What Is Western Culture Beside Gigantic Degeneracy?

I feel bad for you motherfuckers who don't have any other choice but to pick one of those cum-guzzling scums as the mother of your sons.
How does it feel to know that there's nothing really worth fighting for that left in declined Western culture?

Looks like we'll have to marry jews now

If you think there's nothing worth fighting for, go live in Africa, the Middle East, or most of Asia for a year.

There's a difference between western culture and (((western culture))) that Hollywood puts out.

it's the result of feminism and hedonism

you abandoned your god and followed your desires...

And thus you are easily manipulated by the jews...

No direction in life.

Those disgusting slags are definitely not worth fighting for. London is also lost, your last hope is to escape into the highlands and plot your revenge like Robert the Bruce did 700 years ago.

Somehow I'm very turned on by the trashy british sluts.

yeah, it makes sense

Don't make the same mistake we did


Paul Harvey, "if I was the devil" transcript, which can easily be found and the audio of too, very clearly outlines how you get a degenerate society. It was basically prophetic, it went down exactly as he described. I want to say it was from the late sixties. It took them just a couple generations to kill God and replace him with the state.

I hope it's not too late to turn back. I can overlook many things, but seeing the world burn so the PTB can forge a new one; that we cannot yield too, because we have needs and rights and they'll deny us both.

It's pretty simple. You go for a good girl that exhibits goals and familt values. If you get cheated on and you also browse this board, YOU ARE NOT REDPILLED. 90% of my peers getting cheated on, was apparent the whole goddamn time. Pick up stupid bimbos because of tits and ass, you get that and nothing else.

And the cases of the old guy that gets screwed the fuck over 30 years later, we're talking about a whole different generation lad.

It's judaism. Once we kill all the jews (there are only 15-17 million of them in this planet) degeneracy will disappear. Killing jews can literally be accomplished in a heartbeat

>invent nearly everything
>have a high GDP and polite/civil culture
>contribute to literiture
>write the most sceince papers in the world reletive to population
>invent EM drive
>go out on a weekend to cut lose after a week of hard work

Wish everyone would fuck off with this shit, we earned our degeneracy.

Judaism rules the ''West'' that's why.

Meanwhile in Britain

>britain has drinking culture for 1000's of years and has always been known to have places to cut loose like whore houses and opium dens in less reputable places

Yeah, wqe should take Kuwaits advice, because its certainly worked for them...

I was reading article on Daily Stormer about degeneracy in Britain it's really fucked up.Most British women are sluts and whores

How does it feel knowing you had your asses kicked by an infected wart that fell off and sailed West?

>How does it feel to know that there's nothing really worth fighting for that left in declined Western culture?
that is true modern western culture is for the most part garbage because leftism is

>It's judaism
if anything it's americanism
and even that is too easy

it is our responsibility to reflect why a culture that once was considerably greater has brought forth such a cancer

The West is the richest culture in the world. Wealth brings internal peace at the very least. Propserous people are more tolerant of those around them because they can afford to be.
Poor people are very very socially conservative because they cant afford some fuck up to live among them.
However the west has suffered a long recession and India and China are rising as competition.

We need to become more conservative and get serious again.

fall of christianity hasn't been replaced by rational fundamentalism like objectivism, but by relativism promoted by the left and most atheists, leading to hardcore nihilism

>you had your asses kicked by an infected wart that fell off and sailed West?

Not bad at all considering it was inevitable. You were already in America, we had to travel to fight. All in all it was a retarded war we would inevitably lose. But wasn't really fighting to retain control of America, more to extract resources out of it for as long as possible before it all collapsed.

>cum-guzzling scums as the mother of your sons

Imagine being a son of the cum guzzler and she brings strange guys home and expects you to be "supportive" because she is still "young" at 40 and needs to have fun

The degeneracy is jewish you fucking retard.
Know your history.

we will try to..

No there isnt. Most western women are whores by now.

A guy struggles to find a virgin female at the age of 18. Even worse she probably already did anal and blew a couple guys

>places to cut loose like whore houses

Yeah and whores were whores. They were not treated with respect and glorified.

