Exclusive prostitute in the Ukraine costs $40

Exclusive prostitute in the Ukraine costs $40

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=greece sandwich prostitute&safe=off&tbm=nws



Make it 200-250 and you'll be approaching something realistic.

For the same price there would be many romanian women that will fuck even with black men that come here to experience some white meat...

This chart is bullshit, you can get a Romanian escort for 30$ in fucking Bucharest.

you fucking wot m8

I always knew that your country is a white shithole.

Why are Poortuguese hookers so cheap, compared to other Western European countries? Are they really THAT poor?

It's okay Romania, I still love you even if you try to troll me with 3/10 bait.

Since when did the Ligurian Sea move from Italy to Iceland?

Next time I'll do the "Srbe na vrbe" thing.

If this is a chart for average monthly salaries, then it is true for Turkey.

kek. you get a BJ for 80€ in Finland. a quick fuck for 100.

Thats very interesting...

I am not a virgin by the way. I have sex all the time

Mate hookers cost almost nothing here. Especially Eastern Europeans and Chavs who will take a dick just to pay for their daily food.

Man, no wonder Soros hires them for his demonstrations. That's a bargain.
Here they're about $100 (US) for the hour.

I'll go to China if I want to fuck an Asian hooker then.

Or you could just go to Auckland.

what's the 5k country?



U wot. Last I checked they're only 1/10 of that price.

wew, Ukraine literally lowest in yurop?

Holy shit 5k euros for some barely average slag
and 1k in my country.

I am glad the muslims ficki ficki these whores against their will

In this country, only the uneducated middle aged losers and old people still believe the Soros meme, but you're just a typical kiwi in the end...

Greek prostitute costs 2$

You are not even white so you cant be too picky

Now thats VERY interesting

Noice, even the whores in Europe are cheaper than here.

Fucking Macri

Its not just Soros but it is the same tribe

It's true though, all the orgs like Femen hire prostitutes and have them march in favor of refugees.

>risk getting aids for 100€
I could do so many other things with 100€ that's not wasting my money.

Tourism has become so much attractive.
It has it's ruins and nice beaches but you can see them while getting your dick sucked too.
Get like a big pile of sandwiches and have an orgy.

Monaco and Liechtenstein if my geography is right.

Idiots, the chart in OP isn't the proce of whores but the average income in Europe.

wtf I like greece now moving to greece next summer

huh? This doesnt seem right.

I'll visit Greece in the summer for sure and I'm broke as fuck.

Here it costs three chickens and a bucket of milk for a tumble in the hay with the parish hooker. Why don't we get to be on that map?

Lookiing at this map you cannot really take world seriously.I'm looking forward to a meteor destroying the mankind.

u can go in germany or sweden and have fiki for free. And even gain benefits for this

if its 2$ in Greece it must be 90 cent in Romania?

because is portugal

It's a hoax.The average prositute costs 30-60.The balkan ones cost 10-15.5 euros are maybe the average price of getting a blowjob from a crackhead or something similar.

i think these are prices for child prostitutes guys

How much is the average wage in Greece? Is it really 940€?

I bet he's Croatian

hrvatski from Carasova.

all of my 19 cousins are in germany already. I visit them regularly :) however germany doesn't consider turks refugee or immigrant. germany only wants arabs, afghans or blacks.

Pretty much yeah.The average salary for the unskilled and the youth is 500,though.

>you will never live in a country where you can buy whores for $40
feels bad

>arabs, afghans or blacks.
what is the difference?

It's not, it's 20euros half an hour

>Land of the free.
>Prostitution is illegal.

checked m8

btw how is russia doing?

ask it to german authorities. I think they believe arabs and blacks ficki ficki better than turks.

>has half the average wage
>but 10 times more expensive whores

Thanks for inviting niggers and cucks to fuck with our women and to impregnate them... You shouldn't reveal our cheap prices.


Why would you want a blowjob from a whore? Unless you're wearing a condom (which would feel weird) then it's fucking dangerous

We're overall doing fine. Could've been better, could've been worse.

how come most of the camgirls I see online are from romania? are they the smart ones?

