I'm so mad right now

I'm so mad right now

>Comfy job
>Purchase a VPN because of privacy concerns
>Been using it for over a year
>Everything is great
>Suddenly lose my job because company downsizing
>Sucks but there's nothing I can do, decide to sign on to job seekers for a while and hope I get another job soon
>Get a phone call from DWP this morning
>Notify me that they have been unable to view my browsing history for the past year and it raised a red flag on my account
>Literally being threatened with sanctions unless I stop using a VPN asap

What the fuck lads, what do I do?

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Tell them you use a legal VPN and to fetch a warrant if they want to see your browser history

whats dwp?

Snoopers charter, no need for a warrant apparently.

Department for Work and Pensions

Is this satire or does the UK government really just casually view its citizens browsing history?

That's a fucking lie, I use a VPN and am on DLA/ESA. Not once have they bothered with that bullshit.

Stop your lying right now, some fuckers might actually get suckered in by it.

>uk centrelink

Why the fuck do they need to investigate your browsing history? Is this like a regular thing in england to have the boss keep track on browsing history?

I have a comfy job in Estonia too and spend most of my time on my job to shitpost on Sup Forums and watch redpilled videos. I have even watched porn on work PC and I regularly save pics from Sup Forums on work PC, but I have never been caught, since nobody gives a fuck what I do on work PC as long as I submit my work on time to my clients.

EU blocked it, so they can't do shit until brexit.

So this sounds like fiction.

Scary as fuck the Jews can try to make you show your browser history. Fuck em, I'll stay NEET.

Cheers m8s

Not satire sadly but for now its not being in effect.

Well, not that they didn't do it before, this is just legalising it so people cant complain.

is it even legal to force you to hand them your browsing history? I don't think so.

Honestly every time anglo opens his mouth about civic or human rights i just remember that they live in halfbacked 1984 for decades.
I think you should be ridiculed for being such a cockgobling serfs.

This is... a thing?

You're fucking with us, right?

It's becoming regular, employers are starting to ask you to list your social media accounts on application forms now. I don't use any but for some reason when you tell some people you don't use Facebook they look at you like you're crazy and I don't get it.

They didn't mention anything about handing over my history, just to stop using a VPN right away.

They didn't mention anything about handing over my history, just to stop using a VPN right away.

Please tell me you are joking faggot

I wish I was, but the snoopers charter went into power recently and dwp is one of the listed departments that can get your history from whatever ISP you're using.

Tfw we should have vote remain.

keep me out of it

>unable to view my browsing history
tell them you haven't been using the internet

if you aren't trolling, I recommend you ask on Sup Forums for help, or stackexchange and yahoo too.

Never heard a bigger crock of shit in all my life.

Hungarian here. I feel like there's no hope in here. All the people work with is ok with these things or they don't know about it. But even if they know they wouldn't care. There is no party which any different. And people just vote for the most polite Crooke.

>This will be normal around the world in a decade or so
The end of freedom very soon fellow prisoner

They can't legally force anything. But they don't have to pay out any money either If you want money to eat you have to become their bitch.

No they blocked the original proposals from about a year ago, not the current one. May becoming PM just allowed her to fast track the new one through before it even got to the EU court.

They cant stop you from half-using a vpn. Anyways you shouldnt watch youtube and shit and log in to it on the vpn line

>employers are starting to ask you to list your social media accounts on application forms now
I am aware that even in Estonia the employers do a background check on the internet, but actually asking for social media accounts on applications, that sends chills down my spine. What if you say redpilled stuff on social media but the employer is a libcuck? Oh gawd, I don't even want to think about how wrong this sounds.

>They didn't mention anything about handing over my history, just to stop using a VPN right away.
I think you should invent a good explanation why you need a VPN, or just outright tell them that it's your right and you harm nobody, but at the end of the day, it's most rational to just go underground, give up VPN and remain very cautious on your work PC.
Can't you use like tor, and use public browser to generate a list of some bullshit random web pages for the company to get their look, while you browse Sup Forums and redpilled stuff on Tor, or even VPN?

Duh, why do you think i have a facebook for work? sanitised and angelic looking with thoughtful posts time to time

The real one is all locked from public view, even friends can only see parts of it and its still full of lies.

Don't hate the game, its shit but you cant change it, exploit it instead.


Dude that law was rejected overturned by the ECJ as the UK gov appealed their loss in UK High Court.