Nowadays a whore is never shamed for her action and does it for free

Still I'd rather marry some degenerate than a fucking arab trashbag

>past generations men could marry an untouched qt3.14 virginfu
>this generations men have to pick from a pool of roasties with an n count of 30+ by age 30 (getting fucked in the club bathroom snd "experimenting" with black guys doesnt count".

Western Culture hasn't fully devolved into degeneracy. But it has become the fame whoring/ME culture.

It does not promote taking consideration for others, but the more "ME" focused society.

Even when people are upset it is because they themselves are wrongly included or excluded into a group.

You said all Jews were bad..but I'M a jew and I'M not bad.

You said all white men were racist..but I'M a white man and I'M not racist.

The merits of the individual are no longer being praised but rather their externalizes. I'm in the US and the only thing that I've heard about the Royal Family is "look how pretty/handsome, X is at Y event."

I've heard nothing about any of the charity or work that they have done. Yes I know that they are merely figureheads, but I know they have to do more than merely look attractive.

Western Culture has become a race to the bottom, rather than competition and grace to see who can come to the top and admire their skill and talent.

Stop justifying this degeneracy for the sake of 'western culture' There's literally worth fighting fo this scums. Did you know that the young men that the govt send to fight their fights in the middle east, their partners and wives cheat on them so often, its has become a phenomenon known as '' Don't ask '' in the military world. Women are very important part of the society, and when they astray, it effects the entire society as a whole. Fucking dickskin who can literally see things beyond what's sees on the screen.

Yeah but they're not aside from the scant few leftists website you choose to only look at. If you actually knew what people (usually other women) say about people like that, you'd have a different perception.

>be social reject autist
>trawl internet for most digusting images
>associate low probability features of everything
>start calling everyone an asshole

fuck off, toilet cleaner

Says the guy who gets into saunas naked with other family members.

>their partners and wives cheat on them so often

Our military is revewrred, you're litrally not allowed to criticise them and even pregnant women have to stand on the bus for military personnel (not that they'd ever make them do that). It doesn't happen anymore than it ever has. Do seriously think in "the good old days", when you had a low life expectancy, children died very often and your husband was likely to die in war women didn't sleep around to hedge their chances of actually reproducing?

stop using and igniting your cognitive dissonance to feel better about the fact shit is not going well. Fact is, these slags doesnt even work, they are parasite to the society and cucks like you rationalised that and allowed it to happen. Let's not kid here, the offspring that this women are going to raise won't be any good for the society at all.

this is not western culture, this is the fruits of (((their))) effort, we no longer celebrate our culture because it isnt cool, we no longer take pride in the accomplishments of our ancestors because thats racist, we dont follow our customs or traditions because were so progressive. Or at elast, thats what a lot of people seem to be going along with, if this is what you believe western culture to be then you are a part of the problem.

>western culture
Not that is anglo culture

What cognitive dissonance? If we want to have a good time we bloody well will.

>shit is not going well

Its going better than it ever has. Murder is being reduced, teenage pregnancy has nosedived (I don't think that's a good thing really though because we need more native British people), child molestation is now a more carefully scrutinized issue than it was in the past (saville ect), children are generally more and more educated, UKIP is polling at 14%, Brexit is happening... Aside from the bloody immigrants who trying to ruin all that, oh, and what a coincidence, the Tories, who imported record numbers in 2016, also banned:

Female orgasm porn
Face sitting
Whips used in porn
Any porn considered "humiliating".

So saying that there's some organized plot to make everyone degenerate when the fucking government is spying on people using porn and banning entire genres of it while importing third world retards who shun anything liberal and stone women for cheating is absurd and doesn't make sense.

>hese slags doesnt even work

britain has one of the highest employment rates among women in the world. Ironically, its in authoritarian cultures such as mudslime culture where women AREN'T allowed to work.

