What's the general consensus on Switzerland?

What's the general consensus on Switzerland?

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They make good guns.

They make good chocolate

They make good bbc sluts.

One of the few decent countries on the continent.


chacalaaade. I like the way that their german sounds.


The best European country IMO.
It's Europe without all the problems of the EU.

Direct democracy kicks ass


Toppest-tier country.

Not bad, not good. They're okay in my opinion

>can't even do rectangles

loook, a unicorn.


Nice watches.

cough drops are somewhat based. not in eu, but they are a legal money laundering tool for corrupt rich fags. that balances out to make the boring, i wouldn't have posted if not for the sign.

They're a third world shithole.

>Shit country, nothing worth here. Full of foreigners, citzizen boring as fuck.


Pretty cool Swiss dude smoked some Muzzies in a mosque recently. Can't be that bad.

Really dangerous country, nothing of value here, people are starving and dying in the streets and we're really poor.
Germany or France are much better, you should settle there and especially not in Switzerland.

this dont move here it's so shit



Avoid at all cost.

Especially if you're a google, gypsy, muslim or looking for gibs.

Let's speak of the great Matriarchy of Sweden or the Caliphate of Germany instead, wonderful countries that I encourage the aforementioned people to settle in.

>general consensus
>pin number
>atm machine







Well the flags a big plus

I am currently in Russia
So glad I managed to escape that shithole
Would not recommend


this guy gets it. it is so shit here he had to move to a 60% white country
dämliche siech

Zurich is so beautiful ;_;

No it isn't, it's a shitty country. Do NOT go there, you fucking shitskin.

Yes I agree, Shitzerland is shit, nobody should be encouraged to go to such a horrible place.

I'm actually the Yugo, desu.

>trash everywhere
>sharia police
>incredibly high homicide rate
You should feel just like at home


We just had a major terror attack there. It's basically a daily occurrence around here just like in Iraq or Syria.

>Be American
>Calls Switzerland a horrible place

this and the media doesnt report it
we just had an explosion in our church

U got any Source about that user? Merci

but you live in russia tho.

this isn't news. whyyy?

whiter than you, guacamole.

I like how all the swissanons are banding together and trying to convince everyone they live in a shithole.

no source but everyone died except me

lel now I am waiting

Is it a ploy?

why you lying?

They have a good bobsled team that the Jamaicans look up to

(I'm helping you, retard)

You aren't white, monkey.

It's fucked up islamic third world country with sharia law.
Stay away, don't come, it's terrible. Thank you.



user, are you lying?

here is your (you), taco kebab.

I am almost believing.



pic-related is the view from my 1 room apartment with no toilet

why would i lie? i'm trying to save you by not coming here


>Be me
> Be french fag
>study in EPFL
>good money
>still live in France because Switzerland is shit
>thank you swiss fag for you free money (8500 chf/months)
>You mad ?

Nah we don't need more shit like u here

the funny thing is that this pic is real.

for real now. I understand why you say this, but you guys are catching up. soon America will lose the white card if you guys don't get smart.

I knew you would be mad.
Relax, I'm half swiss and I've made my service militaire.
Just trying to save enough money atm for a house near Nyon

We're already done for, Joao, there's too many legal immigrants that are already shitskins.

America is going to be Mexico 2.0 and there is nothing legally we can do to stop it, I'm afraid.

the only thing that pisses me off is that somehow you think you are cool for taking money for free.

Their mountain views is sweet and if I ever strike it rich I'll visit there a lot just to take pictures and look at them

For this I hope it never gets overrun by subhumans. It would be a real damn shame if it did.

Read my other post.
I was joking.
Truth is, many french are working in switzerland to have a better salary. They are called "Frontaliers" and nobody really likes them because they only work here and go home. They dont give a shit about switzerland history and culture.
My plan is to live there.

Good chocolate and good guns
Its like the EU but without any of the problems

It's an amazing country. A little bit expensive, but full of opportunities. I'm actually German at the moment, so that I can move in October 2017

separatism is the answer. I hope that hueland chose the same road as well, this shit has gone too far.

I just saw before posting. sorry for that, I'm just sick of opportunists.

>tfw switzerland gets taken over by foreigners and you are one of them
We all already the majority in cities and suburbs and soon we will also take over places like appenzell. German, french and italian will be replaced albian, serbian and türkish.

You'll still get fined for making noise after 10.

Say what you want Ueli, but remember that's only a matter of time until "eidgenosse" go extinct.

welp demographics say something else

Kanack pls


du huere neanderthaler schoofseckel, kei ahnig hesch verdammte wixxer.


Cyprus posts all the time, not that rare

I generally have a positive view on them.

Nigga pls. Now its an eidgenosse beating you shitskins, tomorrow it's going to be a perfectly assimilated serb or croatian. I don't think it's going your way.

You are afraid of it Ueli, admit it.

Mongo, I am an usländer too, but in comparison to you a good one. yeah there will be more and more foreigners, thats true, but the most are white countries like germany, italy, france and portugal. we only have to sort out the refugee problem.

>but the most are white countries like germany, italy, france and portugal


Nice try SIDF but my cousins live there.

But my friend, I am already part of the red bar. Never forget we make up half of it. You could say that this country already belongs to us.

Yeah and they're the reason it's so shit

just be a bro an keep switzerland white and muslimfree

the general consensus is that it's nothing relevant

most pol/tards don't actually want to mimic switzerland because it would conflict with their bullshit ideologies

wish you a more prosper 2017 swiss master race

Everytime one of those cheeses posts here they're more of a cunt than aussie posters

You are the reason Russia is shit.

thank you spain

You're right. If not for the Eidgenossen, it's gonna be us doing the skull bashing.

t. ethnic Croat / Swiss nationalist

Where are you from originally?

What are you waiting for? Come home white man.

> this country belongs to us
Is starting a civil war that will make you go back to your shithole part of your plan?

I'm not sure if being a client of a swiss bullion vault cuz I fear an UE invasion in the future to steal your gold, can you defend yourselves swissbro?

A civil war will not happen, as we will outnumber you by immigration and having more kids. That's a slow way to do it, but it's more stable and especially more subtle to take to conquer a country like this.

Don't worry Juan, even if our banking secrecy got fucked we still got most of everyones shekels.

But just in case we have what our defense minister once called "the best army in the world", to protect us.

Uh huh - and when "you" have the power, what will you change first? Install a kang? Change the official language to swahili? Whatever you do, once you displace the native Swiss and change the culture, this country will turn into another shithole devoid of anything valuable. "you" will fuck off the moment you'll have to work, the native population will increase again until equilibrium is reached.