Don't bullshit, they do not have warantless access to your browsing history just yet.

So what is the issue here exactly, you need to prove that you've been looking for a job? Or do they have a list of sites they don't approve of you visiting if you wish to eat the carrot?

>proposed by then Home Secretary Theresa May

just do some random browsing without the vpn lol

Nah! Why in the world would you need a 2nd Amendment right? The government will "take care of you".

>Don't bullshit, they do not have warantless access to your browsing history just yet.
Of course they do. All the GCHQ does is ask the NSA for it. Project Echelon and all that.

What the fuck y'all motherfuckers living in dystopia. Come to freedomland and help us clean the shit up, y'all fucked.

>be in "British is better than the US" thread
>see this cuckoldry


To get benefit you have to prove that you have been looking and applied for a certain amount of jobs per week. They moved most of the listings for jobs to their online website which is full of nothing, door-to-door sales and scams. They demand access to view the account and your activity so they know what you are doing. Not sure what the OP is on about, but the DWP are scum who only care about getting people off their books no matter who or the cost. They stopped a blindmans benefit a while back because he did not answer a letter he could not read. So would not surprise me.

OP just set facebook to autorefresh every 15 minutes without vpn

> meanwhile these very same people think Russia is a dictatorship

Every I get up and laugh at them, tchel'

He is trolling and there's been way too many bites ITT.

This is a fucking troll thread you idiot.

The most bizarre part is that they openly complain if they are unable to do so.

estonia bro, how far does isp tracking go? are they able to log more than just the IPs you are connected to?

It's sad enough in itself that it's actually plausible.


Don't know, I doubt they actively monitor shit since you can literally torrent and seed shit forever without anything happening

Coming from Russia, thats rich. You have the right to do only as Putin/Medvedev allow. Don't forget the lube :^)

Thank God for the bill of rights.

anyone here with good texts to enlighten me on this matter?

So they can also inspect https packets? That seems like a massive security flaw to me


about tracking and privacy. i want to know what's up.


Are you talking about computer at your job or at your home?

Does this work department want to look up your browser history ON YOUR PRIVATE HOME COMPUTER?

You have to be joking.

I have no idea what you're asking me

How would they know your browsing history if you share a Wifi with 6-7 other people in a shared house?

Implying it's any different here, politicians have been trying to pass this regardless of the bill of rights for the past 10 years. I honestly gave up caring about government spying about 4 years ago because it's already too late. They have everything on everybody, just look at the NSA, CIA, etc.

Have one browser used by a script, which doesn't have VPN go to sites like BBC, Labour.uk, cuckpornnation.org etc.

VPN one for actual usage.

he probably means if you have sauce on what privacy policy your internet service provider has, and can you use multiple IP's

I'm calling bullshit.

Oh, no idea about that.
I think you can pay extra for dynamic ip tho

This is a good idea, listen to this user OP

Load of bollocks! They're not even back at work from Christmas Hols yet. ?

not really. i would like to know how far our internet activity is being tracked by isps and companies. this shit seems fucking dystopian.

Don't forget to pay your Toilet License m8.

Almost had a disaster over New Year, had to use my credit card.

but what if they notice the patterns of a basic script loading sites in the same fashion every day and call op out on his logs being generated by a bot?

Limit your VPN use. browse some random shit without it, build up an irrelevant browsing history they can consult without violating your privacy.
Be smart about it.

Remember to pay for your license license, if you don't you could be in big trouble!

>EU blocked establishing a surveillance state
What distopian reality are we living in?

Just tell them you have extremely autistic browsing habits.

>american thinks hes free from government spying

you have less of an excuse for putting up with it because they're doing it illegally

Your ISP can potentially see everything you are doing if the websites you are browsing don't use encryption

If they are using HTTPS, then the ISP can only see the domains/IPs you are connecting to, but it would be much harder for them to monitor the actual contents of your traffic

However, most of the sites you use probably sell user data to government agencies and other third parties anyway, so you aren't safe anyway

get a second internet connection and just leave jewtube crap on a playlist all day, plus BBC on autorefresh

If they're doing it illegally he has a recourse when they try to punish him for using his 1st amendment right

If they're doing it legally then you have no avenue besides jail when they decide you're guilty of thoughtcrime

Don't forget your dating license, heterosexual penalty fees, girlfriend registration license, and cuckold opt-out fees

I don't use VPN, should I?

