobs and welfare

Also fuck ukranians, they can go to hell with shitty polyaks and other untermensch slavs.
Apex slav once.
Apex forever.

>>germany and yurop is saved
Bad news for you. Hohol were born, jew started to cry.

apex mongol more like

At least your refugees are fucking white

Seems like you know how Brits feel about us now.

Get that rollin'

You took part in their creation.
Now the chickens come home to roost.


It was actually Russia that decided to give them shit tone of land that they had no right to and let them rot in a shithole.

just keep killing their men and send us their qts rusbro

>Will Russia pay for this?
No, it's not Russian fault that Ukraine is a complete shithole. Ukrainians made their own bed, now live with it and don't whine.

It's not like ukies are fucked over because of "war". Firing soviet era equipment in eastern direction doesn't require that much of resources spent.
They consciously decided to destroy their industry and limit their markets to nothing, and now they can't even steal as much gas from the pipe.
But at least they got their visa free traveling to EU. Oh wait...



Ukraine bride for the US loser sharts.
>be a total autistic complete American shart fatty blob
>go to Ukraine with a sack of potatoes
>get hot Ukrainian bride with university degree after the potato exchange

They have more women anyway(2017 data):
>Current female population (54.0%)


>they have visa free regime
No we don't...
>qt is traditional as fug

How much for one week of sex slavery?

63 get

Good. The dirty Catholic Galician hillbillies can go where they belong.

you created them, they even steal your history with muh Kievan Rus

Lol Sven enjoy being bulldozered

Too bad

fuck you russia for this

Come back again when you have """syrians"""" camps in your capital

Kievan rus is our common history. Nothing's wrong with sharing it

are you living in Lublin?


Ukrainans have no history prior to XX century

Kieven Rus has NOTHING to do with modern day Ukrainians.

Ukrainians were Farmers southern of Kiev.
You can tell by the looks ad behavior of the people, believe me.

wont help. ukranians literally can't not starve. its their culture by now.





nigga shieet i survived an abortion in real life aint gonna stop now

top kek

>Ukrainans have no history prior to XX century

Only thing I can recall about Ukranian history before 1900's is Zaporozhian(idk how it is spelled) cossaks and Bogdan Khmelnytsky



Gdańsk reporting in. I don't see many chochołs here. I thought they are only in the east.

Nothing's going to happen as long as the eastern countries don't group up as an opposition against a possible russian expension

Nato is corrupt as fuck and we are busy fighting the western manipulation

>mfw no ukrainian qt3.14 gf


Ukraine did it to themselves and whoever else assisted them in that coup. They lost the Russian market. Utility prices rose and pensions were severely cut.

It's like if you could have a revolution to turn everything to even more shit.

shit would be so cash.
>new refugee center opens
>expect niggers and mudslimes
>slavs pour out of the buses and actually look for jobs
>they stab, rob and beat up all the niggers and mudslimes
>go home when the conflict is over or assimilate so hard their grandchildren don't even know their ancestors came from eastern europe
but no. we get niggers who steal and vandalize out of boredom since they don't need jobs and when their 50 kids think they grew up in the hood and act like gansters

What happend to your flag, danzig?

>Not seeing all 4

they are spreading incredibly fast, you are too far away to see actual damage


Wouldn't mind Ukrainian refugees

why so racist

>It's like if you could have a revolution to turn everything to even more shit

Reminds me of french revolution or Bolshevik revolution, or any other shity revolution except Nazis.


Or 5th October, or Yugocommunists, or DOS, or Yugoslavia break-up...

Hits closer to home, doesn't it?

Fuck of bandera scum, you can die on rusian dick.
Hahahaha foksdojcze atakowani przez banderowcow. Nie jestes sam, U nas pod Łodzią tez się tych skurwieli zaroiło ale niektórzy są na tyle cwani że mówią że są z Rosji.
A to że ich zatrudniają to tylko i wyłącznie zasługa tego że to są białe czarnuchy, ty nie możesz znalesc normalnej roboty ale ten karaluch będzie robił za 5. A nasz zjebany rząd się cieszy ze 2 miliony tych skurieli sie tu zadomawia ale nie mysla o tym jak zrobic zeby ludzie z UK wrocili.

>send us their qts rusbro
Ok, but do not cry after.

Tbh, have been living in Gdansk for a year now and met only two Ukrain shits. There is a place here with the best pirogi in Troj-Miasto, and they are from Ukraine.

because bikes used to be left unlocked and people walked alone at night without being afraid before these animals came.

>qts coming out the trains and hug you and give you kisses
Qts like this? Remember, most refugees are men.

Wrong picture

well this is us, sorry for that, we dont even hav pickpokets anymore, but those fucking bike theves are a plague here


>białe czarnuchy,
>ty nie możesz znalesc normalnej roboty ale ten karaluch będzie robił za 5.
Literally british arguments about poles in UK, lol. So funny.


fuck Ukrainians roll

Why is ukraine such a shithole?

How do you get custom flags?

I want Byzantine custom flag.

Kek be praised, spawn get

Here we go

>black, curly hair
>worth polluting your gene pool with

Roll. Can't be too bad.