>rationalised that and allowed it to happen

Well yeah, because you're objectively wrong and don't make any sense. You're against immigration because muslims are violent, yet you want to copy them, you're lecturing me - a British national who experiences Britain every day based on some photos you found after googling "British people drunk" - on how degenerate Britain is even though day to day, we have one of the most socially rigid and forced-polite societies in the world.... what are you thinking?

>he offspring that this women are going to raise won't be any good for the society at all.

I'd agree if the stats didn't show they are. Look at muslim women, can you argue their offspring are any better?


We only got this far because of our austere, Protestant culture.

If you want to see what great works can be produced by this sort of degenerate, hedonist culture, look at Brazil.

There's no culture anymore, just different ways to reach Slaanesh faster

Story time Luka, Marko, Ivan, or whatever your name is.
> Met this qt super religious girl,
>bitch doesn't even watch or own tv cause its sin and spreading satan's deeds.
>Absolutely has a zero knowledge about pop culture
>Never heard of The Beatles, Micheal Jackson, to name a few
>Goes to church like 3 times a week
>Chior girl
>Thought to myself, bitch is weird
>Never even seen a movie.
>Deflowered her, and took her virginity
>Took her to movies
>Introduce her to music and pop culture
>Bitch got comfortable enough to share her past history
>said she a camfirl aka cam whore
>Me wtf '' but you are religious''
>Her but I'm not having sex, it's just online
>Alright, time to stay a camwhore and next her
>fast forward, 4 months later
>A hardcore shorthaired raging feminist
point is, all western women 95% are a massive sluts. Doesnt matter what fake persona they portray and show off.

Yeah and its still there basically. Are you seriously arguing this stuff didn't take place in 1800?

>great works can be produced by this sort of degenerate, hedonist culture, look at Brazil.

Brazils mistake was being taken over by Spaniards, who've never created a successful society in their lives. Chile has far more lax rules and its the best country in South America.

>Picking NYE as example


Mate, going sauna with other naked family members is just a cultural thing. Nothing sexual about it.

hmm the good old days, society wasn't living this degeneracy mayhem, there was principles and it was socially very frowned upon loose women. Women might have cheated on their men back then, but it was very rare, and they dont even dare to show any hints that they are cheating on their spouses. Now, they fucking do it openly and if that cucked man dare to confrot her disgusting unacceptable behaviour, he's gonna lose everything. aka divorce rape. Plus, back then women were dependent on men, now they are on govt. So yes, whoring was not that epidemic back then.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>wasn't living this degeneracy mayhem

BUT ITS NOT. You think everyone in Britain is running around drunk and showing their tits. In reality, day to day interaction is all about apologiezing for things you haven't done, saying thank you to absolutely everybody, keeping your mouth shut if you don't know someone, talking about football and banter. No-one has enough money to fucking go out every night. Its a once-a-month event for most ordinary working people. People don't cheat often now, there's no evidence they do it anymore than they used to, not least because you can actually break up with people freely now without bringing shame on yourself.

>if that cucked man dare to confrot her disgusting unacceptable behaviour, he's gonna lose everything. aka divorce rape

No they don't, fucking hell, in this country, the biggest problem men not paying child support. You do know you only have to pay ridiculous alimony if you agree to before hand, its not some thing that's enforced on you without consent.

>women were dependent on men, now they are on govt

Women have always been able to rely on the government. Its not like they were ever abandoned to die or women had trouble finding partners. True, throughout the 1800's the government would force you to work in a poorhouse for food if you had no money, but women have never just been left to rot.

And I'm not saying we don't problems now, we do and always will. But being reactionary isn't the answer. Neither is being progressive, both ideas are fucking stupid.

>What Is Western Culture

Not doing this shit

How about a real democracy instead of the illusion of democracy we have now.

