>Punishments for criminals
Should we use severe painful punishments for those found guilty of most crimes? Rape/pedophilia/murder etc. what's Sup Forumss stance on this?
Should we bring back a more authoritarian death penalty for severe crimes
>Punishments for criminals
Should we use severe painful punishments for those found guilty of most crimes? Rape/pedophilia/murder etc. what's Sup Forumss stance on this?
Should we bring back a more authoritarian death penalty for severe crimes
Rape should be legal.
This. Just because I've a rape fetish I'm not a monster.
Let me guess, we should rape in self defense
Women should be enslaved, rape and pedophilia should not be considered crimes. The way murder is currently dealt with is fine.
I think if you're going to impose the death penalty, it should be for petty nigger-tier shit; tagging and vandalism and shoplifting. The seriousness of the crime shouldn't have anything to do with getting the death penalty, the death penalty should be reserved for stupid crimes that no one with any level of respectability would even be tempted to commit.
Thread derailed, You got me Sup Forums. Great bait
of course there is false sentencing. if we develop a method of confirming guilt that doesn't consist of retarded juries or individual professionals who can be politicized in their judgement, then hell yes.
We should bring back the rake for rapists like you.
Day of the rake soon
t. Muhammad Al-Khamri
>trusting a justice system to get it right when it boils down to how good of a lawyer you have
nope. being housed in a prison where nobody has to worry about violence is the ideal situation
Please be my ai gf
>We punish criminals by feeding, housing, and even educating them on taxpayer money
>Ideal system.
I'm old enough to remember before that was the system. The new system is crap. You are crap.
You can't have the death penalty without an infallible justice system. The risk of the death of innocent people is too high. Even without that, I don't like the idea of the state deciding if I should be alive or not. What happens if something I do now is suddenly made illegal?
What should we do with prisoners?
Here only the woman is punished
If you only had women worth raping
True, it's mainly foreigners that get raped tho
>a leaf
Fucking your daughter should be legal, she's got half your genes, it's like half masturbation.
Yes. It is the only way scum will learn.