>tfw Mountain niggers beat us by 44 goyros

REEEE We are supposed to be the least shit in that region.

It's actually NOT, cause too many news organizations covered it:
google.com/search?q=greece sandwich prostitute&safe=off&tbm=nws

>2500 fucking dollars for a hooker
How can a woman command that much money for a night of sex?

I heard one can get pussy in Greece for about 2€, cuz the situation at some places is so fucked up right now.
GreekAnons, is that true?

isent your island like mad pedophilia?

or was that just one jersey user shitposting?

>how is russia doing?
It depends on what you are interested in
in general as always: endless struggle

It's a fucking median monthly wage graph
I love this board but the autism here sometimes baffles me

Ukraine bride for the US loser sharts.
>be a total autistic complete American shart fatty blob
>go to Ukraine with a sack of potatoes
>get hot Ukrainian bride with university degree after the potato exchange

[YouTube] Love Me Official Trailer 1 (2014) - Mail-Order Bride Documentary HD (embed)
[YouTube] Internet Brides: From Ukraine With Love (embed)

They have more women anyway(2017 data):
>Current female population (54.0%)

Oh ok, I see

Only St Ouens but they're all inbred out there anyway. Well, more inbred than the rest of us.

See this:
Get Ukrainian wife + Greek holiday hookers on the budget.

dude do the math.

if its 2 dollar in Greece it should be 90 cent in Romania and 20 cent in Moldova

You can believe everything you like.Come to Greece,go into a brothel and demand your 2euro whore in front of the pimp.See what happens.
Some idiotic Germans tried to pull the same shit on greek taverns based on a similar hoax and the only thing they got was a quick trip to the hospital.


Te rog totusi sa-i lasi in pace. Ce naibi, doar un prieten avem si noi aici...

oh ok, i remember like 3 years ago on here this jersey user was shitposting hard about his loli bride

had timestamps and everything, was pretty fucked up

he was telling us it was legal there for a 12 year old, was he shitposting?

im not surprised by your shortcoming you indian shit

>should be
Greece has high unimplemented so many don't earn that wage, they earn 0 euros,and you're a moron!

>€3100 for a professional escort
Who made this list?

Shitposting. Age of Consent is 16.

They even have a higher standard of living then both Romania and Serbia, no wonder why they choose to leave Serbia but serbs don't miss them. Meanwhile Serbia miss Kosovo so bad despite the fact that Kosovo is poor as fuck. They are not our friends, even they are calling us gypsies when they have the occasion.

>Self reporting intensifies

>exclusive prostitute
you mean like a wife?

Russian whores will suck you off for 20 eur
Fuck you for like 40-60 for an hour

cool, thanks for the education

any other interesting fun facts about jersey to know?

Yea yea, the whole world is lying to the Greek that's living in denial!

dude why are you so ashamed of you 90 cent whores?

do you honestly think your whores earn 10 times more while the national average is half? lmao

can't wait to buy a romanian harem for 4 dollars

pic has nothing to do with prostitution

It's a median wage chart, not a hooker price chart.

I wish they were 90 cents you shitbrains faggot!
I'd welcome that!

proof is in your pants you mirco dicked gypsie

Feels good to be the only alpha male here that has never paid a bitch for her services.

>implying you can afford 90 cent whores

WTF this is the third time I got 0 dubz within 10 minutes

whut is kek trying to tell me?

>the whole world = a couple of fake news blogs
>gypsy """education"""

Weak ass troll.

go kill all zeros (untermensch)


Why are the British so poor?
>btfo by the Germans
>btfo by the French
>btfo by the Dutch
>btfo by the Irish
>btfo by Norway
>btfo by Denmark
>btfo by Iceland
>btfo by a non-country
literally the niggers of nort-western Europe

At least put some effort in your b8 Hans.

at least your whores earn 90 cents you just sit there shitpostng earning zero


Angry kid.

>fake news
Mirror,Washington post, Telegraph,The Times
You're a moron!
>inb4 hurr gypsy durrr