Sup Forums forever btfo. the world would be a peaceful utopia if it wasn't for whiteys causing havoc. refute this.
Sup Forums forever btfo
>Racism is bad unless it is against Whitey!
Remind me again where is war in the world? Africa and middle-east. Who has a huge disproportionate crime rate in Western countries? Blacks and Muslims.
Niggers would be slaves/2nd class citizens for Asians then if there were no whites.
man I'm leftypol but this person is wrong.
Native americans fought each other.
African tribes fought each others.
The history of japan&china is filled with war.
>Majority white countries have been in a state of prolonged peace and prosperity for over 50 years
>Black and Arab nations have been hellholes with genocides, civil wars, dictatorships, terrorism and crime statstics that would make even the most denerate liberals eyes boggle
Well shit, here was me thinking Ghengis Khan was an Asian fella.
In an actual game of Cards Against Humanity, rounds with multiple white cards have the bottom most white card read first. So in a game, this would be read as "In the beginning, there was white people. And the lord said 'let there be world peace.'"
God forbid we have rules and enforce them when people break them. World peace is not world anarchy.
wow. just. wow. how can you be such a hateful racist bigot fascist shitlord to even suggest that blacks and arabs are violent?
>refute this.
Of course, since Africans don't have written history, it's impossible to know of their atrocities.
>refute this
Well for one thing, you wouldn't be a shit posting on the Internet right now of not for white people. There would be no wifi either
Blacks have a higher inclination to be violent than whites.
whites were the only ones created by god?
Why do people accept that animals have natural traits that make them act in certain ways but deny the possibility that blacks have naturally violent traits?
You know what is fucked?
When white people really do become a numerical minority, do you think niggers/hispanics/jews will apply all these liberal affirmative action and minority-friendly policies to white people?
Fuck no. They'll just reinvent the definition of racism again and we'll be expected to fall on our own swords. It is truly, undeniably, racism.
I yearn for the day that niggers come to the realisation that Jews aren't white.
Literally all of their problems that they falsely blame whites for can be attributed to the Jews.
Hahahahaha fucking subhumans, fight us with all your might and be destroyed in glorious combat!
At that point I would expect most other Whites that are not completely deluded to rise against the (((new majority))), and we all know that Europeans are the best at warfare, cleaning Europe and dealing with (((those))) who made the problem
Literally the only upside to seeing whites become a minority will be seeing all the liberals who expect the favor to be returned only to get spat on while the majority black/hispanic government openly legislates against them
well, he did create us humans after he created the animals
the shitskin wouldn't have internet, twitter and smartphone
The rope will not take you