We need to develop a biological weapon that infects all non whites to save the human race.

being polite has nothing to do with the actual fact of the existence of cultural degeneracy. Being polite is irrelevant in this case. When I said, degeneracy, I'm talking about the fact that the traditional unit family is a thing of past. People can openly engage degeneracy filthy culture like homosexuality, trannies, and every mental illness and claim to be respected and treated as a normal. That's filthy, dirty, and absolute degeneracy, and the fact that you are bragging being polite such a filthy highlights that the degeneracy i'm talking about is real. What do you think when the most powerful man on earth, Obama congratulates gay men who came out of the closet. a Man who's mentally ill and declared that he's a woman I'm talking about that Bruce dude. When our leaders praise that kind of sickness and said its a an act of heroism. Then we are fucked beyond repair.

You are also mistaken when I said ''western culture'' I'm not attacking brits as one, we are all in this fucked situation. We're all fucked, although the degree varies from place to place, nonetheless, we're going down hill.

We already have it, it's called AIDS.

Democracy is a farce

It is not working well enough.

Mate just look at this shit. As the Finn said, the traditional family unit is being destroyed. In the last few years, there have been over half as many divorces as marriages. Probably about a third of kids now are not being raised in traditional families. The family unit is the very basis of our society, and it will soon be meaningless.

I suggest you read Peter Hitchens' "The Abolition of Britain" to get a real sense of the decline of our culture since the 1960s.

>the traditional unit family is a thing of past

It isn't though. There's no stats that suggest it. Two partner couples are still the most common partnership.

>People can openly engage degeneracy filthy culture like homosexuality, trannies, and every mental illness and claim to be respected and treated as a normal

So degenerate now just means anything you disagree with.

>What do you think when the most powerful man on earth, Obama congratulates gay men who came out of the closet

Who gives a shit? The reason he does that is because he wants to be liked, which is the key to winning elections. Trump isn't against homosexuality either.

>I'm talking about that Bruce dude.

Well I agree, but you do know it all stems from pity. People feel *sorry* for them, that's why they're ulta-nice to them, its just like disabled people.

>Then we are fucked beyond repair.

You don't know what you're talking about. Again, there's problem and irrationality in society, but society and the workings of a nation are far bigger than one person. Your assessment that western civilization is "collapsing" when its the richest and most powerful its ever been is absurd. In fact, our biggest mistake is letting the arabs and africans keep their lands. They've proven authoritarianism does not work. Look at Russia, they're reactionary and yet they've got the highest incidences of drugs use, STDs and abortion in the world. They also have lots of trannies, trannies are not common in Europe. I've never even seen one.

>In a typical geography textbook of the 1950s, you can almost hear the waves crashing on to the cliffs: 'Ever since the days of Queen Elizabeth the sea has meant life to Britain. Her sea-captains led the way to the lands that make her Empire. Sea-ways bring out food and materials to our factories...In our greatest danger, the sea has protected us.' This book, by the way, also assumes a common knowledge of British culture that would leave a modern teenager staring blankly. It casually quotes Longfellow, Hardy, and Kipling, and refers to Tennyson's great 'Ballad of the Fleet' as if 'every schoolboy knew' these now neglected verses.

We allow it because we have capitalism. You just exploit their ways and use them as slaves to make you money.

>not wanting shart on a tart

and it spreads to whites

Did you ever consider that the reasons aren't because the Jews and (for some reason) the Tories are conspiring to destroy the West, or that its because society is collapsing, its simply because divorce is now allowed and because people travel more and have bigger and more complicated social lives? Marraige is falling but two-partner households are still the most common.

I don't even intend to get marriad, do you really think I want to tied down like that? My friend got married, haven't seen him in three years because his bitch wife thinks I'm a bad influence and that he'll cheat on her. Is that "fun and proper"? I'd rather die than be told what to do by a women desu.

religion is a joke

Also, I'm not reading Peter Hitchens, every argument he makes is painfully obvious just to be back-up for his christian worldview.

Abolition of Britain is fantastic, every European should read it. They might not get the cultural impact of a Brit reading it, but I bet they'll also be able to see comparisons in their own countries.

I can't tell if you're trolling, but this post was the biggest load of degenerate tripe I've read all week.

Thank you for proving me right by being part of the problem.

His Christianity grew out of his conservatism, not the other way around.

>but this post was the biggest load of degenerate tripe I've read all week.