I don't watch CP, but I do shitpost on Sup Forums/youtube/twitter all day.

My browser history probably tells people i'm a porn addicted genocidal white supremacist lunatic

>be anglo
>use VPN
>cops ring you up
>"yeah look mate ya gonna hafta stop that VPN bollocks"
>refuse and hang up
>go make 4th pot of tea for the day
>cops ram down your door in the middle of your tea and knitting time
>what the bloody hell do these bellends want
>"alright you're unda arrest for obstruction of surveillance"
>but i didn't do nuffin
>"nah mate cmon you're going with us to the station"
>looking out window on the way to police station
>see pakis shitting up the city as usual
>see at least 3 and half beheadings while going around the roundabout
>lose track counting the rapes
>bloody hell mate i love the UK

Dude this exact same shit happened to me almost 7 months ago. I've used a VPN for my connection for years ever since kids starting ddosing me on runescape and private servers for bank. Anyway I was working at some shitty pub and they had to close because there was literally no one ever in there.

Went to the job center next day (rather leech of a country determined to destroy itself than my parents) with everything they said I needed, passport, national insurance number, proof of residence etc. Sat down with this fucking non english somalian stinking bitch, who was rude as hell. So I give her my stuf,f said I'm here to claim job seekers blah blah, 5 minutes later of just sitting there in silence whilst she types, she goes

>"Mr.user in order for you to complete your claim with DWP and be able to receive job seekers allowance you must comply with DWP rules which may include monitoring your online and banking services, do you agree to this?"

I was kinda confused and just assumed it was so they could see you weren't just spending it on Ladbrokes or something, so I just said yes and she made me sign this little contract. Anyway 10 more mins of sitting in silence it's all done and she says my application is pending, it will take 2-3 days to approve and 2 weeks for first payment. Ok cool thanks you stinky somalian bye.

2 days later I received a phone call just like you, guy spoke to me and confirmed my NI and address, then said that my DWP claim has been put on 'hold' because they are unable to view internet history from 2009-2015 and that I must provide all browsing and banking history from those periods. I was shocked, thought it was a fucking troll at first.

Never went back there again. Just know they definitely got lists lads.

OP use this: github.com/robhammond/snoopers-obfuscator

>Internet users in the UK should have the right to protection against intrusive government surveillance.

>This script aims to provide a little security to UK internet users by:

>Obscuring your actual browsing habits by adding a constant 'random surfer' to your home
>Place more burdens on the practicality of the legislation by filling up logs with useless information

>It does this constantly requests random websites from Quantcast's top websites list, or performs a random Google search, and then clicks on a random number of links from the websites it finds.

So since the government have only put this act into effect over the past few days, does that mean they can only store the internet history of 2017 so far?

This. But it's some good shitposting, I had a laugh from it.


Meanwhile in America, I'm browsing porn freely and exercising my right to own firearms.

Add some randomness to give plausible deniability - if your bot is connecting to stuff at regular intervals in a totally robotic way then of course it will be obvious that it was done by a script

what would you know about exercising?

Id be willing to bet that Sup Forums sells user data


>suddenly user has browser traffic
>it's purely him searching "kittens" 200 times a minute 24/7
This is the only acceptable response

You have to go back

>Why the fuck do they need to investigate your browsing history?

To see if you are a good goy of course.

And I thought my company was bad. Our HR works with an independent agency that basically searches the internet for information about potential candidates. I am fairly certain that agency uses shady shit, seeing that you get private social media information and other shit that you couldn't get by just looking at someones facebook page.

Doesn't help that the agency is from some eastern european country. I am just happy that I have absolutely no social media and that you won't find shit if you google me.

I've recently read The Sleeper Awakes by Wells and it looks like he predicted this trend a while ago. Has humiliation and stripping of basic rights been a part of UK welfare system for this long?

While this obviously never happened, it will in the future.
Thing is, if they try to see your history and nothing comes up because you use a VPN, well that's still your browser history. Not your problem that they can't see everything, they have the right to look but you're not under obligation to show them.
Fuck the DWP.

They want you to stop using a VPN so they can snoop on you? What the fuck is wrong with your country?

At least the blacks would never do this shit.

Fucking retarded.

you people will believe anything

lets be honest your blacks couldnt work out how to do it.