And your posts are obviosuly just retarded self-pity. "Things are different now, the world is ending because everyone won't do what I tell them too!". Its just insanity.

>His Christianity grew out of his conservatism, not the other way around.

Mate, I've been a right winger all my life. Ever since being a child. Hitchens is a depressed mentally ill former communist. He doesn't know anything and is obviosuly vulnerable to ideological brainwashing.

>its simply because divorce is now allowed
And why is that?
Who made it socially acceptable?
Who glorified it?
Who glorified libertinism?
How fucking new are you?

What is wrong with going to sauna with your wife and children? Honestly this is natural thing to do.

>Things are different now

Actually things are very similar to every other declining culture. Try reading a book that doesn't confirm your bias for once.

> I've been a right winger all my life.
"Rampant sexual promiscuity, drug addiction and binging (alcohol is a drug), countless divorces and single mothers, eroding of centuries of moral certainty, loss of religion, shrinking communities, and killing unborn babies is not a sign of a declining culture, but is in fact perfectly fine."
t. life-long right winger

We call it crack cocaine

Unfortunately that doesn't adversely affect their reproductive organs, so it only exacerbates the situation we find ourselves in.

>And why is that?
>Who made it socially acceptable?
>Who glorified it?
>Who glorified libertinism?

The French? I mean, how fucking dumb can you be. What is the only difference between us and the third world? The difference Japan and China? LIBERTY. Our countries are literally fucking founded on it and where we draw our power from. You're suggesting we go back to what didn't work just because you don't like it. That we become Muslims because your wife is allowed to divorce you.

>every other declining culture.

LIKE WHAT. Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa? Your solution to your percieved non-existant threat of us becoming a third country is to ACT like a fucking third country. The biggest danger, in fact, the absosulte nail in the coffin of the west is our refusal to appropriate resources and land from the third world and our importation of them.

>"Rampant sexual promiscuity, drug addiction and binging (alcohol is a drug), countless divorces and single mothers, eroding of centuries of moral certainty, loss of religion, shrinking communities, and killing unborn babies is not a sign of a declining culture, but is in fact perfectly fine."

OK, just make up my opinion for me. I don't approve of abortion or drug use outside of tobacco and alcohol. Loss of religion is inevitable because ITS NOT TRUE.

>eroding of centuries of moral certainty,

What the fuick are you talking about? The last 300 years has been the most stable Britain has ever had. 0AD-1500AD were some of the most turbulent times in British history.

If, as americans, we were to start killing non-whites at the same rate that muslims are killing muslims? How long would it be before America would be an Aryan nation?

We lace all KFC chicken and water melons with sterilization chemicals.

>What is the only difference between us and the third world? The difference Japan and China? LIBERTY.

No. Western culture is defined by a combination of Greco-Roman culture and Christianity. Liberty is a part of that, but liberty becomes license unless it is kept in check by Christian temperance and virtue.

>LIKE WHAT. Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa?

Britain at the height of its empire.

>Loss of religion is inevitable because ITS NOT TRUE.

That is irrelevant when it comes to culture. 2+2=4 is totally true, but if you have a strong religion that claims 2+2=5, then they will subjugate the other culture, and give their lives in countless numbers to do it. No one will die for the factual certainty of 2+2=4, even though it is true and the other is not. Are you going to march into battle for "65 Million years ago an asteroid struck the earth"?

>The last 300 years has been the most stable Britain has ever had.
Stability and moral certainty are not the same thing. The Arab world has been at war with itself (and others, but that's not the point of what I'm saying) since time began but they have moral certainty even if they don't have stability. In fact an argument could be made that you can't have both.

>The French?
Exactly! The (((French))) did it.
Read some history.

I made this picture to celebrate Sup Forums's official acceptance of yellow-fever.

>You're suggesting we go back to what didn't work just because you don't like it
>what didn't work
what the fuck are you on acids? How didn't it work? And what does work so well today that we should continue heading toward destruction?

>Britain at the height of its empire.

Britain at the height of its empire still had a lot of poor British people. We've alleviated absolute poverty in Britain, we're that powerful now the biggest problem among the poor is being fat.

And we didn't give the empire up because or military power decrease, we gave it up because of le nazi meme.

>That is irrelevant when it comes to culture

But its not. People won't believe 2+2=5, and they won't believe in the specific christian God when there's no evidence for it. Most people still believe in some kind of God and generally believe its the christian God anyway. The fact that you're suggesting we tell people the equivalent of "2+2=5" is silly. Also, Christianity is alive and kicking. I'd argue secular humanism is a direct descendant of protestantism, in fact, Stirner pointed that out 200 years ago. Why do you thik they're so obsessed with charity? Why do you think they basically believe all but the most extreme lessons of the Bible are accepted? Why do you think pacifism is so common among atheists? Because of bloody Jesus.

> No one will die for the factual certainty of 2+2=4, even though it is true and the other is not. Are you going to march into battle for "65 Million years ago an asteroid struck the earth"?

No, but I'd go into battle with "you family will die and you'll be enslaved if x wins". Not too mention that if a world war ever does happen, we're all fucked anyway because of nukes.

>they have moral certainty

They don't though. Behaviour policing in the middle east is inconsistant as fuck. Powerful people in the ME rape children and cheat on their wives all the time. The thing about investing power into one ideal or person, is that authority is very good at getting away with things and hiding their crimes. Muslims put on the facade of moral consistancy, its anything but, same with Africa. "I'm christian but oh I'm going to burn a village down and mutilate children!"

>How didn't it work?

Because despite what you think, true degeneracy was even rampant back then. Look at Savilla, Mira Hindley, all of this went on but was brushed under the carpet. Britain is improving in almost all metrics. Now, I do believe in culture and tradition in cases where it was healthy, the Japanese are a fine example of a secular nation that blends past with present. Japan is the model nation, but you'll notice, no third world immigrants.

Asian women would do the same if they had the freedom.
They don't, because it is taken by them by asian men.
Asian men.
Let that sink in.
They're cucked by asian men.
Cucked by the most cucked limp wristed shrimp dicked species of men walking this earth.
Asian women are the cuckest.

>Look at Savilla, Mira Hindley, all of this went on but was brushed under the carpet.
Oh wait you're talking exclusively about britain? I thought we were on a world wide scale there.

Everywhere. Ironically aside from the ME, which was pretty liberal during the 50's and 60's.

Western culture? U wanna have a gander at my fucking city dude? It's a medieval city built next to a river, we have 3 massive churces. I'm not the religious type but we've plenty of damn culture.

It's bizarre when you realize it's a good thing most men are blue-pilled as fuck. Without it, the white race would be dead within 60 years.

>engaged to a virgin-when-we-met blonde/blue german girl
>both disgusted at the sights whenever we're in the city centre on a weekend night

I live in Aberdeen and it's grotesque. Worst part is the taxi rank is across from the city centre McDonalds. The degeneracy is sickening outside these cesspits.

Have faith in God, no mattet how bad things get. You have to fight for truth, honor and justice, even if our generation must go through hardships it's bigger than YOU.

>tfw this was your childhood

its all good.. my fiance is a good girl with old school values.. she she also supported trump (got in a argument with my mother over it and would have voted for him if we were american.

auburn hair
blue eyes
C cups
120ish lb
doesn't watch kardashians.
doesnt listen to degenerate music
doesn't watch reality tv
doesn't read glam chick mags
doesn't give a fuck about gays and other religious groups and is prob less tolerant than me.
rips on hillary
has no gay friends
has only 1 slut friend (rest are proper.)
has no non white friends.

good girls are still out there pol.. you faggots just cant find them.

>I'm a horrible degenerate who can only attract other horrible degenerates.

What's your point?

can agree, found a conservative-traditional girl in med school who doesnt waste time with bullshit

life feels good again, going to marry her one day and start a big beautiful family

A yenta might not directly get you rich, but she'll help you gather and save money.
It would also help you get along with jews, so you might get rich.